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Brooke's POV:

I couldn't believe I'd just spoken to Johnnie. My hands shook as I passed the cellphone to the social worker. Johnnie sounded rough, like he'd been suffering so much. I wanted to feel him right then, to put his pale face beside mine and see close-up all of the anxiousness in it, to pull his body into mine, and feel the warmth of his chest against me as his heart raced.

Jenny, one of the social workers here, looked at us seriously as she held the phone in her hand. "How did you get this in here?" she demanded.

"I brought it with me," Kaycee admitted.

"How? We checked you all over."

Kaycee sighed. I guess there was no point in lying—the phone was taken now. "I hid it up my pussy," she said.

Jenny sighed, too. "Who were you talking to on it? And don't lie to me, I'm going to call the most recent number on it and find out."

I looked at Kaycee, panicked, but she stayed calm.

"Okay, it was the people we were kidnapped with."

Jenny put her hands in her hair. "Oh, my God. For God's sake, girls, do you have any idea how hard we've worked to keep Brooke a secret from them, and protect you from them as well, Kaycee?"

"We only called to tell our friend Tara that we're okay. She's not one of the kidnappers, but she lived with us. She's the only one we spoke to, and I don't think she'll tell the others!" Kaycee protested, seeing how serious Jenny was about it.

Jenny called Vinnie's number and waited in silence with her hand on her hip. It only took a few seconds before there was an answer.

"They're on the phone again!" I heard Tara say.

"Tell them we're on our way," said Jake.

"Let me speak to Brooke," Johnnie mumbled.

"Guys, stay on the line as long as you can," said Tara. "We're coming to get you."

I looked at Jenny's face. She was fuming. She stormed out of the room and shut us in, but we put our ears to the door, and heard her unmute the phone and speak to Tara, Jake, and Johnnie. "Your victims are now being moved to the highest security protection. I am about to call the police, so that if you decide to come anywhere near this building anyway, they will surround you."

Kaycee and I looked at each other in despair.

My heart was breaking. I had been in a state of depression since the day I was taken from Johnnie. Day in, day out, all I could imagine was reuniting with him. But I feared that, after all this time, he'd move on. I had nightmares of returning home to him, and being met with a blank stare, or his new girlfriend.

Maybe, if he hadn't been in prison this whole time, he would've found someone else. A man with all the power he had could be with any girl in the world. But, by the sound of it, somehow, he still wanted me.

I'd gotten so close to getting him back, and now he was being snatched from me again. Kaycee and I had fucked up. We shouldn't have stayed on the phone so long. We should've ended the call right after we said what we needed to say.

But I had faith that Johnnie and Jake would find a way. They always did.

Jenny returned to the room without the cellphone, and Kaycee and I looked at her, afraid.

"Kaycee, I'm sorry darling, but we're going to have to check you over. You said you hid the phone inside your vagina, so we have no choice but to make sure you don't have any more contraband down there," said Jenny. She looked genuinely sorry, but Kaycee just shrugged her shoulders and got up to follow Jenny outside and get checked over. I guess Kaycee was used to people seeing her body. She had no insecurities about any part of it whatsoever.

While she was gone, I paced the room, thinking over different scenarios which could possibly unfold. I wondered what they were going to do with Kaycee and I. Jenny had said we'd be moved somewhere with the highest security, but was that in another room here, in this facility, or somewhere else? Were Johnnie, Jake, Tara, and whoever else was with them still going to look for us today, or would they going to wait until the social workers and police were less on-guard?

Soon, three different social workers entered the room. "Hi, Brooke, are you okay?" one of them, whose name was Ben, asked softly. I shrugged, and he continued speaking. "We're taking you to a higher security facility, and it's quite far away, so it'll be a long drive, but don't worry, we're taking your friend Kaycee, too."

Tears welled up in my eyes. It felt like Johnnie was slipping away from me already. I was being pulled further and further away from him. Just as he was about to come get me, they were moving me to a different facility. It had taken Jake and Tara too long as it was to find this facility, and they weren't even the ones who found it either, it was only because Kaycee was lucky enough to have access to getting inside it.

"Where is this new one going to be?!" I asked.

"We're not telling you. We can't risk your kidnappers finding out your new facility."

"But, I thought this was the highest security one?" I said.

"This is the highest security facility in California."

"So it should be good enough. Even if Johnnie and the others find it, they wouldn't be able to get in!" I reasoned.

"Brooke, we know what your kidnappers are like. Yes, there would be a lot of protection, and we wouldn't let them get to you, but we're certain that other lives would be lost on our end if that gang attempted to penetrate the facility. They hold no regard for human life. They kill anyone who gets in their way. The police have seen it happen time and time again with them. Quite frankly, we and the police force discussed the situation just a minute ago, and we believe the best way to go about it is to relocate you. We'd rather avoid having police officers and social workers killed while trying to protect you," said Ben.

Then, he got down on his knees and held my hands thoughtfully. "Brooke, I know you want to see him. Your kidnapper, Johnnie. But you must remember that he is your kidnapper. And he is a murderer. You have Stockholm Syndrome, meaning we need to be extra cautious while trying to keep you away from him. It's for your own good. He brainwashed you. You don't love him. Loving him was a coping mechanism you developed while you were kidnapped. You loved when you were on his good side, when he was pleased with you, because when he was angry, it made you afraid, due to the amount of power he had over you. But you're free now. You don't need to make positive connections with him in order to survive. You can let him go."

Kidnapped By Johnnie and JakeWhere stories live. Discover now