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Tara's POV:

Jake had Kaycee all chained up, her arms and legs stretched either side of her, as he whipped her raw.

But it wasn't the whipping that sickened me. It was Kaycee's nakedness, and Jake's boner bulging from inside his jeans.

I ran to my room instantly. I was wrong about him. He didn't fucking care about me. He didn't regret anything.

He was enjoying her again. He had fallen for her once again. Are men that emotionally weak?! I wanted to scream!

It was then that I instinctively wanted to tell Brooke about this...and then I remembered. The tears that had been welling up in my eyes suddenly started to spill.

I could rant about it to Tana, but with Tana it was all gossip...whereas, with Brooke, I knew she actually cared. When shit like this happens, you need more than just a gossip session where you yap about how men ain't shit. You need actual emotional support.

I hadn't spent enough time with Hellie to know for sure, but she seemed like she'd make a pretty good emotional support friend. But obviously I wasn't going to run back downstairs and past the room Kaycee and Jake were in to go and tell her, so I just led in my room and cried, hoping Jake would realise the mistake he was making and snap out of it, until I fell asleep.

What I'd really wanted to do, more than anything, was go clubbing. That would've really kept my mind off it.

In the past, I'd clubbed after every breakup. Everything about it cured me of sadness. But I hadn't stepped foot inside a club since the day I'd met Jake. It was so unfair.


The following day, I woke up beside Jake. That was one comforting thing. At least he hadn't completely abandoned me. He'd still slept beside me, not Kaycee.

I did my makeup in bed as I waited for Jake to wake up. Usually he was up earlier than me, but he'd been staying up so late this past week, trying to figure out plans to find Kaycee and get Johnnie out of jail. At least now he only had one goal to focus on.

When he awoke, the first thing he did was light a cig. I sat cross-legged on the bed, waiting for him to acknowledge me, waiting for him to say good morning.

But he didn't. So I said it myself.

"Morn'" he replied.

"So...what's going on with Kaycee?" I tried to make it sound casual.

Jake stretched his muscles. "Nothing much."

"Jake..." I couldn't beat around the bush. I had to bring it up, or it would eat at me from the inside. "I saw you two."

His expression didn't change. He continued to stare across the room as he smoked. "What about us?"

"You...spanking her naked body! With a boner!" I blinked exaggeratedly to express my shock.

This made Jake laugh loudly to himself for a few moments before saying, "Yeah, I was punishing her!"

I rolled my eyes. "Jake, you know what you're doing. Why does she have to be naked?"

"Because it's a punishment! Humiliation!"

"She's attracted to you, Jake! And you're attracted to her! That attraction doesn't just disappear when you fall out, and you know that. The boner showed that."

"Tara." He turned to me now. "It was just my first thought for a punishment. It's what I'm used to using, I'm sorry."

I think I started to blush when I heard that. He actually said the word sorry. I'm sorry.

I guess he saw me blush, because he laughed a bit and placed his palm on my cheek, and continued to speak. "And, as for the boner, it's a natural bodily reaction, but I didn't take it any further."

This was the Jake I knew. This was the Jake I loved. Moments like this didn't come very often with him, but I appreciated when they did, and I cherished them in the moments when we were furthest apart.

"I didn't so much as take my dick out my pants. In fact...he's still pretty hungry. Why don't you satisfy him yourself?" Jake murmured.

So I did as suggested. I bent down and sucked his dick.


Later that day, the guys allowed us girls to take a trip to the mall.

I'd often been allowed trips out without the guys in the past. I'd lived with them so long that they trusted me. They knew I'd never try to escape, because I wouldn't be able to live without Jake. I'd barely made it through that period of time where Jake had dumped me for Kaycee, and we'd still been living in the same house.

Anyway, as I was saying, my little unsupervised trips out had sort of been halted since Brooke and Kaycee had moved in, I guess because they were too new, and not to be trusted, and if they saw me going out, they'd probably sneak out with me or something, or cause too much fuss begging to join me.

But, since Brooke was gone, and Kaycee was still chained to a mattress in a storage room, my outside privileges had returned. Of course, I still had to have permission every time I left the house (in fact, all of the trips had been organised by the guys themselves, I suppose to get us out from under their feet while they figured out how to get Johnnie out of jail), but, still, it was good to spend some time with the girls on some much-needed retail therapy, funded by our men's wallets.

Tana, Hellie, Bella and I were having such a cute time—the circulation in our arms almost cutting off from all the shopping bags weighing down on them—when something dragged me out of my mindlessness, and back down to reality.

Only for a split second, I caught a glimpse of a girl, amongst a crowd of people, walk past on the other side of the mall...who looked just like Brooke.

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