Toilet Trouble

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Peppa shook her head silently. "I can't do this."

"Ugh, it stinks of shit out here," said Kaycee.

"Hurry up, don't make this road trip last longer than it needs to," said Johnnie.

I sighed. "Can you just turn around for one second?" I asked Johnnie. "As you said, you have a gun, so trying to run away would be a dumb move."

"I'm not turning away," said Johnnie.

"Then we're gonna be here a long time," I said.

Then I heard the sound of liquid, so I looked down and saw Kaycee squatting on the floor, and her pee running into a little stream on the dry mud.

Johnnie crossed his arms. I could tell he was thinking, 'If she can do it, you can.'

A tear fell down Peppa's cheek as she stood there awkwardly.

"Can you guys hurry up, it's actually kinda cold out here?" said Kaycee, pulling up her thong and jeans, and then rubbing her arms to create warmth.

"Fine," said Johnnie, taking his shirt off and handing it to me. "Cover yourself with this."

"Thank you," I said, and I squatted down and peed. It was still super awkward, though. I didn't know where to look while I peed audibly, so I just stared at the ground, and wondered what Johnnie was thinking at that moment.

"Do you have any tissue?" I asked. "Or are you only used to supervising other men pee?"

"This isn't a five star hotel, bitch," said Johnnie.

"Since when is toilet paper reserved for five star hotels?"

"Since now, so you better get used to it."

I rolled my eyes, pulled my jeans up, stood, and tried to pass the shirt to Peppa, but she didn't take it. "What?" I asked.

"I need a shit," she whispered.

I sighed at Johnnie. "Johnnie, can you just turn away for a minute? We're not gonna run away," I said, annoyed.

"No, either just shit now or we're going back to the car."

"Let's go back to the car," Peppa said to me, as if she was using me as a medium because she was too shy to speak to Johnnie.

"She wants to go back to the car, let's just go," I said to Johnnie.

Johnnie slipped his gun out of his pocket as he walked us back to the car. Jake was standing outside by the front passenger door. "Wanna swap over?" he asked Johnnie.

"Sure," said Johnnie, and he took the driver seat.

"I'm the safer driver, but my eyes are hurting, I can't focus anymore," Jake informed us once we were in the car. "Johnnie only passed his test recently."

"What if people start chasing us again?" I asked.

"People chased us?" Kaycee exclaimed.

"Oh, Johnny's fast enough," Jake answered me.

"But he might crash!" I said.

"Yep," Jake said casually, "but if I carry on driving, I might crash at this point, too."


After a long time of driving, which felt even longer than what it was because Johnnie and Jake had given us nothing to occupy ourselves with, along with a few people beeping at Johnny as he sped carelessly throughout traffic, a lot of music which had been playing, and a lot of chatting between Jake and Kaycee, we arrived at a service station.

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