Gas Station

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I touched my face lightly with my palm. It burned. I bet it looked really red, too, from the impact and the embarrassment. I didn't even have a witty response to make; I felt genuinely shocked and humiliated. I couldn't believe he'd actually laid a hand on me.

I knew I shouldn't feel shocked; he had already pulled a gun on me, but the difference was that he'd purposely aimed past me, not at me. The gunshot had just been to scare me. But, even so, he was holding me captive. Logically, I knew I should've been freaking out of my mind...but, up until this point, I hadn't been. Peppa was right: I had been being way too calm, and that slap had showed it. He had really slapped me into reality. This wasn't the sort of funny, summer, boy adventure that you tell your kids about when you're older. These were sadistic men with bad intentions, and I needed to think of an escape plan FAST, or my life might end before I even have the change to have kids.

"You people are fucked up," said Peppa, shaking her head, with fear in her eyes.

"Me? I didn't do anything," said Jake.

"Except kidnap us," she said.

"Yeah, whatever, stop being a little bitch about it," said Jake.

Before we had the chance to protest to that ridiculous statement, he took a right into a gas station, which made us all glance up in curiosity.

"What are we doing here?" I asked, my voice still shaky from being slapped.

"Getting gas...?" said Jake before getting out of the car.

Peppa tried to open her door, thinking all of them had been unlocked, but it didn't work.

"This is an expensive car," said Johnnie. "We can control which doors lock and which don't."

"Kaycee, hop over to the driver's seat! Try the door!" I yelled while watching out of the window, fearing Jake would come back into the car at any moment.

"Huh?" Kaycee rasped.

"Ugh," I mumbled, before beginning to climb into the front seats to try the door herself. It was locked, too. I turned back to us in defeat, and slowly crawled back into her own seat.

"Why do you think I didn't stop you?" said Johnnie, laughing at my stupidity. "You don't really think Jake would've left that door unlocked, do you? And, even if it was unlocked, are you forgetting that he and I both have guns and you don't? That would be a really dumb move."

He was right—I had to be smarter about this. I suppose it was the first opportunity I'd seen yet to escape, so I'd tried it without thinking. But it was a bad idea, because now Johnny knew I had escaping on my mind, and he'd probably tell Jake as well. They'd probably be on guard even more, pull my lead tighter. I should've played along, acted as if I was complying.

Soon, Jake returned with a little plastic bag in his hand. "Snacks for the road trip, kids," he said as he threw a few packets of things from inside the bag onto the backseats at random, and a few onto Kaycee's lap.

The only one who took any interest was Johnnie, grabbing a packet of macarons and opening it. "Where's you're appetite?" he asked us.

"I don't know, I think I lost it when you slapped me?" I said.

"Oh, it didn't leave when we almost shot you?" he replied.

"Ungrateful bitches," said Jake.

"No, I'm so grateful you kidnapped us," I said sarcastically.

"Good!" said Jake.

But then I remembered...I needed to play along. I reached for a packet of Twizzlers, took one out, and ate it. "These are so nice," I said.

"There we are! Some gratitude. Take notes, girls," said Johnnie. Then he reached to the front, grabbed Kaycee's shoulders, and began dragging her into the backseat. "Sorry, Xanax, but I'm gonna take your seat in the front now." She was so out of it that it was almost as if he was dragging an unconscious body. She looked heavy and floppy, but she groaned a little in irritation.

Johnny stepped outside of the car and leaned inside to buckle her in. His face was so close to mine as he did so. I could see the white foundation in the details of his face. It was the first time I noticed he was quite attractive. His jawline was sculpted and masculine, and his mouth was shaped into a sort of smile, making sharp smile lines in his pale face. I think he was smiling because he caught me analysing his face out of the corner of my eye, and, all of a sudden, he grabbed my face with his strong hand and kissed my lips once. Not a smooch or anything, just a short, hard kiss. Then, he moved back out of the car and shut the door.

I was so confused...what was going on? He'd told me we were just coming with him to be on the YouTube channel. He'd said they weren't looking for sex or why did he kiss me? But, I guess you don't trust what a kidnapper tells you.

Suddenly, Johnnie flung himself into the front passenger seat of the car and slammed the door. "Go," he said sharply.

Jake started the engine, and another car sped into the gas station. "Fuck," he said as he began to make for the exit.

The other car followed, though, and Johnnie unwound his window a little, took a gun from a compartment, and pointed it at the other car as Jake tried to speed away as fast as he could.

"What's going on?!" I asked, clutching onto the headrests of the two front seats to stable myself as the car spun around a corner.

"Stalkers," answered Johnnie, firing two shots.

"Oh, my God!" I shouted.

I looked at my friends. Peppa was crouched down on the floor of the car, cowering in fear. Kaycee appeared as if she was coming round a little. She grabbed the side of the car to stable herself, and her expression looked

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