New Guardian

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All of a sudden, I heard the sound of impatient knocking on the bathroom door.

"What's going on in there?" Kaycee called.

"It doesn't matter!" I yelled.

I heard mumbling from the other side of the door, like Kaycee and Jake were discussing something, and then came loud thumping, like body-slamming, on the door.

They were trying to knock the door down and get in. I had time to dash the glass over my wrist once more, but then the lock snapped, and Jake swung the door open and entered the bathroom. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?!" he yelled, grabbing my bloody arm and dragging me out of the bathroom.

"What does it look like?!"

"It looks like you're a fucking idiot!"

"Brooke..." said Kaycee sympathetically.

"I can't deal with this bitch," Jake said to her.

"Then don't! Let me go!" I said.

"Stop asking for that!" Jake yelled, shaking me by my shoulders. Then, he let go. "Do you really think we could let you go when you know so much about us now?"

"I still know hardly anything!"

"Well, you know enough that it would be a threat to us if you got away. Now, stop making my life so difficult. You're annoying everybody. Take a look around—even Johnnie's given up on you." He sighed. "Now I'm gonna have to lock the bathroom door as well as the main door. Kaycee, wrap some bandages round her wrist."

He threw some manky white gauze from in his pocket onto the bed, and Kaycee took it and began bandaging my arm.

"Please stop creating drama," she said quietly.

I looked at her. Her face was still bruised and swelled, much more so than mine, but, regardless, I could tell there was a pretty face under there. She was still naked, and I noticed different coloured bruises all over her body, particularly on her boobs.

"Why?" I said. "So, you're just giving up?"

She glanced quickly at Jake, who was focused on fitting a lock to the bathroom door, and then back at me. "Because I don't want you to make Jake angry," she murmured.

"But he'll be angry at me, not you. I can take it."

"No," she said. "...When Jake is angry, he takes it out on me. I become his human punching bag."

"Kaycee," I whispered, not even knowing what to say. "So...those bruises on your body aren't from Andrew Tate?"

"No, they're from Jake. The ones on my face are from Andrew—Jake says he won't lay a hand on my face because he wants to keep it pretty, and also so that strangers won't see it and get suspicious."

"Kaycee...isn't that all the more reason to try to escape this hell?"

"We can't escape. And trying to only makes it worse. I don't know how you haven't realised that yet. Think about every time you've tried. None of your attempts have worked, but they've all made things worse for us."

She was right. I hated to admit it, but she was...and it was about time I accepted that. I had been so selfish this whole time, throwing tantrums, without thinking about the affect it might have on Kaycee. I needed to be more mature.

"I'm sorry, Kayce," I said. "I just don't wanna see you hurt."

Soon, Jake finished installing the lock, and he got back into bed. I awkwardly led next to Kaycee, who was in the middle of me and Jake.

At first, I thought I was going to get away with falling asleep swiftly to escape my problems...but, unfortunately, that idea was ruined when the bed began shaking me awake.

I turned my head around to see Jake having sex with Kaycee, pumping back and forth in a steady rhythm while they were both still led down.

Kaycee didn't even look that into it—she just kind of led there and allowed him to do his thing.

Jake threw the duvet to the bottom of the bed so that he could look at Kaycee's body as he fucked her. He held tightly onto her ass as he did so.

Soon he sighed, and stopped pumping, which indicated that he had finished, but he didn't remove himself from inside of her. They both simply relaxed to go to sleep with their nether regions still intertwined.

I must have had a traumatised expression on my face, because Kaycee scowled at me. "What? You interrupted us earlier when you came screaming at our door," she said.

I just closed my eyes and turned away.

It was strange that, at the time of the MCR concert, Kaycee and I were close, but nowhere near this close. Now, she was sleeping beside me, stark naked, with her 'boyfriend's' (if you could even call him that) dick inside of her...after having sex with him.

I shouldn't have kicked up a fuss to Johnnie. Staying with him was still better than this. Being Johnnie's bitch wasn't nice, but it was bearable. Now, as a result of my own stupid actions, I was in an even worse position. I always did this. I always made things worse for myself, worse than they needed to be.


Somehow, I was able to fall asleep, and I woke up in the morning to Jake yelling at me to get up. He handed Kaycee and I some concealer he'd managed to steal from another person's room, and instructed that we use it on our facial bruises. We did so, and then he took us to the bar next door to get breakfast.

It was a big place, which served food and drinks during the day, and just drinks during the night.

There were quite a few groups of people eating breakfast on different tables, but I was filled with nerves when I saw the table we were approaching, because Johnnie was sat at it, waiting for us.

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