First Kill

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As I picked up the gun he'd thrown into my lap, my hands shook. What the fuck?! I didn't wanna be under this sort of pressure! No way.

Not to mention how Johnnie was suddenly trusting me with a gun. Well, I guess he had no choice, really.

I could shoot him right now. I put my finger on the trigger, imagining blowing a bullet in his gut and watching him struggle as he died a slow and painful death.

Surprisingly, I could hardly bear to think about it. I'd like to see him suffer, sure...but the thought of never seeing him again made my heart ache.

"I don't know what to do!" I screeched, as Johnnie glared into his rear view mirror at the cars behind us as he drove steadily.

"Just fucking shoot them," he said.

"How?! They're behind us!"

With that, Johnnie slowed down a little, controlling the car very carefully, so that we were becoming level, side-by-side with the car closest behind us.

With my heart beating out of my chest, I undid my window by a couple inches, and reached my hand up, sticking the end of the gun out of it. I shot once, and the bullet soared straight over the top of their car, into the distance. I missed by a long shot.

"Concentrate!" Johnnie yelled, and I could tell he was stressing out, because it was dangerous to be parallel with the other car.

Suddenly, a bullet hit out car window, causing it to crack. One more shot and their bullets would penetrate the window, into the car, and into one of us.

I had no choice. I shot round after round, so many that at least some had to hit their car. And they did. Their windows closest to us smashed into oblivion, and the next bullet and the next flew into their car. I must've hit the driver, because, in no time at all, their car swerved and skidded off the side of the freeway, rolling until it came to a stop.

But it wasn't over yet. There was another car still following us. It was behind us, so this time, I had angle the gun to face backwards, so that I struggled to see where I was aiming.

I tried to shoot again. Nothing. And again. Nothing. I was out of bullets. "They're blanks!" I cried.

"Fuck's sake," said Johnnie, and without a second thought, he slammed the brakes, causing the car behind us to crash straight into the back of our car.

It all happened so fast. I screamed, the airbag blew up in my face, I flew forward into it, and then back again, smashing my head in the back of my seat.

For a few moments, all I heard was ringing in my ears after the bang of the airbag, and the sound of the two cars smashing, merging together. I'd reflexively squeezed my eyes shut when we crashed, and when I opened them again, I realised that Johnnie had reached his arm in front of me protectively.

I breathed in and out so hard and fast that my throat sounded hoarse, and my lungs began to ache. I glanced at Johnnie, and he was looking at me. He didn't even seem fazed. He looked like he was relieved it was over, that he'd successfully not killed us, but he didn't seem shocked in the slightest.

Then, he simply got out of the car and walked slowly to the wreckage behind us.

I looked behind me and saw that the back of our car had been totally crushed into itself. It anyone would've been in the back seat, they'd be dead, without a shadow of a doubt.

The rival gang's car was basically halfway through our car, and it was completely mangled. I couldn't even tell which part of which car was supposed to be what, or which car ended where...if that even makes any sense. It was all just so mangled up and mixed together. And that included the bodies.

I stepped out of our car and watched as Johnnie peered into the remains of the rival gang's car. I caught glimpses of body parts which I couldn't identify. Some parts were even strewn on the ground outside, along with many metal parts of both cars.

Johnnie pulled his phone out of his pocket and held it to his face.

"Jake, come and get us. We're on the freeway out near the head shop. I just stopped Andrew's gang. They were on their way. The car's fucked." A pause. "I'm fine...whiplashed, though. Fuck, man, I don't know how we managed to do it. Just come get us." I suppose Jake then asked who Johnnie was with, because he responded with, "Brooke."

I was shaking like a head, neck, and back were in pain...and I felt faint. I sat down on the ground at the side of the road, my jelly legs unable to keep me up anymore. "I can't believe this," I whispered.

When Johnnie put down the phone, he squinted at me through the rays of sun which were beating at him from up the long, deserted, unobstructed road.

"You did good," he said.

I didn't know whether to smile or cuss him out. I mean...I guess I'd really done a good job. I don't know what would've happened if I hadn't shot down that first car. But...then again, Johnnie was the one who had put me in that situation in the first place. I didn't want do do it. It wasn't like I enjoyed shooting people, or nearly dying in car crashes.

He walked closer to me and held his strong, tattooed hand out. I held it and he pulled me back up to my feet, so that I was standing directly in front of him, just a foot away.

He wasn't afraid of eye contact, and his stares made me nervous. This was the closest I'd been to him in days, the most I'd spoken to him in days. He placed his hand on the side of my face. My heart was already beating fast from the shooting, and the intentional car crash, but now it was about to fly out of my chest with the extra nerves inflicted by Johnnie's presence, and his touch. "I missed you," he murmured, and his hand slowly moved down to my neck. "You didn't visit me. Why?"

I put my hand on top of his. "How could I visit you?"

"Jake did," he said, grabbing my wrist with his other hand and pulling me closer.

"Jake hasn't spoken a word to me since you've been away."

"Well, have you spoke to him?"

"No...he's been ignoring Tara, too."

"That's irrelevant. I'm talking about you."

I could feel an argument brewing, but, suddenly, I noticed something in the distance...someone.

It was a guy, limping up the road towards us, coming from the direction of the first car, the one I'd shot down, and from what I could see, he was covered in blood.

"Wait, look," I said to Johnnie.

He turned around to face what I was seeing. "What the fuck...that's Bryanstars."

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