New Crowd

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"I did something to her. I fucked up," Johnnie was saying. "She's never going to fucking forgive me."

The other voice was coming from Colby. "If you want a relationship with her, why did you do it?"

"Because she has too much control over me," said Johnnie. "I had to take back control. I couldn't let my feelings take over."

"Well, it's fair enough," said Colby. "I'd do the same. But I've never been in love like you are."

"I didn't say that," said Johnnie.

"You don't need to. We can tell."

I heard one of them start approaching the kitchen door, so I quickly dashed into the lounge before they saw.

Kaycee was sat on Jake's lap, facing him, as he played with her boobs, which were now completely bare. He jiggled them up and down as she laughed and moaned.

Sam was sat in a chair playing a game on the TV, completely unfazed about what Jake and Kaycee were up to on the sofa. Tara was sat on another chair near Sam, pretending to watch what he was playing on the TV, but I could tell she was secretly just focusing on Jake.

A few moments after I entered the room, Johnnie walked in. He smiled at me casually, as if he hadn't been talking about being in love with me just a few moments before.

He put his arm around my waist and brought me to the sofa, where he sat me on his lap, and put his arms around me to use the controller for the video game with Sam. Of course, Johnnie instantly took the lead, without even trying. After the round was over, he squeezed my butt a bit and kissed my forehead.

I noticed Tara watching—she hadn't really seen Johnnie and I like this yet, and, of course, earlier I had avoided the subject of it while talking with her.


Later, everyone went out to meet up at an ally gang's house to hang out, and I guess sort out some kind of gang business which I had no interest in knowing about. I went in the car with Johnnie, Kaycee went with Jake, and Tara went with Sam and Colby.

When we entered their large house, a group of seven of them were hanging in the kitchen, talking and snacking. Johnnie, Jake, Kaycee, Sam, and Colby walked over and began chatting to the other guys, as the three girls from the group approached Tara and I. Kaycee didn't leave Jake's side; she was hanging onto his arm with her bootycheeks still hanging out, but at least she was actually wearing a bra at this point.

"Hey, guys," said a woman with long, straight blonde hair. Her voice was quite husky and loud. "My name's Tana Mongeau. Tara and I know each other already," she added to me.

"I'm Hellie," said another girl, who looked alternative, with black hair and a white patch at the front.

"I'm Bella Poarch, nice to meet you," said the third, who just had black hair.

"Nice to meet you all, I'm Brooke," I said.

"I'm Tara," Tara said to Hellie and Bella.

"Who's the other girl?" asked Tana Mongeau, glancing over at Kaycee. I could tell she was judging her.

"Jake's bitch," said Tara.

"Yo, what the fuck?" said Tana Mongeau, looking from Tara, over to Kaycee, and back to Tara again. "Jake was with you the last time we met."

Tara looked a little sad. "Yeah...key word is was."

"And you're just gonna let her steal your man?"

Tara shrugged.

"You're Tara fucking Yummy, bitch," said Tana Mongeau, hyping her up. I guess that was the nickname Tara had given her, because I'd never heard anyone else say it.

"I know...that's why I'm not chasing after a man," said Tara.

"So, who are you with?" asked Hellie, the alternative one.

"No one."

"You're still here even though you're not dating anyone?" said Hellie.

"Yeah, somehow," said Tara.

Tana Mongeau laughed loudly and deeply. "Bitch, that's risky."

"I know," said Tara. "But what choice do I have?"

Then, Bella spoke. "We could set you up with a guy. Vinnie doesn't have a bitch."

"Who's Vinnie?" asked Tara.

"That guy over there," said Bella, pointing to a good-looking guy with light brown hair and tattoos, who was talking to Johnnie and Jake.

Tara started to smile. "Okayyy, he's cute!"

"Talk to him," said Bella. "I'll grab your guys and say hi in a minute so you can get in there with Vinnie, and, Brooke, you can also meet the other guys."


After a bit, Bella had cornered Johnnie and Jake and was chatting to them, so that the group of guys from the ally gang were free to talk to, and Tara could have a conversation with Vinnie.

The guys from the ally gang consisted of Vinnie, Scuff, Zach, and Jared.

Vinnie was pretty reserved, but Tara seemed to be getting along well with him. They had found a corner by the fridge, and Vinnie was getting her a soda, while he explained that he wasn't a big soda drinker himself.

Scuff was Hellie's man, and, surprisingly, for one of these gang members, he actually seemed pretty loyal, so he wasn't really engaging in much conversation with us girls.

Zach owned Bella, but he didn't seem to be all that loyal, because I noticed him ogling over at Tara a lot, and, in my opinion, he seemed pretty jealous that Vinnie had gotten in there first. I felt happy for Tara—now she could see how desirable she really was. Even though Jake had ditched her, she instantly had two guys after her within the first hour of being here.

Jared was a little shy, but he was a sweetie. He didn't really have 'gang' energy like the others. I think he was just part of the gang because he was Zach's closest friend. Kaycee and I had both fell into conversation with him—he was the easiest to talk to, and the most bubbly, out of all of the guys. He seemed so harmless, although I did catch him sneaking a few peeks at Kaycee's very exposed bosom over the course of our conversation.

It was one of the first times in a while that I'd actually been in a proper conversation with Kaycee myself. She was still fun to be around, that hadn't changed, but, otherwise, she'd turned into such a different person since being with Jake. I'd always known she enjoyed being sexy, but Jake had really brought it out of her like never before.

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