Help, Doctor

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"What do you feel like?" Johnnie asked as he hurriedly carried me in his arms and placed me into the backseat of the car, buckling me in.

"My chest is tight, I feel sick...sweating," I said, running out of breath.

Johnnie was then in the driver's seat and speeding down the road in no time at all.

My breathing sounded so hoarse, and I wouldn't stop shaking, but soon enough, we pulled into a hospital car park.

A spark of hope ignited in me. Were they actually going to let be treated here?

Johnnie took me out of the backseat and into his arms again, and began making for the entrance of the hospital, with Jake following. "If you dare say a fucking word about what you've went through to anyone, you best believe I'll kill you the second I get the chance," Johnnie murmured darkly in my ear.

I was promptly taken into an emergency treatment room, and I really didn't hear how I got there, as my ears were ringing, and all I did was close my eyes and try to keep myself alive until the doctors could help me.

After a bit, and after I had stopped being surrounded by doctors, I was beginning to feel better. My symptoms were easing, and I no longer felt as if I was about to die. I assumed the doctors had treated me for my heart attack, until one of them approached me and stood beside my bed

"Hiya, I'm Doctor Bryony. How are you feeling, darling?" asked the man. He was probably in his mid-thirties, with dark brown hair and sweet brown eyes. "You've suffered a from panic attack. Don't worry, your heart is okay." He smiled comfortingly.

I breathed out. "What?" I asked.

"You had a panic attack. You were in no real danger, but the symptoms can feel real, and resemble heart attacks."

"Oh," I whispered, staring at the floor.

"It's comes from your mind. Of course, some of the symptoms are physical, but it's just your mind reacting to fear." He sat down on the seat beside the bed. "So, do you know what could've caused your panic attack today?"

I felt as if the world slowed down when he asked me that question as I tried to decide on an answer.

This was my one chance. I probably wouldn't get this opportunity again. But what about what Johnnie threatened? I had witnessed with my own eyes what he would do to someone if they made an attempt to escape him. He'd shot my best friend in cold blood. Surely he couldn't shoot me if I was taken away from him, though, if I was safe. How would he even be able to find me? I didn't wanna risk it, though. I didn't wanna risk ending up like Peppa. My heart ached to even think about her.

"Um, I don't know, I...I guess I've been stressed about...finding a new job. I was fired from my last one," I said, and it was true enough. I had been trying to apply for new jobs before my savings ran out, because I had been fired.

The doctor laughed a little in a friendly way. "Why were you fired?" he asked, clearly trying to make conversation to get me into a calmer state.

"I kept turning up late," I said, shrugging.

Doctor Bryony laughed again. "Good job I wasn't late to my work today, eh?"

"Yeah," I said with a small smile.

"So, have you ever experienced anything like this before?"

"No, not at all," I said glumly. Of course not. This was only since I'd been kidnapped and forced to watch my best friend be shot to death. This wasn't anything to do with my brain, or my regular life...well, my former life. This was because of him, Johnnie Guilbert, and his friend Jake.

"Are you sure everything's okay?" he asked, placing his hand lightly on my arm.

I thought for a moment... "Yeah, I'm sure."

"There was a bit of a pause there."

"No, no, I'm fine," I lied.

"All right," he said, standing up. "Well, if it starts to happen regularly, there are ways we can help, such as by prescribing you medication, but for the time being, one of our nurses are just going to give you an information pack about panic disorder, and the number to a line you can call at any time, twenty-four hours, for advice if you ever feel yourself getting panicked."

"Thanks," I said, knowing that I didn't even have a phone anymore.

"Want me to go and seek out your boyfriend for you, the one who took you in here, so you can go on home?" he asked, now standing at the door about to leave.

I sat up suddenly. "No!"

Doctor Bryony's face turned from calm to concerned. "Why not?"

"Um," I said, thinking.

I just couldn't bring myself to willingly let Johnnie come back when I had the chance to stop it from happening. Even if that chance brought great risk, I had to take it. And, besides, what was the point in being alive if I had to live with my kidnapper, and my best friend's murderer? If he managed to take be back, would it really be that bad if he killed me, too? The choice was either taking a chance at freedom, or going back to a kidnapped life that was worse than death, anyway.

"He's not my boyfriend," I said. "I was kidnapped."

Kidnapped By Johnnie and JakeWhere stories live. Discover now