Home at Last

430 8 17

I took one step, preparing to run, but Johnnie shot another bullet past my head. "I told you what I'd do if you got help." His voice echoed down the hallway, sending a cold chill down my spine.

I raised my hands slowly.

"But now I'm not just gonna kill you," he said, walking towards me. "I'm gonna torture you."

"I'm sorry," I cried.

"You're not fucking sorry, but you will be."

Once he reached me, he grasped both of my wrists in his hand, and dragged me out of the building.

The car was parked behind the hospital, in a small, run-down parking lot reserved for hospital staff.

Johnnie dragged me inside, threw me onto the back seat, and started the car. Jake was nowhere to be seen.

I leaned forward, grabbing Johnnie's shoulder to try and make him listen. "Look, I'm sorry!"

He was staring straight forward out of the front window, looking up darkly from under his hair. "Get off me, bitch!" he yelled, shoving my hand away from his shoulder.

He sped out of the parking lot and away from the hospital.

"I just wanted safety! How can you blame me for that?" I yelled, desperately trying to make him see sense.

"If you wanted safety, why did you try to leave when I said I'd kill you if you did?" he asked as he accelerated the car.

"I didn't think you'd really do it."

"I told you I always get away with it. Didn't me killing Peppa right in front of you shake any sense of reality into your head?"

"Yeah, it did! And that's exactly why I had to try and leave!"

"What do you think I'm gonna do to you now?" he said slowly.

"I don't know," I whispered.

"Take a guess."

"Torture me."

"And what after?"

"I don't know."

"You don't think I'm gonna kill you?"

"I don't know."

"ANSWER ME! Why wouldn't I? How fucking special do you think you are?"

"Because...if you wanted me to die, you wouldn't have taken me to the hospital," I mumbled.

Johnnie braked the car in the middle of nowhere. He got out, slammed the door, and then got into the backseats with me. I backed up against my door, putting my knees up to my face, trying to get as far away from him as possible, but he only moved closer, so close that his white face was inches from mine.

"I only took you to the hospital because I thought you could benefit me. But now, I realise you're just a burden who needs to be taken care of, just like your worthless friend Peppa," he rasped quietly while glaring at my eyes and my lips.

As soon as the finished his sentence with the word 'Peppa', all of the fear inside of me switched into anger. "Peppa was a wonderful person, unlike you, you sick piece of shit," I said, shoving him away from me.

He forced himself back, this time pinning me against my side of the car. One of his hands encircled my neck. I pushed his chest again, trying to free myself, but it was no use—he was far stronger and far heavier than me.

I struggled, choking, as he watched with no emotion, the life leave my eyes.

"I should've done this ages ago," were the last words I heard leave his mouth before my consciousness faded into oblivion.


When I awoke, the first sensation I experienced was pain. A burning feeling surrounding the front of my neck. The next thing I noticed was sound of chatter. It was quite distant, like it was coming from downstairs.

That was when I snapped into reality. Where was I? The last thing I remembered was being choked in a car. So...I didn't die? How did I survive? Did Johnnie let me, or did someone find us and save me?

I opened my eyes and sat up, my head spinning as I did so. I was in the bed of a large room, furnished with a massive chest of drawers, two bedside tables, and a wardrobe with a broken door on it. Each surface in the room was scattered with empty glass bottles of alcohol, or ashtrays filled with cigarette butts. The room stank of smoke and tobacco. I realised that I probably hadn't been saved, or I'd be in a police station instead.

The door to the bedroom had been left open, and the noise was coming from outside of it. I dropped my legs off the side of the bed and placed my bare feet on the floor, wincing as I felt something spike my heel. It was a loose knife, but luckily my heel was a little calloused from wearing Dr Martens so often, and therefore the knife hadn't cut me deep enough to draw blood.

I began to creep over to the open door, listening carefully, while avoiding stepping on anymore loose objects strewn around. I passed a mirror atop the chest of drawers, and noticed the sore red ring around my neck.

Outside of the room was a large hallway, along with a staircase leading down. That was where the voices were coming from, downstairs.

I walked over and stood at the top of them, not knowing if I should follow the voices down there or not. I was so afraid...but why? What did I have left to lose? If this house had anything to do with Johnnie or Jake, then my life wasn't worth living, anyway.

I decided I'd sneak down as slowly and silently as I could, so that if anything happened, I might still have the chance to run back upstairs and pretend to be asleep.

Once I reached the bottom, I followed the voices further. There was laughter, conversation. Women's voices and men's' voices.

Downstairs, there were multiple doors to multiple rooms; it was a big house. I approached the one which the noise was coming from, and stood outside.

"While Jake was fucking me after he got home last night, his dick literally turned soft, like, did he even miss me at all?" I heard a female voice say.

I managed to angle myself so that I had a slight view of the people in the room from the gap between the door's hinges. The girl who had said it was gorgeous: she had black hair, big brown eyes, a button nose, and tanned skin.

"Tara, he couldn't find better than you," said a blond guy with blue eyes and pinkish skin.

"Nah, Sam, you're getting her hopes up," said a brown-haired guy with tattoos, rings, and a deep voice. "I've told you, Tara, he doesn't give a shit. You're replaceable."

"Thanks, Colby," Tara said, hugging her knees on the couch and pouting.

Then, I almost jumped out of my skin when I heard a voice from behind me. "So, you decided to join us."

I span around—it was Jake. The kitchen was opposite the lounge, and he was standing in the doorway of it, leaning against the doorframe, with a ring of keys in his hand.

Kidnapped By Johnnie and JakeWhere stories live. Discover now