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Tara's POV:

Jake and the guys were so fearless. They strode confidently out of the car and towards the building.

Before I knew it, they were right outside, firing shots through the windows.

I followed after them, holding my gun tightly in my hand. Soon enough, the alarm system was blaring, and I heard loud shouts coming from inside the prison.

I was at the back, but I followed the gang inside. About four prison officers began to swarm us. I didn't see who out of our gang did it, but a couple of the prison officers fell to the floor with bullets in their chests.

The other officers shot their guns at us, managing to hit Tana in the neck. She screeched and collapsed on the floor, but I couldn't sit there and comfort her, or I'd just end up shot too.

Instead, I pointed my gun at the officer who had shot her, and shot him back. That was the second best thing to do. Soon enough, all four of the officers were lying dead.

After taking their weapons from them, we made our way further into the prison.

Sam, being the smarty pants, went and found the alarm system and shut it up, thank God.

Over the past couple weeks, Jake had been researching this prison intently, making sure he knew everything in preparation for this jailbreak. He'd been in contact with former inmates and gained information about Johnnie's cell location, the layout of the building, how to avoid coming across the prison officers, and also how armed the officers would be for when we did come across them.

And, Jake's plan and patience seemed to be paying off.

My adrenaline soared through my body as we passed through the corridors. Inmates were waking up with the commotion. I'd normally be terrified as a hot woman in a men's prison, surrounded by unsupervised inmates, but right now now...I was the one with the gun.

We rounded a corner, and two more prison officers started to come at us...and that was when Bella was shot.

The guys—Jake, Sam, Colby, Vinnie, and Scuff—were focused on shooting the prison officers, which they did, and then they continued moving ahead without sparing a glance at Bella.

I was the only one who did. I stopped in my tracks, my mouth open, and watched her struggling on the floor, her neck bleeding out. She was looking up at me with complete fear on her face, trying to whisper at me for help.

But I did something evil. I turned away from her. The boys didn't need me. I knew now that they were perfectly capable of rescuing Johnnie on their own. But I still turned away from Bella to follow after the guys, leaving her there, bleeding out on the floor.

And that wasn't even the worst part. The worst part was that...deep down, I hoped that bitch would die.

She'd pissed me off ever since that day at the mall when we'd both seen Brooke's doppelgänger, and, instead of comforting me, she basically called me delusional.

And I always kinda felt like she has something against me. And against Brooke, even though Brooke was literally gone.

Anyway, I followed after the guys, and, soon enough, we reached some dank, downstairs corridor of cells. It was so run-down and mouldy down there. Poor Johnnie. I held my arm in front of my mouth to stop as much of that prison air from entering my system as possible.

But, anything for Jake. As long as he could get his bestie back. And, to be honest, the house hadn't been the same without Johnnie. I don't know whether it was just 'cause Jake had been moody, or because I was just used to Johnnie being there, or maybe 'cause I actually kinda cared about him.

The guys were shouting out Johnnie's name now, and he responded. It was hard to tell which cell his voice was coming from, 'cause about ten other dudes were all shouting out of their cells, too, trying to find out what was going on, I guess, and probably after a chance to escape, too.

Within a couple minutes, Jake had unlocked Johnnie's cell. I didn't know how—whether he'd picked the lock, or stolen keys off a dead officer—but he did. And the first thing he and Johnnie did was hug. One of those strong, sweaty, masculine hugs.

And Johnnie was looking a little different to when I'd last seen him. I'd expected him to be skinnier, surviving off prison food and whatnot, but he was actually bulkier...more muscly. Well, there's not much to do in prison except work out, I guess.

When Jake and Johnnie left each other's arms, my eyes met Johnnie's, and we smiled at each other. In that moment, I realised I really had missed him.

He exchanged quick hugs with Sam and Colby, and then we all started moving.

We made our ways back through the prison, running, and my heart raced as we approached the area Bella had been shot...but, surprisingly, she wasn't there. She was gone.

That could mean many things...perhaps that she was alive and had escaped (which at least would prevent me from feeling any guilt about indirectly killing her), or maybe a prisoner, or prison officer, had taken her.

But...despite the guilt I may feel...I still hoped she was dead. In fact, I hoped she was dead even more now, 'cause if she was alive, that would mean she knew I purposely left her for dead.

As soon as we were back on the main floor, we all saw the blinding blue and red lights flashing through the windows. It made the building feel both eerie and threatening, but we knew there was nothing to do but face the police, so we continued to move on ahead. I did so with a pit in my stomach...

As we neared the door of the building, five armed police officers stormed inside. Of course, they yelled at us to put our weapons down and our hands up, but we shot them instead. And, of course, they shot us back.

I didn't even manage to see who was injured during the moment. All I knew was that, we outshot the police, and they all ended up on the floor.

The room went from a thunder of gunshots, to silence, with the police officers now all dead.

Finally, with a spare second to think, I looked around me, trying to see if Tana or Bella were anywhere to be seen, but neither of them were.

There was a fuss about helping our injured gang members into the cars, and then was when I noticed that the injured people were Vinnie and Scuff. Jake, Johnnie, Sam, and Colby put their arms around them, and helped them through the door.

When we got outside, Johnnie made a joke about stealing the police cars, but we all knew there was no point. The cars would be tracked, and we just wanted to get home.

In the car, I grabbed Jake's arm before he started the engine, and murmured to him, "Wait. Tana's not here, we have to go look for her."

Jake glanced at me. "Tara, we have to go. We can't waste any more time."

"She got shot, Jake, and she might still be alive! Please."

"No. I wouldn't have let you come if I knew you were gonna be like this."

Jake's window was open, and Vinnie was outside, about to get into the other car, when he overheard our conversation and tapped Jake's windowsill. "I'll go look for her," he said. "I can be quick."

Kidnapped By Johnnie and Jakeحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن