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Jake went over to the living room to join Sam and Colby, while Kaycee headed straight to the kitchen. She sort of looked a little guilty and self-conscious when she noticed Tara. "Hi," she said to the both of us as she dumped some shopping bags onto the table. The atmosphere was very awkward.

"Hi," said Tara.

"Hi," I said. "So, where've you been?"

"Oh, um, just running some errands. Helped get the shopping," said Kaycee, sounding like she was trying to play it down in front of Tara.

"What did you guys buy?" I asked.

"Just the usual. Stuff that everyone needs."

Kaycee began taking things out of the bags and putting them away in the cupboards and fridge. While she was facing away from me, I took a quick peek into one of the shopping bags, and saw vibrators, BDSM gear, and provocative clothing, which she was clearly trying to hide.

"Any updates on Johnnie?" I asked.

"Not that I've heard. I'll catch you guys in a bit," said Kaycee, and she grabbed her last shopping bag with her treats from Jake inside (or should I say treats for Jake?) and promptly headed upstairs.

Tara and I just glanced at each other.


As a couple of days went by, Tara and I grew closer, while Kaycee and I strayed further away. Tara slept in my bed with me, and if either of us went to the toilet at night, we'd hear moans and spanks coming from what was now Jake and Kaycee's room.

It seemed that Jake had completely forgotten about me and Tara. We were both supposed to be owned by him at this point, but we seemed to just be existing...floating around in the house with no real purpose. What was the point in us being there? That thought made us both nervous. We both knew that Jake had the capacity to kill people if they meant nothing to him, and we felt as if it was only a matter of time until he disposed of us.

One chance I could've had at escaping death would've been through Johnnie defending me, but he was still at Isaac's hospital, and, besides, he didn't care about me anymore...if he ever even did in the first place. So, my only hope was Kaycee. Since Jake was now so fond of her, surely he wouldn't chance doing anything to drastically upset her, such as killing me. But, then again, Johnnie had killed Peppa, with Jake as his accomplice, and Kaycee had seemed to get over that fast enough.

Tara's only hope was Sam, and maybe Colby. She'd lived here for a while, and had become friends with them...well, at least with Sam. He was the nicer one of the two. Tara and I discussed this in bed at night, and she said that she hoped Sam would stick up for her if Jake had any ideas about killing her off.

But, we also worried that Jake wouldn't tell anyone...that he'd just do it. He had no reason to keep us here, no reason to even discuss his decision with anyone else. He was basically just spending money on food and supplies for us for no reason apart from the fact that he couldn't release us back into the public, back to our former lives, as we had too much insight into his gang, and would therefore pose a threat to it.

But, not only was Tara worried about being murdered...she was also simply heartbroken. During the couple of nights we'd slept in my bed together, she'd whisper to me things about Jake that she missed, and then cry herself to sleep. I supposed that Kaycee was way kinkier, and way more obedient than Tara, and that was all Jake really cared about.


A change occurred once those couple of days were over. Tara and I were in my bedroom upstairs, leaning out of the window to smoke (since we preferred to keep the bedroom smoke-free—it had been kept way cleaner since being occupied by the two of us), when Jake's car pulled up outside. We watched as Jake and Kaycee stepped out of it. I glanced at Tara, and she looked unhappy, even though she was getting used to them by this point.

What really caught our attention, though, was when Johnnie got out of the backseat.

We'd received no warning that he was well again and ready to return to the house. Tara and I had been kept so out of the loop.

He was dressed casually, with his black hair un-styled, messy around his pale face. For a split second, he glanced up at the building, and caught my eye in the upstairs window. But his expression didn't change, and he strode towards the building and through the front door.

Tara and I looked at each other. My heart was beating so fast. I hadn't been prepared for this. Johnnie made me so nervous.

I could tell from Tara's face that she was worried about something, too. "What?" I asked.

"Where will I sleep?" she said.

That was a good point. With nowhere else to sleep in the house, this could be her last straw. She could be killed off.

But, at the same time, I didn't know what I was going to do about sleeping arrangements, either. Johnnie and I weren't a thing anymore. Jake owned me, and Jake wanted nothing to do with me. To him, I wasn't even there.

Now that Johnnie was back, he was probably going to want his bed to himself. Back at the motel, he'd told me he wouldn't have anything to do with me. He'd told me not to come to his hotel room.

"We could both sleep in the basement," I replied.

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