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"What?! Is that really necessary?!" I exclaimed.

"Well, the thing is, we don't know which part will pull on his heartstrings the most: the injuries or the potential we're gonna go with both."

"The word 'potential' is really important there. Don't forget it," I said.

"I know you're used to living with psychos who slit your throat, but some of us have morals."

"Oh, because kidnapping someone, tying them up, beating their face, stripping them and nearly raping them is really moral," I said sarcastically.

"Well, it could be a lot worse! So be grateful bitch."

"I'm so grateful for you doing this to me."

"Good. My name's Andrew, by the way—I feel it's polite to tell you while we're doing business together," he said as we reached a door, and he led me into a room.

It was a smaller room, but still run-down, with paint peeling off the damp walls, and straight up concrete for the flooring. Inside was a dirty mattress, a camera on a tripod, a ring-light, and two other men.

I stopped by the door. "Nah," I said. "What the fuck is this? It looks like a porn set. I don't wanna be raped."

Andrew sighed loudly. "I already told you, we're not gonna rape you! Why would I tell you we're not, just to do it one minute later? Now get on the bed."

I slowly shuffled over to the mattress and sat down in the middle of it, feeling sick to my stomach.

"And take off your jeans."

I sighed and pulled them off me. I felt unbelievably awkward in front of these three men. At least Kaycee and Tara must've shaved me whilst I was in my coma. But the, at that thought, I scolded myself. How vain of me to be thinking about that while I'm at risk of being assaulted?

Andrew walked over and punched me in the face again without warning. As he did so, I heard the camera click.

I screamed. "You could've at least let me prepare!"

"The shots wouldn't have been as good," he said, and I could tell he was smiling under his mask. "And that scream was good. If we were videoing, I'm sure Johnnie would've loved it."

"You're enjoying this way too much."

"You're right," he said, smoothing his finger over the blood on my face. "Jerry, it's your time to shine," he added, turning to one of the other two men in the room.

Jerry pulled down his pants and revealed his dick. He walked over to the mattress and knelt behind me.

"Brooke, bend over. Doggie position," Andrew directed.

I did so, and Jerry grabbed onto my shoulders, and onto my butt, as the other random man, who was behind the camera, snapped more photos. Thankfully, I didn't feel Jerry's dick touch my skin.

"Okay, this is ridiculous," I said, sitting my butt down. "Johnnie wouldn't care whether I get raped or not, and he definitely wouldn't care if I get punched."

"So you're saying you want us to take things further?" taunted Andrew.

I huffed. "No, I mean Johnnie doesn't give a shit no matter what happens to me."

"Honey...what I haven't told you is that I have inside sources. They know Johnnie cares about you."

"Wait, what?"

"Kaycee wasn't the one who told me you're with Johnnie."

"Who was?"

"You don't know them, but they sort of know you. My people have been stalking Johnnie and his friends for a while now. They were there at the concert the day you and Kaycee were kidnapped by Johnnie and Jake. They were there at the gas station when you all had a little gunfight. It was no surprise, really, that Johnnie had went through the efforts of putting you into an induced coma and tube-feeding you. He's infatuated by you."

My head was spinning. "Why didn't you tell me this all along?"

"Because, if you'd known we'd been spying on you, you might've been more resistant to giving up information. But it doesn't make much difference either way, though. I could pull a sword out of a stone if I involved torture. It was sort of a stylistic choice. I enjoy seeing you shocked."

"Why don't you get an electric chair as your next torture advice then, you weirdo?"

"I let that mouth get away with too much," he said, reaching down and touching my lips lightly. "Anyway, let's get a couple more shots, and then send them off to Johnnie. Brooke, get into position again. Jerry, don't let it get soft."

I arched my back again, but this time, after a few clicks of the camera, I felt Jerry's dick knock on the door of my pussy.

I snapped my head back. "Hey! That wasn't part of the deal!"

"You don't make 'deals' with your kidnappers, missy," said Jerry, his voice rough. "What we say goes, and what are you gonna do about it?"

"Correction: what I say goes, I'm the director," said Andrew. "Lay off her."

"Nah, bro, you can't leave my balls hanging like that," said Jerry as he stuck his dick inside of me.

I screamed and pulled myself away, standing up on the mattress. "He just fucking entered me!"

Within a second, Andrew whipped his gun out of his pocket and shot his friend Jerry in the thigh. Jerry yelled out, and crouched over, grasping at his thigh.

Andrew leant into my ear. "Just so you know, I didn't shoot him because I feel bad if you're raped. I shot him because I don't want to see anyone have sex with you apart from me."

I looked at him in horror. "I—I didn't know you saw me like that."

"Well, now you do."

I smiled awkwardly, even though I wasn't actually happy about his revelation in the slightest—I was disgusted. I just thought I'd play my cards right by acting as if I was on his side.

All of a sudden, we heard multiple gunshots come from the main room. Andrew looked at me for a moment, then threw my jeans into my arms. "Get dressed and wait here—I'll go see what it is."

Kidnapped By Johnnie and JakeWhere stories live. Discover now