Season 2 : Everything back to normal

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Cayena awoke with a dull throb in her temples. The remnants of her long dream faded as consciousness took hold. She blinked open weary eyes, taking in her surroundings.

She was back in her bedroom, safe and whole once more. But something was different - she could sense another presence near. Turning her head, she was startled to find Lucas sitting beside her bed.

His expression remained as calm as ever, but Cayena thought she detected a flickering in his intense gaze that betrayed his calm facade. There lurked an underlying worry in those crimson eyes, though he'd never admit to such weakness aloud.

"Lucas?" Her voice came out hoarse, parched.

He pushed a glass of water into her hands without a word. She drank gratefully, the cool liquid easing her dry throat and aching head. As she lowered the empty glass, Lucas finally spoke.

"You were restless. Muttering and thrashing in your sleep. I..." He paused, collecting his thoughts. "What were you thinking.. princess?? "

His stilted explanation told her all she needed to know about how nobles were taking anastacius side and planning revolution - he had kept a vigil at her bedside, concern for her wellbeing disguised as logical caution. She offered him a small, tired smile.

"Thank you, Lucas. For watching over me."

As Cayena swung her legs over the side of the bed, a wave of dizziness washed over her. The room spun violently and she clutched her head with a groan.

Strong hands suddenly gripped her arms, steadying her swaying form. She blinked up through blurred vision to find Lucas had moved swiftly to catch her. For a moment they stood frozen, Cayena leaning limply against his solid chest as his rough palms burned brands into her skin even through the fabric of her shirt.  

His crimson red eyes gleamed down at her, a hint of amusement playing at the corners of his lips. "Careful now. Wouldn't want you cracking that stubborn head of yours open after all our work keeping it intact."

Cayena scowled, finding her balance slowly returning as her pulse calmed in Lucas's grasp. "Must you always make light of everything, magician? I'd think after your little vigil, you'd show more concern for my wellbeing."

His smirk only widened at her ire. "And deprive myself of the pleasure of tormenting you, little princess? Never."

Gaining confidence in her steps, Cayena pushed off Lucas with a huff. His hands lingered a moment before dropping away. She turned to face him with arms crossed, hoping he couldn't see the flush rising in her cheeks from their close call.

"One day I'll find a way to wipe that smug look off your infuriating face, Lucas."

His rich chuckle followed her as she strode unsteadily from the room, shaking her head even as the ghost of his touch still burned.


---- Cayena took a deep breath as she stood before the towering doors leading to her father's chambers. Lucas glanced over, his keen eyes noticing her white-knuckled grip.

"Nervous, little princess?" he rumbled softly. "You look as if facing a rabid hive of Scorpius."

Cayena shot him a watery glare. "Must you always mock me so?"

Lucas's lips twitched in a hint of a smirk. "It's what I do best, besides protecting you of course." His words held an undercurrent of reassurance.

Summoning her courage, Cayena pushed the doors open and stumbled forward blindly. Warm, familiar arms caught her, and she slowly looked up into her father's smiling face.

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