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Sora left the coach's office deep in thought. She had a lot of conflicting thoughts going on inside her. She walked back towards the court and ran into Midorima, Kise and Kuroko coming out of practice. Sora looked at Kise who deftly snatched Midorima's basketball from him just to annoy him and shuddered. She had to admit that at this point she doubted how to proceed. The trio noticed her and stopped to greet her.

"Evening, Himeji-san."

"Evening..." said Sora listlessly.

"Eh, Soracchi you okay? You look horrible," said Kise.

"Himeji-san, why are you staring at Kise-kun?" inquired Kuroko. Sora startled. "Sorry, I wasn't aware that I was doing that. I just..."

"Leo is fourth today, nanodayo. I don't see what could happen..." began Midorima confused.

"Midorimacchi... Are you even for real?" said Kise.

"Kise-kun! Can I talk to you?" said Sora suddenly.

"Sure..." said Kise scratching his head. "Thank you..." said Sora gesturing for him to walk with her. Kuroko and Midorima bade them farewell and went their way. Sora headed for the exit and Kise followed her in silence. Now that she was with him, Sora struggled not knowing how to put forth her question. "Umm... Sorry for calling you out, but I needed your advice. Badly... It's just that I don't know how to start..." Kise watched her struggle before finally interrupting her in a brotherly tone. "It's fine you know. I know what all your troubles are about..."

"Eh?" said Sora, hope colouring her voice.

"All guys are like that. They actually enjoy fighting... I don't even have to tell you about him. It might be all the more hard with that guy. Especially since you're with a yandere..."

"Excuse me..." cut in Sora. "Kise-kun, I have no idea what you're talking about."

Kise scrunched up his brow. "You probably had some small fight with Akashicchi and you've come to me now for advice. I am known as the 'love-doc' after all. Don't worry, Soracchi it's just a phase..."

"Kise-kun!" interrupted Sora indignantly.


"You're not even close."

"Oh," said Kise looking a bit deflated. "I should have known. What is it then?"

"You used to change clubs a lot, right?"

"Yeah? So?"

"And then you joined basketball."


"Quit chorusing! It's annoying."


Sora took a deep breath. "And basketball did stick, didn't it? Tell me, Kise-kun, how did you know? What aren't you changing anymore... How did you know that this was it? That you were done shifting. Did you know from the start?"

Kise sat down on an adjacent bench. "Now that you mention it, it's been quite a while since I changed clubs. Dunno... Even basketball seems to be losing its flavour nowadays. You just caught me on one of the odd days I come. It's not like I'm sincere or anything... Perhaps a new environment would do me good."

"Don't quit!" exclaimed Sora immediately. "God, what have I done..."

"Relax," assured Kise. "I do know this though. Even I were to walk into the staffroom and emerge with an application, I know it's going to end up in the bin. Or I could make a paper rocket to aim at the queen of beauty..."

Teiko's basketball III: Three's a charmWhere stories live. Discover now