Protect Me

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"You've been kidnapped?" Doctor Bryony repeated.

"Yes," I whispered, "help me."

Instantly, he signalled on his radio for a 'code 3', rushed back over to me, took me with his arms around my shoulders, ushered me through a staff-only corridor, and then into an office.

There was a lady sat behind a desk wearing reading glasses, and she looked up from her papers when we walked in.

"This young lady has been kidnapped. Please look after her and make the police aware while I try to locate the kidnapper. I'll also try to send security to your office while I'm at it, in case, by any small chance, the kidnapper finds his way in here," Doctor Bryony informed, and then he turned to me. "Is there anything else I should know? And is the man who brought you into the hospital definitely the kidnapper?"

"Yes, he's the kidnapper...and his friend is also a kidnapper, too."

"I think I saw him walk in with you both. Tall, dark mullet, piercings?"


"Do you know where they might have gone?"

"Not far, I'd expect," I said. "Maybe to the car? Or the waiting room? I'm not sure, though."

"Do you know what car they have?"

"A black Mercedes...but I don't know what model," I said. I knew this because I'd analysed the car when I'd been outside of it. I'd thought having a description of it might come in handy if I'd ever have the chance of getting help.

"Thank you, that's very helpful."

He almost began to walk away, but I spoke again. "Wait, there are some more things you should know. They're armed. Armed with loaded guns, and syringes of general anaesthetic. They killed someone. They killed my friend," I said, breaking out into tears. "But my other friend is still with them, in the boot of the car. She has blonde hair and green eyes, and she's wearing jeans and a bralette. I think she's been drugged. Please help her."

"Oh my goodness, okay. Thank you. And well done for choosing to speak up to me, I'm proud of you," said Doctor Bryony before leaving the room.

By this point, the lady was in the middle of talking to police on the line, and she'd relayed them the information she'd been hearing me tell Doctor Bryony. "Did they hurt you at all?" she asked me, clearly repeating a question the person on the phone had asked.

"Um, not really, I'm physically okay, but one of them did slap me."

"One of them slapped her, but that's all. Do you want to talk to her, or do you want me to put you on speakerphone?" she said into to the phone.

I suppose they'd said yes to the speakerphone, because the lady clicked a button and then I could hear the man on the line, too. "How long had they held you captive for?"

"About a day."

As we spoke, the lady ran around her desk and locked the office from the inside.

"And where did they take you?" asked the man on the phone.

"Just in their car. They said they were gonna take us to their house in LA, and join them on their...YouTube channel? At first, for most of it, we were seated in the car, but then they got us out and one of them—" and I cried so much saying this part that I had to pause, "—shot and killed my friend because she tried to signal to another car for help. I passed out and woke up in the trunk of the car, and my other friend was there, too. I think they drugged her, because she was unconscious. Then, I had a panic attack, and thought I was having a heart attack, so I screamed for help, and my kidnappers brought me to the hospital."

"Okay, don't panic, you're okay now. Just take a seat in the lady's office. It sounds like you've been through an ordeal. One of our officers have entered the building. Can you two please tell me the route to the office you're in, so that one of our officers can find you?"

The lady, whose name she told me was Sandra, explained the route to the office as I sat down in her comfy leather office chair with my head in my hands, thinking about what was going on.

I was so glad I didn't fall for Johnnie's threats in the end. He seemed so weak now compared to all of the police officers and doctors who were protecting me.

Soon enough, there was a knock on the office door. I almost jumped out of my skin, afraid that it was Johnnie or Jake, but the man on the phone confirmed that one of their officers were waiting outside of the room for us.

We opened it, and the policeman informed me that he was going to accompany me to the police station. "I've been told my colleagues tracked the car you described, found it speeding westward, and are trying to pull it over now," he told us.

I breathed a heavy sigh of relief. This might finally all be over. If they'd found the right car, this nightmare would end. Nothing could bring Peppa back, but at least Kaycee and I would be safe.

"It's been a day for you, eh?" The policeman said kindly as he walked me down a corridor. "You're safe now, though. We're gonna get you justice."

We were nearly out of the building, approaching the back entrance, when all of a sudden, the sound of a deafening gunshot reverberated throughout the long white hallway.

In my memory, it almost feels like things turned into slow motion, because I remember every detail about this moment.

The policeman beside me crashed to the floor. My eyes followed him down, and I saw he was bleeding out from the neck, a pool of bright blood forming on the white floor. I turned around to see where the gunshot had come from, and the only person in my sight was Johnnie, standing at the other end of that empty hallway, his arm outstretched with a gun in his hand.

Kidnapped By Johnnie and JakeWhere stories live. Discover now