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To be honest, I felt a bit taken aback. I was being so kind to her, and she kind of blew up. But I had to think from her perspective: she was being kidnapped. I doubted she was trying to take it out on me. "Peppa, it's okay. I'm freaking out too, but maybe not quite as much as you, only because before I was unconscious, Johnnie told me what's going on. He said they have a YouTube channel, and think we'd be good assets," I murmured.

Peppa sighed in frustration. "Want you see how weird this is? Why would they have to kidnap people to be on their channel?" she said through tears.

"I don't know. But I know it's weird. I'm just trying to stay cool, okay." I turned to Johnnie. "So why can't you get people to be on your channel without kidnapping them? You said you'd explain it to me."

Johnnie stared at me for a moment in a serious way, probably debating whether he should tell me or not. "Because we need to be in control," he said in a low voice.

"What do you mean?"

"You'll see, okay? Just stop asking questions."

"You were the one who said you'd tell me."

"And I've told you enough, now shut the fuck up."

He sounded serious, so I didn't want to press the matter further. I already knew the type of weapons these men had on them. Within the less than an hour I'd been conscious around them, I'd already seen their guns, their syringe of general anaesthetic, and heard about their taser, and I didn't wanna see any more.


So, I just sat quietly for a while. If Kaycee would've been the friend of mine who was awake I probably would've been chatting, but Peppa did not seem in the mood for conversation.

After a couple minutes of silence, Johnnie put his arm out to indicate for me to lie back down on him again...which I was shocked he even had the audacity to do after he'd just told me to shut the fuck up! But, then again, he had the audacity to kidnap three girls, so how I'm not sure how I was that surprised.

Of course, I ignored him, and soon I was almost falling asleep (which I'm shocked I could do in such a traumatic situation where my adrenaline should've be up, but I think it was the darkness of the night and the smooth bumping of the car on the road that was sending me to sleep like a baby in a baby swing), when all of a sudden, the sound of groaning from the front seat made my eyes shoot open.

I leaned forward to see. It was Kaycee—she was just waking up.

"Wait," Kaycee said in a croaky morning voice. She looked around, squinting, with a confused and frustrated look on her face.

"You okay, babygirl?" Jake asked her in a jokey southern accent.

"What?" she asked quietly, still sleepy. "What is this?"

"Don't you worry 'bout it," Jake said in the same southern accent.

"Don't worry about what?" She asked, her eyebrows raising in confusion.

"Don't worry 'bout it."

"We're being kidnapped," said Peppa in a serious tone. She had finally spoken loudly.

Kaycee put her palm to her forehead and rubbed it slowly. "What?" she croaked.

"I said we're being kidnapped."

"Well, when ya put it like that," said Jake.

"It's with good reason," said Johnnie.

"Are we really being kidnapped?" Kaycee asked lightly in her raspy voice.

"Yes!" Peppa shouted. "Why doesn't anybody listen to me? We never should've gotten out that taxi."

"Oh yeah," said Kaycee, coming to her senses. "You're the guys who we met in the parking lot."

"You don't say," said Johnnie.

"So...where are we going?" asked Kaycee.

"We're taking ya home," said Jake.

"Oh," said Kaycee. She turned around in her seat to look at me and Peppa. "How do we get a refund on our return train tickets?"

"Don't worry about it, I'll give it ya," said Jake.

Kaycee looked puzzled. "Oh. Thanks. So why are you guys giving us lifts?"

"They're not taking us to our home, Kaycee, they're taking us to their home," said Peppa, clearly frustrated.

"Our home is your home," said Johnnie.

Kaycee laughed uncomfortably, clearly thinking she was missing the joke. "Okay, this is getting weird," she said.

"Yeah, no shit!" shouted Peppa. "How many times do I have to tell you? They're kidnapping us!"

"Okay, you don't need to keep sayin' it like that," said Jake, turning his head round in the car.

The car swerved into the other lane with his lack of attention, almost crashing into another car which beeped loudly, but Jake quickly steered back into line.

"Shit," said Johnny.

"It was that bitch's fault," said Jake.

"I hope someone calls the police on you for thinking you're drunk driving," I said.

"Oh, shut up," said Johnnie, "I thought you were chill about this."

"Why would I be chill about being kidnapped?" I asked.

"Well, she is," he said, pointing at Kaycee.

"She doesn't even realise what's going on," I said. "Is she still drunk or did you guys drug her?"

"Bit of both," said Johnnie.

I shoved him into the side of the car again, and this time, in response, he slapped he hard and loud across the face, causing my head to fly to the side.

Kidnapped By Johnnie and JakeWhere stories live. Discover now