New Perspective

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Kaycee's POV:

I flinched and squeezed my eyes shut when I heard the gunshot. I knew it was coming, but I wasn't ready to die.

And I didn't.

When I opened my eyes, the first thing I saw was Brooke hit the floor.

Jake still had his gun pointed at me, though, and I screamed. But Brooke had been shot, anyway, so I dove for her body, and draped it over me as a shield. What's better: one shot person, or two?

My protection only lasted a second, before Johnnie snatched Brooke from me, and kicked me out of the way.

He took her limp, gargling body into his arms, and left the room.

It was only then that I realised Jake was trying to shoot at me again, and again, and again, but there were no bullets left in the cylinder.

This was my chance to escape. I flew out of the room, stark naked, and chased after Johnnie.

He ran downstairs, and through the house, with her bleeding out onto his chest. Everyone stared in shock as he passed by them, heading straight outside the front door to his car. When I followed in his path, they stared too, but I didn't care. I was shameless. In fact, a tiny thought at the back of my mind hoped the guys got turned on by my ass bouncing up and down as I ran past them, and when my nipples sharpened the moment I stepped outside of the house into the crisp air.

"Johnnie!" I yelled as he put Brooke into the car.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP," he said.



I scoured my mind for a good excuse. "Please! Jake will kill me! Brooke wouldn't want that—if she survives this, she'll want to die if she finds out I've died! She'll never be happy again! She can't lost two best friends!"

Johnnie considered this for a split second, then he nodded towards the backseat and let me get in. I knew Jake would be out to get me sooner or later, but at least this could bide my time. He'd never shoot at a car with Johnnie inside.

"Where are we going?" I asked urgently. I hoped it was far away.

"The hospital."

"Not Isaac's?"

"No, he's too far. She'll die before we reach him, if she's not dead already. Check her pulse, Kaycee."

I did so, and I couldn't feel anything, but I didn't tell Johnnie that. If he thought she was dead already, he might stop driving. I needed him to think she still had a chance.

"But, you can't go to the real hospital, right? You'll get arrested by the authorities."

Johnnie was silent for a few seconds before he answered as he sped down the road. He looked as if he even blinked away tears. "I don't care. Her life is worth more than mine."


The hospital was nearby, so we arrived there quickly. What was I to do? I couldn't stay in the car park—it would be too easy for Jake to get me if he decided to follow us. I had to go inside the hospital—at least I'd have some sort of chance at hiding, or getting someone else to protect me.

So, when Johnnie got out the car with Brooke in his arms, I followed him.

He gave me a dirty look. "No. Put some fucking clothes on."

"What clothes?!" I asked as we walked towards the entrance.

"It's weird. No one wants to see your pussy."

"Oh, really? Because, if I'm remembering correctly, the whole reason we're in this situation is because someone wanted to see my pussy."

Johnnie shook his head and ignored me. I received many stares from people waiting around the hospital, but I liked it.

The moment we entered, Johnnie called the attention of the doctors, yelling that someone had been shot. They took her in instantly, and Johnnie followed them, wanting to stay by Brooke's side.

But it didn't take long for what we thought would happen.

The hospital workers began murmuring urgently into their radios, and before we knew it, we were swarmed by officers. Johnnie was a wanted man, and they had recognised him.

Johnnie was arrested. I never thought I'd see the day. He and Jake seemed so invincible—they got away with everything. Any time they were in a sticky situation, they got out of it. Always got what they wanted. But this time was the only time that Johnnie allowed himself to be sacrificed. He wasn't focusing on himself. All he wanted to do was be with Brooke. He wouldn't leave her unless he absolutely had to. And now he did.

But, to my disbelief, I was arrested, too!

They said it was because I was with Johnnie. I needed to come with the police down to the station for questioning. I suppose my appearance at that moment in time didn't help me blend in with normal people, either, to be honest.

I was okay with being arrested, though. A police station, or even a jail cell, was the safest place I could be at that moment. And, plus, I'd done nothing wrong. I wouldn't get into trouble; I had been abducted. And I'd tell them I'd been raped, too, just to add to Jake's charges. I also had all the information anyone would ever have to help the police catch him. That was the whole reason Jake or Johnnie would never have let us go.


It had been a week since Brooke's shooting, and Johnnie's arrest.

I had spent that week unwillingly living in a facility for 'victims of trauma' and 'people at risk from the public', where I was forced to wear ugly blue nightdresses, and eat food worse than what they used to serve in the school cafeteria. But, nevertheless, I was grateful. I'd rather be locked up with loonies than dead at the hands of Jake.

And I was lonely. There were only two fit guys in the whole facility. One was a patient, but he was only interested in the weirdo quiet girls who had to have their pencils sharpened for them by the social workers. And the other...was a guard.

On the seventh day, I was sat in the 'chill room', as the social workers called it, chilling out with all the messed up patients, when something caught my eye on the TV. Something finally interesting.

It was the news, with image of Johnnie displayed on the screen. A mugshot of Johnnie. I cranked up the volume, trying to hear what the news anchor was saying, causing one of the patients to grunt disapprovingly at the noise.

"Johnnie Guilbert, a notorious gang leader who had terrorised the streets of LA for countless years, was finally arrested at City Hospital last week, while bringing in a girl, Brooke Marion, for treatment after being shot, who was pronounced dead shortly after. The autopsy reports that she had suffered from many more wounds during the weeks prior to her death, such as another gunshot, and a cut to her neck."

A lump formed in my throat.

Pronounced dead shortly after.


With that, a photo of Brooke popped up.

It was a photo of her before we'd been kidnapped. I don't think many photos of us during the kidnapping period of our lives existed, really.

She looked innocent. Happy. Her smile was so genuine. She was a gem to the world. Someone who truly made it a better place. I did care, I didn't want her to die...but I couldn't make myself care as much as I felt like I should have. I think it was envy.

"With the pair was also a naked girl, Kaycee Lively, who has since cooperated with authorities by undergoing questioning, where she revealed that she had been kidnapped and raped by multiple members of the gang."

I stared at the picture of myself. They could've used a better one for national television...but it was good enough.

"Other members of the gang are being investigated, but will not be named until further information is gained. Police urge anyone who may provide knowledge to progress the case, to contact them immediately. Thank you for watching United States News."

Kidnapped By Johnnie and Jakeحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن