First Encounter

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Both men were tall, pale, had a lot of black hair, and wore edgy clothing.

"Hey," yelled one of them as I caught up with Kaycee. I noticed now that his hair was styled into a mullet, and he had a few piercings on his face.

Kaycee laughed drunkenly and flirtatiously. "Hey...who are you?"

"I'm Jake, and this is my friend Johnnie."

"Nice to meet you Johnnie," Kaycee purred while looking at Jake.

"No, I'm Jake," said Jake with a slight laugh in his voice.

"She's drunk," I clarified, grabbing Kaycee's hand and standing close to her, as if I thought she was gonna blow away in the wind or something.

"We saw you guys at the concert," said Johnnie.

"Yeah," Kaycee said, probably assuming we'd met the guys at the concert and thinking she'd forgotten who they were with her drunkenness.

But I knew we hadn't met those guys that night. We hadn't spoken to any guys apart from the one who was with the group of girls on the train, and he was the nerdy type, nothing like these two. "Really?" I asked. "We didn't see you."

"That's why we followed you here," said Jake, taking a step closer.

"You could've just said hi to us," I said, taking a step back. As I did so, Kaycee shook her hand from mine irritated.

"Where's the other girl you were with?" asked Johnnie, his black-outlined eyes floating towards the taxi which was still parked further away.

I turned my head and looked towards it to see the text driver glaring threateningly out of the window. Peppa seemed as if she was hiding, as I could only see the side of her face, her small nose and delicate chin; she was pressing herself against the back of the seat.

I turned back to face the men again, feeling uneasy with my back turned to them. "...We're not, um—" I said, thinking of an excuse. "She went home."

"She did?" asked Johnnie sceptically, a slight smile on his face. He could definitely see her hiding in the car.


"Then who's that?" asked Johnnie, smirking and still looking at the taxi.

"Who's who?" asked Kaycee dumbly, zoning back into the conversation. She followed Johnnie's gaze. "That's PeppaaAaaAAa," she said in a slurred way, turning around and stumbling towards the taxi. "Come on, Peppa, they don't bite! They're just boyyYyyYys, don't be scared!"

"Don't lie to us," said Johnnie sadistically, placing his pale hand on my bare arm, sending goosebumps to rise along it. I moved it away, and his hand fell to his side.

"Be more like your friend, the blonde one; as she said, don't be scared," said Jake with a menacing smile.

"Right, because why wouldn't I be scared of two random guys stalking us back to our hotel after spying on us during a concert?"

"So you really are scared, huh?" said Johnnie with a smile, as if he found it funny.

I looked away from his eyes, to the side. "...No," I lied, too proud.

"Come home with us, then. You won't need to book a hotel," said Jake.

"Just because I'm not scared of you, it doesn't mean I want to go to your house. And we've already paid for our hotel room."

"We'll pay you back," said Jake.

"We're not hookers!" I exclaimed.

"If we wanted to treat you like hookers, don't you think we would've asked to join you in the hotel room?" asked Johnnie.

"Maybe you're just kidnappers, then," I said. "Even worse."

"Here she issSsuh!" yelled Kaycee's voice from behind us. I turned around to see that she'd managed to drag Peppa out of the car.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Jake."

"I'm Johnnie."

"You're a cutie," Jake said to Peppa.

Kaycee had her arm around Peppa's shoulders, and she shook her. "See, Peppa, boys do like you!"

"So, it's Peppa?" said Johnnie.

I sighed. Kaycee should not be giving our names away right now.

"So, what'd ya say, our place?" Jake asked Kaycee.

"If you insist," said Kaycee with vocal fry in her voice.

"No, Kace—" I said, grabbing her elbow.

"Get off me, bitch. Just because you can't bag men, doesn't mean you need to try to stop me."

Kaycee sometimes got nasty when she was drunk. People say drunken words are sober thoughts, so I often wondered if she was always that nasty in her head.

"Good girl," said Jake, confidently throwing his arm around her shoulder and leading her into the backseat of his car.

"Kace," I said, but then I realised she wasn't going to listen to me. "Leave her alone!" I yelled.

"Look, are you coming or not?" asked Johnnie.

"No! Leave her the fuck alone! She's not in her right mind!"

"We're not gonna have sex with her, okay? That's not what this is about," said Johnnie.

"Then what is it about?!"

"We're YouTubers. We make content online."

YouTubers? "What type of content?" I demanded. "Are you gonna kill her on camera, you sicko?"

"No!" Johnnie yelled. "We think you three would be a good addition to the channel."

"But...we don't want to be YouTubers!" I said. Well, I thought Kaycee would jump at the chance if she knew, anyway, but I wasn't gonna let him know that. "I'm sure there are millions of girls who'd love to be on YouTube...why don't you just choose them?"

"It doesn't matter, I'll explain it to you once we're there. Now, come on," said Johnnie.

I glanced at the car. Jake was waiting behind the wheel, and Kaycee was slumped over in the front passenger seat, leaning against the door, her cheek squished against the window.

"No," I said, but then I realised Johnnie wasn't even looking at me anymore. He was looking at Peppa, who had her cellphone against her ear.

Johnnie instantly snatched it from her and hung up, but with that, she started on her plan B, and tried to sprint past Johnnie towards the hotel. As she did so, he caught her, grabbing her by the waist, and as she struggled, holding her down on the floor. "And I thought you were gonna be the trouble," he said, looking up at me as he held her down effortlessly.

In that moment, I took the opportunity to do what Peppa couldn't do. I started to run in the direction of the hotel, while attempting to reach for my cellphone in my pocket at the same time. I thought I was getting away with it, until the sound of gunshots reverberated around the nearly empty parking lot.

I froze. I was halfway from the car to the hotel, but I wasn't going to take another step. I surrendered my hands up either side of me, and turned around slowly to face Johnnie and Jake.

The taxi sped out of the parking lot. Johnnie had one hand holding Peppa down, and the other pointing a gun at me. Jake had opened the driver side door, was leaning out of the car, and was also pointing his.

Kidnapped By Johnnie and JakeWhere stories live. Discover now