Chapter 1

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Fade in. A long shot of a boxing ring punctuated by CROWD cheers. The voice of DAN narrates over the scene. JAEKYUNG is shown with arms up in a fighting stance, camera glued on him.

DAN [Narrator]: Joo Jaekyung. Reigning light heavyweight champion of MFC's international mixed martial arts tournament.

Clips of JAEKYUNG avoiding his opponent's advancements play over the voice. He knocks the opponent down, gets on top as he punches him. The REFEREE joins the frame.

ANNOUNCER 1: The ref is jumping in, trying to intervene, but Joo isn't having it!
ANNOUNCER 2: This is getting dangerous for Joo's opponent!
DAN [Narrator]: A tyrant in the ring.

Cuts to JAEKYUNG raising his arm up in front of the crowd.

DAN [Narrator]: And the strongest man in the world.

Cuts to DAN watching the fight on his phone. A text scroll reads: 'undefeated legend Joo Jaekyung - the streak continues!' Clip zooms out. He's on a bus.

DAN: Incredible.
DAN [Narrator]: Today, I'm on my way to treat Joo Jaekyung myself.

Title screen.

Clips play of DAN's nametag, him drinking water, before zooming out. He waits in front of a doorway with a large photo of JAEKYUNG behind him.

DAN [Internal]: I can't believe this is happening.

He looks at the photo of JAEKYUNG and flushes. A quick flashback is shown of DAN as an twenty-one-year-old, showing a photo of JAEKYUNG to his thirteen-year-old sister, HAE.

DAN: Rising boxing sensation! He's so cool!
HAE: No way you're older than him.
DAN: He's probably trained all his life. [Smiles] So cool. And rich! I bet he could buy this house six times over!
HAE: You're such a wannabe.
DAN: Can you blame me?

Scene ends with their laughter. Cuts back to DAN grinning at the portrait. He clenches his knuckles.

DAN [Internal]: If I make a good impression today, he'll ask to hire me again! Imagine the money... alright, let's do this!
DAN [Pulling door open]: Hello?

He walks in on a match in the gym. JAEKYUNG fights an opponent to a bloody pulp.

A/N: The characters are mixed martial artists but I call em boxers for simplicity

BOXER 1: Enough! Enough!
BOXER 2: Hey! Stop him!
BOXER 3: Hyung, stop it! Joo Jaekyung! Please, get a hold of yourself!

The BOXERS get into the ring and restrain him. The fight ends.

BOXER 3: Hyung, seriously, 'free sparring' doesn't mean you should actually take the kid apart...
JAEKYUNG: Says who?
BOXER 1: You okay?
DAN [Internal]: What?
JAEKYUNG: That little punk wanted to spar, so I sparred. What's the problem?
BOXER 2: But still, you're not supposed to-
JAEKYUNG: I'm sorry, are you asking for a match?
BOXER 2 [Shakes head]
JAEKYUNG: Then don't tell me what I can and can't do.

JAEKYUNG makes eye-contact with DAN.

JAEKYUNG: Who's he?

As JAEKYUNG steps closer, the shot focuses on DAN's shock. Flashbacks of his past play in quick shots over DAN's inner thoughts.

DAN [Internal]: It... can't be. No. He's not... he's not like that. Joo Jaekyung, you're a nice person. Aren't you?

JAEKYUNG stops in front of him.

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