Second Time Around

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Throughout the day, Kaycee and Tara brought me food they found in the kitchen, washed me with a hot cloth, brushed my teeth, and brushed my hair.

Later on, Johnnie returned, and Kaycee and Tara left the room. He sat down in front of me on the bed again. "Did you decide on what you wanna do about the anaesthetic?"

"Yes. Put me under."


And, that was the last thing I remembered until I woke up a week and a half later to the sound loud knocking on my door.

I was so disoriented. Throughout my time being unconscious, I'd experienced half-dreams, where I'd hear sounds of the real voices around me, but they'd be distorted into strange visions in my mind.

In fact, after a minute of me coming round to reality, I realised that the knocking on my door had been one of those distorted dreams as well. It wasn't knocking—it was gunshots.

In my unconscious state, I'd imagined the door to the room, and Peppa standing outside of it, banging to get in, to get my attention. But, in my conscious state, I soon realised that the sound was gunfire, booming loud from downstairs.

I sat up quickly, so that a tube inserted in me tugged on my nasal passage, and my head spun faster than it ever had in all my days of being drunk. I couldn't help but think that I wasn't supposed to be awake. I was still drugged up with anaesthetic, but somehow I'd managed to wake up with the sound of the shots.

All of a sudden, I felt overcome with the need to vomit, and I leaned over the side of the bed and let it all out. I feared that I was drawing attention to myself with the noise, so I tried to stand up to go and close the door, which, contrary to what I'd dreamt, was actually open, but I felt so dizzy that I fell straight down, making even more noise as I did so.

The tube in my nose as so uncomfortable as well, so I began pulling it out, feeling it move up through my body, before tossing it on the floor amongst the rest of the junk.

I then managed to stand up and stumble over to the door, almost tripping over everything, and I pushed it almost all the way, but before it clicked shut, something on the other side stopped it...or, I should say, someone.

They shoved the door into me and stormed through it.

There were two men, both dressed in black and wearing ski masks over their faces. They held their guns up at me.

"Tell us how you know them," guy number one demanded.

My vision span, and I still hadn't mentally grounded myself yet. I grabbed onto a piece for furniture with my hand go stabilise myself. With that, the men cocked their guns—I suppose they thought I was trying to grab a weapon.

"Tell us!" guy number two screamed.

"I, uh...I was kidnapped."

The two men looked at each other for a moment, and I prayed that they were thinking about helping me, but then they both grabbed hold of me and began dragging me out of the room and down the stairs.

As they pulled me roughly out of the front door, I glanced behind my shoulder and caught sight of a few bodies lying on the floor in the house. I gasped, and the men tightened their grip on me and took me into their car.

These guys were stricter than Johnnie and Jake; once I was in the back of the car, they handcuffed me to a chain on the floor and shoved a hood over my head.

When we arrived at the destination, they dragged me out of the car again, still with the hood on, and when they finally took it off, I found I was chained to a chair in a massive, run-down, basement-like room.

There were about six men around the room, some sniffing coke, some fixing guns, some loading bullets, and as I continued to look around me, I realised that my chair was strapped back-to-back with another chair...and the person in that chair was Kaycee.

I couldn't twist my head around enough to look properly, especially with my injured neck, but from what I could see, her face was swollen, and blood surrounded her nose and lips. She looked as if she was unconscious, too.

I gasped.

One of the masked men strode over to me and laughed. "Don't wanna end up like your friend, huh?"

I didn't give him any sort of reaction. I wasn't going to give anything away. I wouldn't let him think I was easy to torture, and I wouldn't let him think I was scared.

"Tough crowd," he said, before slowly circling the chairs while watching me.

How had I managed to get kidnapped TWICE? This was beyond belief.

"So, what happened to your neck, honey?" the man asked, stopping in front of me and casually touching the bandage with his hand.

I ignored him. He wasn't getting anything out of me.

"Are you mute? Because, if you are, this is gonna be a problem."

I ignored him again.

"Look, honey," he said, crouching down on the floor before me. "We can do this the easy way or the hard way. Your friend chose the hard way, and look how she ended up."

But then I realised...why would I keep quiet? What did I care if these people got information on Johnnie and Jake? "Fine. I've got nothing to lose. What do you wanna know?" I asked.

"Good girl." He stood up again. "Where are Johnnie, Jake, and Colby right now? We've got Sam, so you don't need to worry about him."

I swallowed my saliva. "I don't know," I said honestly.

"Come on, now," the man said, walking closer to me, standing over me. "Remember what we said about your little friend?"

"I can't tell you something that I don't know."

Suddenly, the man threw a hard punch at my face.

Kidnapped By Johnnie and JakeWhere stories live. Discover now