Chapter 17

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Fade in. Scene opens on NAMWOOK and JAEKYUNG in the gym. NAMWOOK is calling DAN. JAEKYUNG has his back to him.

NAMWOOK: He's not picking up.
JAEKYUNG [Internal]: Huh?

JAEKYUNG's eyes fill with light. He turns around.

JAEKYUNG: What was that?
NAMWOOK: He's not answering my calls. Huh... he's never radio silent.

Shot focuses on JAEKYUNG's horrified expression.

JAEKYUNG: ...I know where he is.

NAMWOOK looks up. JAEKYUNG is already at the door, rushing outside.

NAMWOOK: Hey, Jaekyung! Your training?! [Sighs] Fine. I'll keep trying to call him. Sheesh.

Shot focuses on JAEKYUNG's stern glare as he leaves the building. Scene to JAEKYUNG parking outside the street. Cuts to him running up DAN's street.

JAEKYUNG [Internal]: You idiot. I told you not to go. I told you!

JAEKYUNG scowls. His internal thoughts go by as he gets closer to DAN's apartment.

JAEKYUNG [Internal]: After I save you, I'm gonna kill you.

JAEKYUNG stops at his doorstep. He hesitates seeing the door wide open. He walks through the open doorway.

JAEKYUNG [Internal]: Hear that, Kim Dan? I'm going to fucking...!

Scene focuses on JAEKYUNG's eyes widening. Shot expands. He sees DAN getting beaten up by THUG 1 as THUG 2 and 3 stand by. They all stop seeing JAEKYUNG.

JAEKYUNG: What's going on here? What the fuck is this?

Title screen.

Shot focuses on JAEKYUNG by the doorway.

THUG 3: Joo Jaekyung...
DAN [Awestruck]: ...

JAEKYUNG raises an eyebrow at the THUGS.

DAN [Narrator]: I once thought power was something you could earn. A choice in life based on one's actions... but...

The THUGS let go of DAN. They turn towards JAEKYUNG.

DAN [Narrator]: He was born with it.
THUG 1: What d'you want, kid?
JAEKYUNG: Kim Dan. [Points at DAN] Hand him over.
THUG 1: Eh?! Who do you think you are, making orders like that?
THUG 3: Joon, he's that fighter...
THUG 1: What do I care?!
JAEKYUNG: Haa. I don't have time for this.

JAEKYUNG steps forward and grasps DAN's forearm. DAN grasps his in turn. JAEKYUNG goes to lift him up.

JAEKYUNG: Come on, I'll take you home.

THUG 1 hits JAEKYUNG. JAEKYUNG lets go of DAN, DAN falls back onto the ground.

DAN: Ack!
THUG 1: What? You think you can just waltz in here and take what you want? Just 'cause you're rich?
JAEKYUNG: Who's taking what they want here?
THUG 1: Eh?
JAEKYUNG: You're the shitheads beating him for his cash.
THUG 1: Why you-!

THUG 1 pulls out his knife from earlier. DAN gets to his feet, horrified.

DAN: Jaekyung!

Shot hangs on DAN's face. He turns to a confused, awestruck expression.

DAN: Huh?

Scene cuts back to THUG 1. JAEKYUNG has gripped THUG 1's wrist, placing his left hand against THUG 1's hand. They make eye contact as the knife drops to the ground.

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