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Tara's POV:

" way," I whispered, my voice sounding faint. I stared up at Vinnie in shock.

"Tara," Brooke said again, and I could literally hear her smiling.

"Where are you? W-where have you been?" I questioned, not knowing what to ask first, or where to even begin. "I've missed you so much. You don't understand, I thought you were dead. I watched you dying. The whole nation watched your story on the news."

"I'm in witness protection. I'm so sorry I haven't contacted you. I haven't even been allowed a phone in case I use it to speak to any of you. I haven't been allowed outside the facility without supervisors. The doctors here say I have Stockholm Syndrome," she rambled. We were speaking quickly, as if we had no time to spare, and I was sure that was true. What if the workers at her facility took the phone off her?

"Where?" I asked, making sure I got the info ASAP.

"Somewhere in Cali. I haven't been told an exact location...for this reason, I guess." There was a pause. "Kaycee, where are we?"

"Kaycee?" I exclaimed.

Then, Kaycee spoke. "Yeah, hi, Tara. It's 1A Loch Road, Redwood, San Fran. The building called the Elderberry Unit." Then, she sighed. "I suppose I better give you some sort of explanation. But just remember that location in case this call gets cut off.

"Okay, where to begin? When you guys were out helping Johnnie escape, I met up with Zach. He came and found me. But that's for another story, which is irrelevant right now.

"Anyway, I told him about how I thought Brooke was still alive, and he wanted to help me. As I kinda told you before...based on the way the nurses at my old witness protection facility spoke about Brooke, it sounded like she was probably being taken care of in witness protection, too. Zach did a little research online, and we came to the conclusion that there's only one other witness protection facility in California, so I just had to hope Brooke was in it.

"So, Zach dropped me off at a police station, and I told them Jake had kidnapped me again, out of my old facility...which was true. They'd been looking for me, of course, and they were glad I'd turned up again. I guess they were also relieved that I hadn't been killed or whatever, because that would've had some shitty consequences for them, since they were supposed to have been protecting me, and I'd managed to get kidnapped again. I didn't mention to them that I'd jumped out of the window willingly, though." She laughed. "But, on with the the police station, I told them I wanted to be protected again, but in a different facility this time, with higher protection, where Jake wouldn't find me.

"Before we'd arrived at the police station, Zach had given me this tiny little throwaway flip phone that he'd used for gang shit...and I hid it up my pussy. Obviously, the police didn't check me over, like...I'm a victim not a criminal. They just took me to this new facility. They didn't really have much of a choice, I guess. I mean, it's not like they were gonna send me back to the same one you guys re-kidnapped me out of. And it was unlikely that they'd travel all the way out of Cali to take me somewhere else, especially at that time of night.

"So, when I arrived here, a couple of the care workers, or supervisors, whatever you wanna call them, took me into this little office and sat me down. They said they had something to tell me, and that it wasn't bad news, but they didn't know how I was gonna take it. They told me that Brooke was in this facility. They were sorry for keeping it from me, but it had been for Brooke's own protection.

"They had to keep her away from every single person who knew her, away from as many people as possible, because she was so at-risk. If anyone found out she was alive, there was a higher chance it could get back to her kidnappers. Apparently she'd been begging to be sent back to Johnnie, so they had to keep her away from literally any member of the public in case she somehow managed to use them to get into contact with him. Unlike me...I'd been begging them to keep me as far away from Jake as possible, 'cause I knew he was out for my blood, so they felt as though they didn't have to try as hard to keep me as protected as Brooke. But, anyway, back to what they were saying to me...they said they had to tell me now, because Brooke and I were gonna be living in the same facility. And that it was about time I found out. Things had calmed down, I guess. Brooke had healed—she's well again."

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