How I Met Your Daddy

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I pretended to be asleep for a little while longer, just in case they said anything more about me, but they didn't.

My mind wasn't focused on the shooting at all, it was completely revolving around what Johnnie had said.

I was killing him?! He'd never cared about anyone the way he cares about me?!

It felt like Christmas morning. I didn't know why it made me so happy. It shouldn't. Johnnie was evil. The fact that he wanted anything to do with me should've made me want to run for the hills, or kill myself. But the thought fuelled me with life!

I made excuses for myself in my head. I told myself I was just happy because it meant that I had some sort of power over my captor. If I was killing him, it meant he wasn't completely in control. I had some sort of influence on him. And I guess that made the kidnapping situation a little less dangerous for me.

But...if I was being brutally honest with myself...I just wanted him to want me. As I led there in the BTEC hospital bed, I fantasised about him turning down every other girl for me, about him tying me up and fucking me in complete desperation for me.

I guess the fact that Johnnie had abandoned me for a while just made this new revelation all the more satisfying to me. It's sort of like...if someone told you that your friend is alive, you'd think 'good...but I know that already.' But, if someone told you your friend has been killed in a freak accident, and then revealed that they were lying, your friend is in fact still alive, you'd be so relieved. The absence beforehand made me even more grateful.

I caught myself smiling at these thoughts, and wiped the smile straight off my face before Isaac or Johnnie noticed from across the room. By this point, they were on a completely different subject, both with joints in their hands, filling up the room with smoke. I tried to hold it in, but it caused me to cough. Isaac and Johnnie looked over at me.

"Morning," said Isaac, a trail of smoke escaping his throat as he spoke.

"Hello," I croaked, sitting up. "Thank you, Isaac, for helping me."

"No problem, girl." I saw Isaac look at Johnnie and smile a bit, because he now knew Johnnie's thoughts, how much he liked me. Johnnie didn't smile back, though. He ignored Isaac and glared at me.

Johnnie was quite a different person in front of me. For someone who had stated that he'd never cared about anyone the way he cared about me...he certainly wasn't showing it.

Isaac took one last drag of his joint and said, "Well, I'll leave you two to it." Then, he left the room.

I stared at Johnnie expectantly for a moment, as if I expected him to come over and suddenly be a different person to how he usually was. Like, hello, I was literally lying in a hospital bed? But, no. He was still Johnnie. He didn't rush over to kiss my wounds and confess his feelings or anything dramatic like that.

He finally walked over to me, though, and smiled a bit. "You okay?"

"I think good as you can be when you've been shot."

"I know the feeling," he said as he lifted me a bit by my arms so that I could sit up better. But then he said nothing, just analysed my shy reaction.

"So...when do I get to leave?" I asked awkwardly.



"Yeah, because you're not a little bitch. You were built for this."

A weird compliment, but I'd take it. "Thanks." But then, I thought about it. When he said I was built for this sounded like he meant it as a long-term thing. I didn't think I needed to worry about him binning me off any time soon.

He began mindlessly playing with my fingers. "I don't think I ever told you about when Jake and I first saw you at the concert."


He watched me wait patiently for a moment before he spoke again. "We were in Jake's hometown to kill a guy that had information on him. We'd just finished the job, and decided to go into the concert to scout some bitches we might take home. Drunk emo bitches, the perfect targets. That was when we noticed Kaycee, Peppa, and you. To me, Kaycee was too much, and boastful, but Jake likes that. He likes a girl to be all over him. Peppa was nondescript, meek. But you were good. Like neither of them. Of course, we followed you to your hotel parking lot, and that was it. We hadn't intended to keep you, but two of you have somehow stayed."

When he said that, I realised how lucky I was to actually be alive. He hadn't planned on keeping me. I suppose his original intention was to play with me for a bit, and then kill me off. I so easily could've ended up like Peppa. In that moment, I was more grateful for my position than ever.

"I'm glad I kept you," Johnnie said, before leaning over the bed and kissing me on my lips.

I felt a chill go through my body when he did so. This was a man who often killed people in cold blood. Who disposed of girls after he had his fun. Who had more control than anyone I'd ever met. And he chose to keep me, to kiss me gently.

Kidnapped By Johnnie and JakeUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum