Meet and Greet

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"What-what is this?" I stuttered.

"Your new home," said Jake, smirking.

"No, it's not," I said.

"Ask Johnnie."

"Johnnie isn't the ultimate decider," I snapped.

"Well, you're his bitch."

"No, I'm not!"

At that point, I suppose the group of people who were inside the lounge heard the ruckus, because they all fell silent. I glanced behind my shoulder at the door to the lounge, and when I looked back at Jake, he knew that I knew they'd heard, because he was smiling sadistically.

"Come and meet them. They can look after you while I go run some errands...and based on what I've seen, you really do need to be supervised. Do you have any idea how hard it was to distract the police and make them chase me away from the hospital so that Johnnie could stay behind, and, for some bizarre reason, get you out of there? I don't even know why I did it for him," he rambled, before grabbing me by the shoulder and pushing me into the lounge.

I shuffled miserably through the door, and my mouth dropped at the sight of Kaycee perched on the arm of the large sectional couch with everyone else.

"Brooke!" she squealed, hopping off the couch, skipping over to me, and throwing her hands around my neck. I winced; it still hurt from being choked, and I think it was swollen.

I just stood like a stick, and then half-heartedly placed one of my hands on her back. How was she okay? We'd both watched our best friend die. But Kaycee didn't even seem traumatised.

"Hey," said Sam, the blond guy, while the other two, Colby and Tara, analysed me.

"...Hi," I said.

"Apparently Johnnie was really mad at you," said Kaycee, acting as if it was no big deal. Then, she peeked behind the door to check if Jake was still around, which he wasn't. "What did you do to get into so much trouble? Neither Jake or Johnnie would tell me."

I shrugged. "Nothing bad, I just tried to get help."

Tara laughed loudly at my response, Colby appeared serious, and Sam's mouth fell open in shock.

"Bold move," said Tara.

"Stupid move," said Sam.

"It's weird, though," said Colby. "Why did Johnnie even let her live? We kill everyone who tries to escape from us."

"No idea," said Sam.

"I think he wants to torture me instead. Where is he?" I asked.

"Getting the car fixed from when the stalkers shot the rear mirror."

"Why do you guys even have stalkers?"

"We're popular," said Colby jokingly.

To be honest, I was so frustrated with all of these vague answers to my questions. I grasped my hair with my hands and yelled, "No, I'm serious! What am I even doing here?! What is this?! Who are you people?!"

Everyone suddenly looked shocked and taken aback. I sighed and began to weep. My emotions were completely overwhelming me.

Colby crossed his arms looked up at me seriously. "We're a gang. The reason we have stalkers is because rival gangs send people to track us. And, as for what you're doing here, this isn't about you specifically, but we sometimes scout girls who we want to accompany us. I don't know why Johnnie chose you, and I'm even more confused as to why he's holding onto you after everything you've caused."

I walked over and sat down on the couch, putting my face into my hands. This was too much to take in. My life so far had been so simple. I was a Kansas girl, with a couple of friends, and a limited social life...and now I was being held captive as an object for gang members.

"But...why did Johnnie and Jake mention a YouTube channel? That's what I was told I was being brought here for," I questioned.

"The channel is used ploy to throw the other gangs, and the police, off track. Almost everything on there is a pretence," Sam explained.

"And, it's also a good way to convince women to come home with us," Colby added.

"Worked for me," said Tara with a straight, flat smile.

"But...why are you guys in a gang? What do you do, and why are other people after you?"

"We have a lot of power. Power over money, people, areas..."

"How did you get that power and money?"

"We started by hijacking massive corporations, and it all happened from there."

"And how haven't the police stopped you? Or anyone stopped you?"

"We're too good," Colby said with a smile.

I put my head in my hands again. "Why..." I cried. "Peppa..."

With that word, Kaycee crept over to me and placed her arm around my shoulder. "I know," she whispered soothingly.

" don't even seem upset," I sniffed.

"You know how I deal with things like this. I don't deal with my trauma by talking about it, or crying about it. I deal with it by distracting myself."

I guessed that was how she had gotten involved in drugs, and became somewhat of an alchie, over the last couple of years.

Then, we heard the front door click open, and someone entering the house. The person headed straight into the kitchen. I could see through the opposite door that, unfortunately, it was Johnnie.

He did something, put something away in a cabinet, and then walked over and stood in the door of the lounge. "Brooke, come here."

Everyone turned to look at me, watching intently for my reaction, and my face flushed red. I paused, thinking about what to do.

"Now," he said.

Kidnapped By Johnnie and JakeWhere stories live. Discover now