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Tara's POV:

Life had been pretty fucking tense for the last week without Johnnie, Brooke, and Kaycee, and with the mix of all our emotions. With Kaycee feeding information to the police about all of us, we (Jake, Sam, Colby, Vinnie, Scuff, Hellie, Tana, Bella and I) had to relocate, and stay low for a while. The police had, like, raided both of our houses, but luckily we'd been vigilant enough to flee before they'd arrived.

We'd all found out that Johnnie had been arrested, and that Brooke had died, that very day.

Jake had left the house straight after Johnnie did, and had found his car empty in the hospital parking lot, being broken into by police officers, I guess for investigation. Jake had instantly driven back to Vinnie's gang's house to warn us.

Still, at that point, none of us knew what had actually happened to Brooke, so we phoned up the hospital and inquired. It was then that they informed us she'd passed away.

At first, I didn't believe it all. Brooke couldn't be dead, and Johnnie couldn't be arrested. Brooke was too fresh, too new...still a flower in bloom. She had her whole life ahead of her. And Jake, he was invincible.

But, it was true. They were gone. Soon, it appeared on the news, and there was no denying it anymore. I had to accept reality, even though I wasn't even nearly ready to, and I didn't think I ever would be.

I was devastated, of course. I bawled my eyes out for hours, days, after finding out I'd never see Brooke again. I could hardly bring myself to do any of the housekeeping tasks Jake was setting me—my whole body literally felt weak from crying and stressing so much—which even caused Jake to lash out on me at one point...not that that part's really surprising, though.

But, there was one upside to it, which, compared to all the devastation I'd been experienced, felt really insignificant now that it had finally happened. Jake had realised he'd fucked up by dumping me for Kaycee. I could tell that, for once, there was actually some kind of emotion there. Kaycee might have provided him with all of his sexual needs, but she'd also had no problem providing other men with theirs, too. He probably realised that dressing her in the skimpiest clothes in front of everyone else hadn't actually been a good idea, as well. I'm someone who loves skin on show, but Kaycee's fits were way too much, even for me.

I'll tell you how Jake was feeling. Guilty is the word. And not just about his relationship with me. He was stressed out of his mind. He and Johnnie were a duo—both the leaders of the gang, both owned the streets of LA. Now the weight of that power was all on Jake's shoulders, as the consequence of his own actions. He'd shot Johnnie's girlfriend, which had caused Johnnie to rush her to the hospital, and therefore get arrested. Of course, Jake hadn't meant to shoot Brooke, but it was his his rashness, his uncontrolled anger, which had done it. If he'd have been rational, Brooke and Johnnie would still be here.

But even that wasn't the last thing he was stressed about. None of us knew where Kaycee was. Of course, we knew that she'd been cooperating with the police, and it was pretty obvious that they'd taken her in, protecting her, but the question was where?

Jake needed to kill her. She'd already done the damage—she'd told the police everything she knew about us all—so it wasn't really that factor anymore that fuelled his need to kill. He just couldn't let someone get away with fucking him over like that. He had to set an example for anyone in the future: you couldn't disobey or disrespect Jake Webber and get away with it. You would lose your life.

Jake had been doing his research over the course of the week, and now, he seemed to have found a lead.

A few of us were sat at the kitchen table in our new, scabby house, which was in the middle of nowhere, when Jake walked in. "There's somewhere we can try," he said, and I knew it was in regards to Kaycee.

Before we left the house, Vinnie pulled me aside and told me to be careful, and then Jake, Sam, Colby and I all went out to Jake's car.

Jake told us about a facility he'd discovered which housed people who needed protection from the public, and trauma victims who needed consistent help and support. He knew that the police forced around LA worked closely with the facility, and he also supposed that Kaycee would fit into both of the categories—in danger, and traumatised.

So, we started driving.

I wasn't one hundred percent sure why Jake wanted me to come along, to be honest. I guess he was trying to treat me like his bitch again, now that he and Kaycee were over. And I wasn't complaining. I loved Jake, of course. But it did create some awkward tension in the house, because Vinnie defo liked me, and was trying not to make it obvious after witnessing how Jared and Zach ended up.

Just before Jake had left to follow Johnnie's car to the hospital, trying to catch Kaycee, he had shot and killed Jared. I think Jared had kinda thought Jake would let him off the hook. He'd thought he'd only be angry at Kaycee for cheating, but that wasn't the case. Jake was never going to let anyone take him as a mug, and get away with stealing his girl. Not in a million years.

And Zach was Jared's best friend, so he left as soon as Jared was killed. Zach wouldn't attempt to hurt Jake back—that would be a stupid move, Jake was way more powerful—but he wasn't going to stick around and continue to hang out with his best friend's murderer, either. Zach told Vinnie and Scuff that he was going to join a different, not quite so powerful gang on the other side of LA that he already had connections with.

And, speaking of best friend's murderers, you may be wondering why I forgave Jake. Not just for the affair with Kaycee, but for shooting my best friend, Brooke, and killing her.

Well, let's address the affair first. Jake hadn't realised what he had until it was gone. But, in the end, Kaycee only made him realise how much of a great girl I really was. And do I think he regretted the whole Kaycee thing. He was sorta quiet about it for a bit, maybe the first couple days, like he was really thinking things through, or something. And then he returned to me, and, that had to be a pretty humbling thing to do as it was, a powerful gang leader crawling back to his 'ex', or whatever you'd call me. So I wasn't gonna hold any grudges in that department. I took up the offer while I could. He wasn't a softie now, or anything, he was still the same old Jake, but at least he didn't have a real life human doll sitting naked on his lap as he jiggled her tits in front of the whole house, anymore.

And, as for the killing thing...I didn't blame Jake. He hadn't meant to shoot Brooke. As much as it literally broke my heart into a million pieces, she had chosen to jump in front of that bullet. His intention was to shoot Kaycee, who I hated anyway. I knew that Jake would never, ever, purposely shoot Johnnie's bitch, no matter what he thought of her. And, anyway, even so, Jake didn't have any negative feelings towards Brooke anyway.

But, regardless of my own feelings, it's not as if I would've had any choice in whether I forgave him or not anyway. What Jake wanted, he got, and there was nothing I would've been able to do about it.

And what Jake wanted right as this moment was to find Kaycee, and kill her...or worse.

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