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"What did they do to you?" I asked Kaycee.

"The son of a bitch beat my face." She made a distressed whining sound. "He fucked up the one thing about myself that I was proud of."

"Kaycee, you'll heal. I saw you before he put this stupid hood on my head, and I promise you'll still look good once the swelling goes down."

She began to cry. "All I want is for Jake to prove he likes me by saving me, which probably won't happen because I'm just a body to him, and he has Tara, anyway, but at the same time, I don't want him to see me like this."

"Think about me. Johnnie had to see me looking dead in a coma with tubes going down my nose and into my stomach," I said, trying to keep my voice down as I didn't want to draw attention to us. For all I knew, those men could get angry hearing us talk to each other.

"Yeah, but...you don't care what Johnnie thinks, do you?"

She had a point there. "No, you're right...anyway, how long was I unconscious for?"

"A week and a half."

"My God."

"Ugh, I just can't get over what's happened to my face. He even showed me a mirror just to rub it in."

"Kaycee, you shouldn't have let him know your weakness is your appearance. He'll play on that now."

"I know, don't tell me. I'm dreading it happening again."

"It might not; I've proposed an offer to the man who beat us. I said I'd help them capture Johnnie by acting as bait. That is assuming Johnnie would even care enough to be lured in."

Kaycee breathed out. "I don't know what I'd do without you, Brooke."

"Don't thank me yet—we don't know how it'll end up." I paused for a moment, preparing myself to approach the subject. "But...why did you tell the man that Johnnie's my boyfriend?"

"What? I did no such thing."

"You're serious?"

"Yes, I'm serious!"

"Oh my God," I said, realising. "He pretended you said it in hopes that it was true, and that I'd open up with information, thinking that there was evidence against me. Good job I didn't say anything, anyway, because he was literally wrong."

"Wow. These guys are slick," said Kaycee.

"Not slick enough. It didn't work."

"But, if it was true, you would've admitted it. It would've worked."

"True." I sighed. "Oh, Kaycee, I can't believe this."

"I know," she whispered. "I'm sorry for everything."

"On the plus side, if Jake and Johnnie don't save us, at least we'll be free."

"Death isn't freedom for me. I know you're suicidal and all, but there's still a lot of things I wanna do before I die!"

"Don't wanna die a virgin, huh?"

"Funny," Kaycee said sarcastically.

"I could help with that," said the man's voice as his footsteps approached.

Kaycee huffed. "Even if I was still a virgin, I'd rather die one than lose it to you," she said sassily.

"Alright, feisty! Not that I'd really have sex with you, either, with how fucked your face is looking at the moment. Or, maybe we could borrow your friend's baggie," said the man as he whipped the bag off my head.

"Yeah, to use on you. Oh wait, you don't need it—you're self-aware enough to keep the ski mask on," I said, defending Kaycee.

"You're lucky I need to use you, or, with that attitude, your face would be looking a lot worse than hers by now," he said to me, nodding towards Kaycee. "Although...I don't know if that could ever be possible for you," he added, smoothing his hand admiringly over my cheek.

I scowled at him. "Back to the subject at hand," I said, rolling my eyes, "have you figured out a plan yet? Or can't you do it without my big brain?"

"You wanna prove to me how good your brain is?"

I rolled my eyes again. "No thanks."

"Right...because you're only into homosexual emos."

"I told you already, I'm not remotely interested in Johnnie."

He man laughed. "It's actually funny how you instantly knew who I was talking about."

"Well, no shit, which other emo do we both know?"

"Okay, now quit being a smartass—you're on thin ice."

The man unchained me from the chair, but kept my wrists in handcuffs behind my back. I stood up, glad to be able to stretch myself finally. As I did so, he shoved the bag over Kaycee's head.

"It's your lucky day," he said, beginning to walk through the large space, with me following beside him. "I'm ashamed to admit that my men caught Sam, and FUCKED IT UP by letting him go."


"They thought he was dead. Left him outta their sight, in the boot of the car. Went back an hour later and he was gone."

"And why does that make this my lucky day exactly?"

"Because it means we need you. You're even more important now. In other words, you're probably not gonna die. At first, we had Sam, too. We were gonna take some photos of him, share them around to Johnnie, Jake, and Colby, and lure them over here to come and rescue him. But, due to no fault of my own, than plan is out the window." He stroked his chin. "But, the mistake does have its perks. If our plan works, and that Johnnie boy does wanna come and save you, then at least he'll know our location. Sammy boy will probably lead him straight here."

I began to get nervous, and my voice wasn't so confident anymore. "So, how are you planning on using me to lure Johnnie here?"

"We're gonna take a few photos."

"Oh, okay."

"Photos of you, with some more damage to your face, bent over, with a bare dick behind you."

Kidnapped By Johnnie and JakeWhere stories live. Discover now