Shoot By

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Later on, after a long day of doing absolutely nothing but sitting there in fear, it grew dark again. Almost the whole time, I'd had Kaycee yapping beside me to Jake, who would sometimes become interested in what she was talking about, and lean behind his seat to reply, but would, for the most part, ignore her just like I did.

Kaycee, Peppa and I sat up in our seats when Johnnie began pulling into a parking lot outside the building, and the sign in front of it flashed 'motel' in neon lights.

Peppa and I looked at each other, both thinking the same thing, which was: what is going to go down here?

Johnnie and Jake both exited the car, and did the 'gun trick" again, where they'd put their arms around us and secretly have a gun pointed underneath our coats. Johnnie was with me, and Jake was with Kaycee and Peppa.

The motel was a dark building, surrounded by trees on the side of the freeway. When we entered the lobby, it was deserted. No one was around, so Jake slowly walked around the front desk booth, opened an unlocked cabinet, and selected two keys from it.

"You're gonna get into trouble," Peppa whined.

Johnnie rolled his eyes and began leading us towards the rooms of the numbers he'd chosen.

When we arrived at one door, he handed the key to Jake, and he took Kaycee and Peppa inside.

I was left with Johnnie in this dark and damp-smelling hallway. He grabbed my so tightly that his fingers made marks on the skin. Soon, we entered a room.

It was like how I'd expect: dim, one lamp for the whole room, brown duvet covers as not to show the dirt, a stained carpet, a small connected bathroom, and one double bed.

Johnnie strode into the room and began searching the cupboards, finding a bottle of beer at the back of one. He turned to me. "Are you just gonna stand there all night?

I slowly and silently began walking towards the bed, and awkwardly sat against the headboard with my knees pulled to my chest.

"Relax," he said. "I'm not going to rape you."

I wasn't only afraid of that, though. Johnnie had weapons, and he had people after him. I felt completely unsafe in every way.

He cracked the beer open, took his shirt off, and joined me on the bed.

It was silent for a while as he drank, but then I softly said, "Why am I here?"

Johnnie looked at me. Even though I was quite near the edge of the bed, we were near each other. As he stared at me with his dark-lined eyes, my heart began racing. "Because I chose you," he said deeply.

There was a pause.

"But why?"

"I don't know why."

We looked at each other for a few seconds, but then he looked away and took a swig of his drink.

"Go to sleep soon," he said. "We're going to be leaving early in the morning so we can get to LA as soon as possible."

I did as I was told and pulled the duvet over myself, putting my head on the pillow, facing away from Johnnie. I didn't know why, but I now almost felt...comforted? He didn't feel as scary as before.

I still couldn't get to sleep easily, though. I wanted to toss and turn, but I didn't want to face Johnnie, as that would be a little awkward. My mind was racing, even more so now that I was laying down at night in the silence, trying to make it go blank.

I'd heard Johnnie typing on his phone, so I knew he'd been awake and busy, but after an hour or so, I heard him get under the sheets as well. I froze in fear as I felt his warm, bare arm fall across me.


The next morning, Johnnie was already awake by the time I was.

"Hurry," he demanded.

To be honest, I didn't even need to hurry. There was nothing for me to do: I didn't have a chance of clothes, I didn't have a toothbrush, I didn't have makeup or a hairbrush. All I needed to do was go to the toilet.

Luckily, I was past the stage of caring about Johnnie hearing me, since I had to go in front of him last time. I looked over at the shower while I was peeing. I'd love to use it, but 1. I'd probably take too long, 2. I had nothing to wash with asides from the hand soap on the sink, and 3. it wouldn't take the stench away from the clothes I'd been wearing for god knows how long.

When I went to wash my hands, I realised that there was a toothbrush and toothpaste thrown on the side. The toothbrush was Johnnie's. I could tell because the bristles looked like they'd been through a lot.

My choice was to either have stinky breath, or use Johnnie's toothbrush, and I knew which option I was going with.

I picked it up and brushed my teeth with it. It had the slight taste of beer, but it didn't bother me. I was just glad to have fresh breath again.


Johnnie had escorted me to the car, and we met back up with Jake, Kaycee, and Peppa there.

We were on the road again. Jake slept for a while, and the rest of us sat in silence.

Jaycee was glowing, but based on the look on Peppa's face, she hadn't slept well at all.

A couple of hours went by, and when Jake and Johnnie's guards were down, we decided to make a move.

Peppa nudged me, and slowly turned to face the rear window, indicating for me to follow her gaze. There was a car driving behind us, with a lone woman behind the wheel.

Peppa then turned her head back and looked at Johnny, who was concentrating on the road in front of him. "Keep an eye on him," she mouthed.

At this point, Kaycee realised something was going on. She leaned into us, figuring out what we were doing.

While I was watching Johnnie, in my peripheral vision I saw Peppa mouth the word 'HELP' to the driver behind, showing each letter in the word as clearly as she could.

Kaycee's mouth fell open, and her eyes widened. She looked as if she was battling herself internally, as if she didn't truly want to help us escape.

Peppa repeated the word again, and again. On the third time, she put her fingers to her head in the shape of a gun, to signal to the woman that we were being held against our will.

But that was a bad move.

I noticed Johnnie's eyes flicker into the rear view mirror. The hand movement was too bold; it had caught his attention.

Without so much as a thought, he spun the car around, cutting into the opposite lane, causing us all to be thrown around in the backseat. Kaycee hadn't been wearing her seatbelt since she'd had sex with Jake, so she went flying.

Johnnie drove down the opposite lane, and as he passed the car which was behind us, he smoothly fired two shots at her window. From what I could see during the split second that it happened, the first shot smashed her window, and the second went through it and shot her. It was hard to fully grasp what I had witnessed, though, because it had all happened so, so fast.

Peppa, Kaycee and I all scrambled up to look back out of the rear window. As we drove away, back up the way we'd came, the lady's car faded further into the distance. It was still; it had crashed into the fence at the side of the freeway.

"What the fuck happened?" asked Jake.

"You're fucking crazy!" I screamed at Johnnie.

"I'm not done," shouted Johnny. "You're next."

Kidnapped By Johnnie and JakeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant