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As the day, and eventually night, went on, I found myself in a big, dark living room, which was lit up with cheap neon strip lights and a television, hanging out and drinking with Hellie, Scuff, Zach, and Jake.

Soon, though, I needed to pee. I asked the others where the bathroom was, and Hellie told me it was upstairs, at the end of the hall.

I had to walk past many bedrooms to reach the bathroom, and, while walking past one bedroom, I heard sounds coming from it. I paused outside, and tried to figure out who the sounds were coming from.

There were giggles, whispers...and then moans.

I couldn't help it. I had to peek through the crack in the door...and, I wish I could say I was surprised at what I saw, but, to be honest, I wasn't.

It was Kaycee. But, of course, not with Jake—he was downstairs. She was with Jared.

I couldn't have imagined that he'd have the guts to do anything with Kaycee, knowing that Jake owned her...but, he was. I had to give it to him—it was ballsy. Jake, along with Johnnie, we're the most powerful and aggressive gang members of both groups, and probably in the whole of LA.

Jared was stood in front of Kaycee, kissing her neck, and teasing her by reaching his hand round to her butt and touching it. Then, they both moved onto the bed, and began making out. Kaycee was really over-exaggerating with her moans; she sounded as if she was having her guts rearranged, but they were literally just kissing, with a little bit of touching. She was really shoving her boobs into his face, too, as if they weren't visible enough already.

I quickly moved away from the door before anyone would have the chance to come along and spot me. I wanted to pretend I never noticed. I didn't care if Jake got 'cheated on', if you could even call it that. He'd done worse to Tara. It was none of my business what Kaycee got up to in that respect, and, of course, Jared was a single man, so there was no problem on that end.

I continued on down the hall, with the disturbing image of Kaycee and Jared still lingering in my mind. And that was when I heard noises coming from another bedroom.

Again, I peeked a little, and my heart completely dropped when I saw who was standing inside.

Johnnie and Bella.

They stood opposite each other—Johnnie towering over her, and Bella looking up at him from her short stature.

She was giving him the eyes, and he was looking into them. I couldn't tell what he was thinking, but I could tell what she was. She wanted him.

I then realised that this had been her plan since the minute we arrived. She'd disguised it as wanting to distract our guys so that Tara could talk to Vinnie...but now I knew that it was Bella who'd been planning to make a move...on Johnnie.

"Come on," she murmured, placing her hand seductively on his bare arm, and fluttering her eyes at him.

I wanted to rip her head off. How dare she, the sneaky bitch?!

The worst part about it wasn't even her audacity. It was the fact that she thought I wasn't good enough to satisfy Johnnie. She thought it would be so easy to take him, that he surely wouldn't be loyal to me. She didn't feel threatened at all. She thought he was all hers for the taking.

And, in my opinion, he was. If she could take him, then I wouldn't put up a fight. There was no way in hell I would try to hang onto a man who didn't want me.

But, even so, I couldn't watch any longer. I turned away and continued heading though the hall again, straight for the bathroom.

But, before I reached it, I heard Johnnie's voice. "Stop it, you whore," he snapped.

I whipped my head around to see what was going on. Johnnie had stumbled out of the bedroom, and was wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, looking repulsed at Bella.

"What?" Bella yelled. "Don't be a pussy."

"I have a girlfriend," yelled Johnnie, and when he said that word, my heart began to race. "I don't fucking want you, or anyone else."

Bella spoke in a sarcastic voice now. "What? You love her or something? What happened to you?"

"Yeah, I do, now fuck off," said Johnnie.

Then, he noticed me.

I was standing up the hall from him, and he paused for a second without saying anything, clearly thinking about what he had just admitted in front of me.

Then, Bella came out of the room, and saw me too.

"Are you okay, Brooke?" asked Johnnie, walking over to me and taking my hand in his, before taking me to the bathroom.

"Yeah," I said, feeling almost faint with everything that was going on.

Before we closed the door of the bathroom, I glanced back at Bella once, who was standing like a lost puppy in the middle of the hallway, rejected after trying to steal someone's man. I gave her the dirtiest look, and then Johnnie shut us inside.

"Did you hear what I said?" he asked.

"Yeah," I mumbled, in total shock.

"I said I love you." He took my hands in his.

I didn't know what to say. "I..."

"And I'm so fucking sorry for how I've treated you. I don't expect you to love me back—that's why you're fucking kidnapped. I know you'd never be with me if you had a choice. I only treat you this way because, with the way you make me feel, you have total control over me, and I fight to take back that control."

"You don't need to control me...I'm all yours already," I said, looking up into those eyes of his that I desired to drown myself in.

Then, he pressed his body against me, and kissed me.

"I love you, too," I whispered between kisses.

It was the most passionate kiss we'd shared. It wasn't sexual, it wasn't was romantic.

Until, all of a sudden, we heard a bellow from out in the hallway, which was full of more rage than I'd ever heard in anyone's voice in my entire life.

Naturally, I think Johnnie and I both assumed a rival gang had come to attack. He stepped in front of me and opened the bathroom door to see what was going on.


It was Jake's voice, and, instantly, I knew exactly what was going on. Of course, Johnnie had no idea.

I ran past Johnnie and down the hall to the room where I'd seen Kaycee making out with Jared. Jake had burst into the room, and had already snatched a glass bottle off a countertop, now holding it up in the air. When I entered the door behind him, he lobbed the glass at Kaycee.

"You worthless sket. I can't believe I let you fucking touch me," Jake said as Kaycee backed slowly away.

She screamed and ducked, her naked breasts swinging as she did so, and the bottle smashed loudly behind her.

Jared's face had turned beetroot red. I could tell he was afraid for his life.

Suddenly, Jake dove for him, and grabbed him in a chokehold. "You got a gun, you piece of shit?" Jake spat. "Get me a fucking gun, or I'll destroy your entire fucking family."

As soon as Jake let go of Jared, Jared scrambled to look for a gun. He flung open different drawers until he found one, and then passed it straight to Jake.

In my memory, everything from there feels like it played out in slow motion.

Jake pointed the gun at Kaycee, with his finger behind the trigger.

Without a second thought, I dove in front of the gun, right as the bullet left the barrel.

And he shot me.

Kidnapped By Johnnie and JakeWhere stories live. Discover now