Road Trip

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"Walk towards the car," Jake commanded.

With a last hope, I looked back behind me at the hotel in case someone, anyone, had heard the gunshots and was coming to rescue us. But...nothing.

Another bullet flew past my head. "Turn back around, and walk towards the car," Jake repeated.

I tried to control my breathing. In, out. In, out. As I took steps over to the car, Johnnie held Peppa by her wrists and guided her into the backseat and shut her inside, then he approached me. He stood behind me, gripped my shoulders with his strong hands, and walked me closer to the car. Jake closed sat back inside and closed his door again, the engine running.

With that, I took the opportunity to try and grab Johnnie's gun, which he was still holding in one of his hands that was clutching my shoulder at the same time. Unfortunately, he was too quick for me, and too strong. He yanked the gun straight out of my grip, and hit me over the head with it. That was the last thing I remembered until...

My mind faded into consciousness. Before I opened my eyes, I was aware of movement. The feeling of a moving car, and the faint sound of the engine. The world flying by outside. Vague memories began to flood back to me; the concert, the parking lot...Jake and Johnny...but at that point, I couldn't remember the gun. I had a feeling I was with them, though. I didn't open my eyes for a few moment...I didn't want it to be real.

But, I did, slowly. First I saw the window; it was still dark out. I squinted in the darkness, and saw Peppa beside me, beside the window I had just looked out of. It was difficult to make out her emotion. From what I could see, she was expressionless, staring blankly at the leather headrest of the seat in front of her, the front passenger seat....Kaycee's seat. I went to lean forward to look at her, but when I did, I head hurt. I leaned back again, which was when I realised I was leaning on something...someone. I looked around properly, ignoring the pain in my head now.

I was sat in the middle seat, with Peppa on one side and...Johnnie on the other. He was sort of reclined, with his legs manspread, and myself led on him, my body and head leaning on his chest. One of his arms draped casually over my shoulder.

My breathing sped up. "What is going on?" I asked.

I saw Jake, in the driver's seat, glance at me through his rear view mirror. "She's awake?"

"I know you said you didn't wanna come with us, Brooke, but you didn't really have a choice," said Johnnie.

With a struggle, I sat upwards, and leaned away from him, shuffling towards Peppa's side instead. "How do you know my name?"

"Your friend Kaycee told us some information while she was drunk," said Jake

"And the good thing was, we didn't have to do anything to her to get it out of her," added Johnnie, and Jake laughed.

"Kaycee!" I whined, annoyed.

"Shut up, she's asleep now," said Jake. "You won't want me to have to get out the general anaesthetic, do you?"

"What?" I said. Johnnie smiled and shook his head. "You're joking right?" I asked them.

"No," said Jake, and with one hand on the steering wheel, he used the other to open a compartment with a key, revealing a syringe, along with a few other objects I didn't get the chance to see properly before he closed the compartment again.

"You're crazy!" I said. "Where are we even going? What are we doing?"

"Whoa, one question at a time," Jake mocked. "We're going to LA."

"LA?" I exclaimed. "That's like a two day drive!"

"Yeah, I know that, now stop shouting your ass off or that compartment is coming open again," said Jake.

"Now answer my other question," I demanded. "What are we doing?"

"I already answered that before I knocked you out," said Johnnie.

That was when I remembered. Jake and Johnnie had shot at me, and then Johnny had hit me over the head with a gun when I'd tried to take it off him! Thinking about this, I shoved Johnnie in the chest, into the corner of the cramped car.

"Don't fucking do that," said Johnnie seriously.

"Alright, kids, stop fighting," said Jake.

"Okay, I deserved it," said Johnnie, "but you could've just done what I told you to do."

"I didn't want to! I still don't want to!" I said.

"As I've said, you don't have a choice," said Johnnie.

"Yeah, you've made that pretty clear," I said. Then I turned to look behind me, remembering Peppa. She'd been so quiet, I'd forgotten about her. "Peppa, are you okay?" She didn't answer me, but just sat there. "Peppa," I said, gently placing my arm around her and shaking her a little. "Did you guys drug her?" I yelled.

"Didn't have to," said Johnnie.

"Peppa, say something."

"Want me to tase her?" asked Johnnie.

"Obviously not." I shot Johnnie an appalled look. "Come on, Peppa."

"What?" said Peppa in a small voice.

"How are you feeling?"

"How do you expect me to feel when I've been kidnapped?" she asked. "I've been awake, by myself, while you and Kaycee have been asleep, for hours. I've just been wondering what's going on, what's going to happen to us." She began to cry, but I could tell from how quickly she was blinking, and how she was looking at the ground, that she was trying to stop herself, stop herself from appearing weak. "You, Brooke, are acting way too calm for this. These guys might be joking around a bit, but they're still kidnappers, just like the ones you see on the news, or in true crime videos."

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