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Tara's POV:

By now, it was dark, and we were driving in the middle of nowhere down a narrow, long road, bordered by neat trees on either side. Once we reached the end of it, we saw the large building Jake had shown us a picture of. The facility for trauma victims and people in need of protection from the public...where Kaycee supposedly lived.

It was super old-fashioned, and all on its own, with a pretty front garden and a fountain right in the middle of it...boujee!

We parked the car quietly out front, and quickly went over our plan again. Jake had printed off a picture he'd found online on a house refurbishment company's website of the building's floor plan. He used the picture to help explain to us how we would enter, and so we got started.

We all had different entrances to try. Jake took the most risky, the front door, Sam and Colby were on either sides of the building, and I was round the back, which I had to hop a couple of huge barbed wire fences to get to.

Once I did, I reached the door. It was a small door, which, according to Jake's map, was used by the cooks, as it led into the kitchen quarters.

I tried the obvious way in by pulling on the door handle, but, of course, it was locked. I scanned around a little, trying to figure out another way, but that was when I noticed something that shook me in my cute-ass stomper boots.

I had glanced up at one of the upstairs windows...and there Kaycee was, in the flesh, climbing out of it.

"What the fuck?!" I yelled, my voice squeaking at the end of the sentence in shock.

I instantly turned around, about to run round the corner to go and grab someone—probably Sam or Colby, they were the closest—for help, but then Kaycee called to me. "Tara! Wait!"

I looked back around. She was clinging onto the edge of the windowsill, with her legs dangling down.

She was wearing a hospital-looking light blue nightgown, and I could straight-up see her ass underneath it from this angle—I could never get away from that thing, no matter how much I hated to see it!

At first, I thought she needed help, which I obviously wasn't going to provide her with. I'd let her hang there until we got her down and abducted her, or, if she fell down before that, then, well, it wasn't the end of the world. It would just mean she'd get an easy death instead of one which involved a lot of suffering at the hands of Jake.

"Jake! Sam! Colby!" I screamed.

Then, she stretched her legs over to the side a bit, and wrapped them around a pipe which was secured up the side of the building, before grabbing it with her arms, too, and sliding all the way down.

I screeched my lungs out. I didn't know what to do! Should I try to kill her now, before Jake comes?! But...he wants to make her suffer, so he might get mad at me for letting her off the hook! I guess I could pretend she fell and died from that, though...ugh, I didn't know, so I just stood there and stomped my feet as I panicked.

But, luckily, Jake had heard me. He sprinted round the corner and noticed Kaycee stood there. I could see the anger burning in his eyes. "You're dead, bitch."

But, what Kaycee did next astonished me. She ran over and flung her arms around him! "Jake! Jake, I'm so sorry, please forgive me! He raped me, Jared raped me! It wasn't my fault—"

"Get the fuck off me!" Jake spat as he pried her off him. Then, he gave her one hard shove so that she fell to the ground.

She grunted as she fell, but then she got to her knees. "Jake, please, please, I'll do anything, I'll be your sex slave, I'll dedicate my life to serving you if you just forgive me!"

In response, Jake simply hit her on the head with the end of his gun, and knocked her out. Right as he did so, security alarms all around the building began to screech. "Grab one side," Jake said to me. "Let's get her in the boot."


We'd gotten away with it. Jake had gotten what he'd set out for. He now had Kaycee literally chained to a mattress in a small storage room in our new house. It had probably helped that Kaycee had literally climbed out of that facility house's window herself—we hadn't even needed to step inside the building.

I didn't know what Jake was thinking. I couldn't read him. I don't think I'd ever seen him so set on vengeance in my life. I guess the fact that Kaycee's actions had had a domino effect leading to Johnnie getting thrown in jail (his escape was still a work-in-progress) had really worsened Jake's anger regarding the situation.

And I was worried for Kaycee. I hated her guts, but I didn't think she deserved to be tortured to the extent I knew Jake was going to. I wanted to help her, but what could I do? Risk being reprimanded myself to help the girl who stole my man?

So I tried to blank it out. Blank her out.

Luckily, some things had changed for the good as well as the bad. I wasn't a complete loner without Brooke, because I had Tana, Hellie, and Bella.

Tana and I had already been sort of friends for a couple years. She'd been part of the ally gang since before I met Jake, and we'd occasionally met up with them in the past. Tana and I got on well. We were similar kinds of people. Both girly, fun, and a little crazy. I really liked Hellie, too—she was a sweetheart. But I just wasn't sure about Bella Poarch.

Later that day, I was hanging out with the girls while eating an açai bowl, when the sound of screaming started to come from the direction of the room where Kaycee was captive. We all fell silent, and glanced at each other awkwardly in our seats. We wanted to ignore it, but we couldn't. It was so loud, so painful. After a while, Hellie shook her head softly and murmured, "God...I feel sorry for her." We all nodded our heads in agreement.

After a few minutes passed, I simply couldn't stand it. I stood up, and decided to go upstairs, away from the noise, but to get there I'd have to walk past the room itself.

I'd intended to speed past it, but I couldn't help it. I had to know. If I didn't find out what Jake was doing to her, it would rot my brain. I would think over all the gory possibilities, and probably end up coming to an even worse conclusion than the real one.

So I peeked.

And what I saw made me feel even more sick than I'd expected.

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