Three's a Crowd

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I awoke slowly the next day, and stretched out, realising I had a whole bed to myself. It took me a while to fully wake up, because I had slept so well, and so deeply. It was the best feeling to remember that Johnnie wasn't there. Last night, without Johnnie, I'd actually been able to chill out. No one had bothered me or told me what to do. And, I'd been able to sleep comfortably without him beside me.

But...I still did need a distraction. Being alone too much made me anxious and depressed. Luckily, though, I had an idea as to who that distraction could be: Tara.

After a while, I went downstairs to make myself some breakfast, and I realised that I was quite late, because everyone else's dishes were in the dishwasher already. Maybe I had a bit of a hangover.

Luckily, Tara was the only person in the kitchen; she was drying some dishes, and dressed in checkered pyjama pants and a black crop top. She must've heard my footsteps, but she didn't turn around.

"Tara," I said.

And then she faced me. Her face was puffy and red, as if she'd been crying. She smiled, though, when she realised it was me. "Hi, Brooke."

"Are you okay?"

Tara sniffed. "Yeah, I'm fine."

"Are you sure?" I walked towards her and placed my hand on her arm.

She blinked tears away from her eyes. "I will be."

I sat down on one of the chairs in the kitchen. "Tell me what happened."

Tara glanced warily at the door of the kitchen, as if she was thinking about who else might be able to hear, and then turned to me. "It's Jake."

Suddenly, I recalled the conversation I'd overheard last night. It was so vague to me, as if I'd dreamt it. I was reluctant to ask, but I did. "What did he do?"

Tara whispered in an angry voice as a tear escaped her eye. "He tried making us have a threesome with fucking Kaycee!"

Now I remembered more parts of the conversation...Tara protesting, and Jake saying he should replace her. "Oh, no...and you didn't do it?"

"No, of course I fucking didn't." Tara went quiet for a moment. " he's replacing me. He doesn't care about me at all!"

"Replacing you with Kaycee."

"Yeah," Tara said, and she waved her hands around dramatically as she vented. "And, the thing is, I've done everything I can to impress him since the day we met. So far, it had worked. I've been the only woman to satisfy every one of his needs without complaint. And now, after one thing which I couldn't do—have a threesome—he's thrown me away like that. All the time we've spent together means nothing to him. He doesn't get attached, he doesn't get sentimental. It could be anyone, but as long as they were doing what he wanted them to do, he'd have them, or switch them out for someone else. Colby's right...I am replaceable."

I was the one to hug Tara, now. "You are not replaceable in the slightest, Tara. He is the problem, not you. As you said, it could be anyone and he'd still treat them the same."

"Don't say it too loudly, I don't want anyone to hear," Tara murmured through her tears.

I sat down again, and she took the seat beside me. "There's nothing you can do to change him. Any other guy would kill for a chance with you," I said.

Tara sniffed. "Thanks." Then, she flopped her head into her hands. "UGHH, why do I have to love him. Him?!"

"He's all you have here. He's all you've had since he brought you here. You're completely bonded to him. But, you're not all he has."

Tara finally giggled a bit. "I didn't know you were so wise."

I smiled. "I'm not...I just happen to have a tiny bit of experience with this subject myself," I admitted. I wasn't going to elaborate, though.

"The thing is, I love Kaycee, too. She's such a cool girl...we spent a lot of time together while you were in that coma. But, I can hardly see her the same after last night. Not only after seeing her naked and getting her butt spanked by Jake, but also the fact that she gives no shits about taking my man. And I know he's not really my man...Jake would never be anyone's. People belong to him, not the other way round, know what I mean."

It was difficult. Kaycee was my long-time best friend, so I didn't want to talk shit about her to my new friend, but I could totally see where Tara was coming from. Kaycee had never been the loyalist gal. She was fun to be around, and that was the main factor which had formed our friendship. But we weren't caring towards each other like Peppa and I were. With that thought, my heart hurt a little. "Of course I know what you mean," I finally said. "Anyone would be hurt by that. I'd be more surprised if you weren't."

Tara sighed. "I just don't know what to do."

"Have you spoken to Kaycee today? Or Jake?"

"No, he's taken Kaycee out with him, I don't even know where. But, usually he would've taken me."

"Don't worry, I've pretty much been dumped, too. But you should just see it as a good thing, like I am. Not you're not being used as someone's toy. You have more freedom. You can chill out."

She half-smiled. "I guess."

With that, we heard the front door open and footsteps enter the house. I walked to the kitchen door and peered out into the hallway to see who had come in.

It was Jake and Kaycee.

Kaycee was wearing a black push-up bra, shorts so small that they looked like underwear, exposing most of her cheeks, and two tight leg garters around both of her thighs, making the fat protrude out above and below the straps.

As they made their ways down the hallway, Jake slapped his hand onto her ass and grabbed it hard, causing her to squeal and giggle. Tara wasn't going to like this.

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