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Brooke's POV:

I screamed, letting all the frustration out. The frustration that they were taking Johnnie away from me again, and the frustration that they didn't understand. It wasn't good for me. They didn't need to lock Johnnie up, and they didn't need to lock me up. It only made us depressed. Both of us would be far better back together. They thought they knew everything, but they didn't. They knew nothing at all.

Tears streamed down my face as I responded. "You have no fucking idea! I don't have Stockholm Syndrome! You've never been inside my brain! You've never lived with Johnnie! You've never felt his touch, felt his kiss! I'm in love with him, the same way normal people love normal people! Yes, he kidnapped me in the first place, but that has nothing to do with it now! It's not a 'coping mechanism'...HE is my coping mechanism from the world! I need him to cope with YOU people, with this facility...not the other way round!"

Ben stood up and put his hands on my shoulders. "Brooke, calm down, please. I'm sorry. You're right, none of us will ever know exactly what it's like to be you, or understand what you've gone through. But we try out best, and we just want what's best for you. We want you to be safe, and happy."

"If you want me to be safe and happy, then let me back with Johnnie! No one has ever protected me the way he did! He basically willingly sent himself to prison by taking me to the hospital, because he cared about my life more than his own! I know, wholeheartedly, that he would protect me with his life without a second thought! And, in regards to my happiness, I'll never be happy again without him! Ever since we've been apart, I've been the most depressed I've ever been in my life, way more depressed than I was when I was kidnapped by him, and I'm sure he has been, too! YOU are causing this, YOU are making me feel this way!"

Ben simply gave a look to the other social workers, and they knew what to do. All three of them grabbed me, and brought me out of the room, downstairs, outside the building, and into the van they were going to use to take me to the new facility.

Kaycee was already inside, waiting for me.

The van was specifically built to transport people in witness protection. The 'storage' area was basically like a train carriage in the back of the van. It had four seats, a table, a fridge, a box of things for entertainment (such as books and a CD player since we weren't allowed phones), and a little cubicle with a toilet inside. But what it didn't have was any windows.

Jenny sat in the back with us, while another social worker drove. After about ten minutes of me sulking, Jenny tried to make conversation.

"You know, it's not all bad," she said. "This new facility is supposed to be really lovely. You'll probably prefer it. Apparently it has a beautiful garden with a fountain and a greenhouse, and even a tennis court. Quite bougée!"

I just glanced up at her. "I cannot enjoy any of those things without Johnnie...knowing he was so close, but now so far."

"This is all part of the process of moving on. You have to fight through the letting go, and then one day you'll realise you've healed. You'll look back, and these feelings will be a distant memory. Time is a healer." Then, she turned to Kaycee. "How are you feeling, darling? Moving facilities again already!"

"I'm fine." Kaycee glanced at me and smiled. "I'm just glad I'm with you, Brooke. I still can't believe it. I thought I was going crazy for thinking you were still alive. But I'm not crazy, I was right. Tara knew it too, you know. She said she saw someone who looked like you at the mall, but no one believed her."

"Oh, my God," I said. "Jenny, remember, you and Marcus took me to the mall that one time, as a treat?! But I had to wear a wig and a hat to prevent anyone from recognising me?!"

Kidnapped By Johnnie and JakeWhere stories live. Discover now