The End

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Brooke's POV:

I was bewildered. Bella? Why on Earth was she here? And then I realised...of course, she was part of Vinnie's gang, so she was probably here to help free me and Kaycee! Johnnie and the gang had probably sent out a few cars to track us down and get us back.

"Bella!" I said, smiling.

But she didn't smile back. "So you made it out alive, huh?"

I stared at her for a moment, trying to figure out what she meant. "What?" I finally said.

"Johnnie's finally out of think I'm gonna let you ruin my chance with him?" she asked.

I was honestly baffled. "What do you mean?"

"Use your brain, dumbass. The day you were shot by Jake...what did you catch Johnnie and I doing?"

" trying to make a move on him..."

Bella smiled. "Yeah. And I'm not gonna stop trying until I get my way. He'll never move on with me if he knows you're alive. The only way he'll ever give me a chance is if he believes there's no chance left with you. It was gonna be doable with you in the facility, and him believing you were dead. But I knew you were alive, because I saw you in that mall...and that was when I knew it was too much of a risk. You'd always be there in the background, at risk of coming back. And you almost did. Almost. I knew I'd have to do something about you, get you out of the picture completely, for good, if I wanted to get my way. And the moment I saw this opportunity arise, I knew I had to take it."

I was silent for a long moment, just processing the insanity which was exiting her mouth. "So...what are you saying? That you crashed into our van? On purpose?"

She laughed now, and clapped her hands sarcastically. "Well done! Jeez, you're a slow one, aren't you? No wonder it took you so long to escape that facility."

As everything that she was telling me sunk in, I started to panic. "So, you wanted to kill me?"

"Close. I want to," she said.

I started backing away now, towards the van to hide behind it.

"I will," she added, advancing towards me.

Her hand slipped into her pocket, and I was used to that being a sign that someone has a gun. So I sprinted behind the van, my mind racing to find any form of protection.

I couldn't see Kaycee anywhere, so I assumed she'd heard the commotion and ran off for her own Kaycee style. But I didn't blame her for that. I just wasn't surprised.

I could hear Bella's footsteps chasing behind me, so I kept running around the van. We circled the van twice, and all I could think was that I'd have to slow down soon, and she'd shoot me. But before I even had the chance to slow down, Bella switched directions, and rounded the corner of the van, this time right in front of me.

I stopped in my tracks, skidding and falling over. She cackled, and walked towards me, standing above me as I tried to scramble away.

But then I looked at her hand and realised something. It wasn't a gun she was holding, it was a piece of scrap metal from the crashed car! It looked heavy and sharp, and I was sure it would do some real damage if I was hit or stabbed with it, but my chances of survival were still mountains higher than if it would've been a gun.

She bent down over me, and tried to stab my neck with it. I managed to dodge, and put my hands in front of me for protection. She missed, but the metal still scraped my hand a bit, making me wince in pain.

She held the metal up once again, ready to swing it down on me, when, suddenly, Kaycee jumped out of the van behind Bella. She had a glass bottle of water in her hand, and smashed it down as hard as she could on Bella's head before giving her a chance to stab me for a second time.

Bella fell backwards onto the ground, unconscious, along with the shards of smashed glass.

I breathed out, almost whimpering with adrenaline, and leapt to my feet. "Kaycee," I squealed, and ran to her, pulling her into a strong hug. "You saved my life!"

She hugged me back tightly. "At least the water bottle Jenny was gonna pour for us before we crashed ended up getting put to use."

I laughed shakily. That was such a Kaycee thing to make a dark joke during such a time.

But I pulled away from her hug upon hearing a car speed up the road. I was instantly on guard...could it be someone helping Bella? Or a random person who might call the police and have us sent back to witness protection?

But when the car got closer, I realised I was the luckiest girl in the world. I knew that car. It was one I could never forget in a million years. It was Jake and Johnnie's car.

It braked to a sudden stop on the road beside us, and three people got out. Those people were Tara, Jake...and Johnnie.

Without even thinking about it, my instincts took over my body, and I flew into Johnnie's arms.

His strong hands grasped me so tightly, almost breaking through my skin, and we soon started to kiss.

It felt like the world was fading away around us, like it was only me and him.

I then wrapped my arms around his neck, and he just held me. It was the safest I had ever felt. I knew those arms would protect me from anything, except his own self.

"Brooke," he whispered, sounding almost like he was going to cry.

Then, I heard Tara ask what happened to Bella. Johnnie let me go, now putting his arm around me as I leant into his chest, so we could both face Tara's direction.

Bella was on the floor in front of her, still not really moving, but groaning a little.

"Bella tried to kill me," I said, my voice wobbling. My emotions were finally getting the better of me.

Without saying another word, Johnnie took out his gun from his pocket, and shot her ten times. She quickly stopped groaning.

"Kaycee saved me," I said. "She knocked Bella out as she was trying to stab me."

Tara and Jake looked at Kaycee for a moment. Kaycee looked so dishevelled. Her head and hair were covered with dried blood from the crash, and she looked traumatised.

"Thank you, Kaycee," said Tara as she ran up and hugged Kaycee. "You found Brooke."

I glanced quickly, and noticed Johnnie and Jake both smiling a little. I knew that they forgave Kaycee for everything.

"Let's leave that dead bitch Bella here and go home," said Jake.

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