Chapter 22

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Fade in. JAEKYUNG and HAE standing together while DAN watches from a distance. JAEKYUNG glances at DAN and smiles.

JAEKYUNG [Internal]: Looks like he's okay.

HAE grasps JAEKYUNG's arm.

HAE: Oh! You should meet my granny! She's in the other room!
DAN: That's not necessary!
HAE: What do you mean? She'd love to see him! [To JAEKYUNG] She's napping right now.
DAN: Hae-sung!

JAEKYUNG sees DAN's angry expression.

JAEKYUNG: Yes, I would love to see her.
DAN: Huh?!
HAE: So we're all on board!
JAEKYUNG: All on board! Lead the way.

DAN turns dramatically red, a vein pops from his head.

DAN [Internal]: Oh, hell no!

Scene fades out. DAN's words are shown over a white background.

DAN: Outside, now!

Scene fades in. JAEKYUNG's back is pressed against the front door. DAN is outside the apartment pacing.

DAN: So, you're telling me... I passed out in the middle of sex... and your next course of action is to visit my sister?!
JAEKYUNG: It's quite cozy in there. Poor people have such modest homes.
DAN: P-poor people?! Who the-! Oh, I'm gonna-! Agh! [Face-palms]
DAN: Seriously, why-?
JAEKYUNG: You got calls last night from a suspicious number. Remember?
DAN: Yeah?
JAEKYUNG: They kept calling so, I went to investigate it while you slept. That lead me here.
DAN: Hae was the one calling me...?
DAN [Internal]: Then why did he act so aggravated last night? I don't get it...
JAEKYUNG: Your sister's a bit whacky.
DAN: Yeah, you're her idol.

JAEKYUNG flinches. He looks away and sighs. DAN catches this.

DAN [Spitefully]: You're probably used to it - people giving you all that praise - aren't you? Does it even affect you anymore?
JAEKYUNG: It affects me.
DAN: Oh, yeah?
JAEKYUNG [Shrugs]: I just don't like it.
DAN: Don't... what? [Chuckles, gives an exasperated smile] Of fucking course! You'd be the one guy on this planet who hates when people love him! 
JAEKYUNG: They don't love me. They love the emperor.

JAEKYUNG speaks over the top of a shot of him standing in front of a crowd. The crowd cheers and claps.

JAEKYUNG: For most people...

A second clip plays of JAEKYUNG standing in his empty apartment. It's zoomed out so he looks swallowed up by the vast emptiness.

JAEKYUNG: ...That's all I'll ever be.

DAN stares at JAEKYUNG, confused.

DAN: I see.
DAN [Internal]: I don't, but I'll pretend I do.
JAEKYUNG [Stepping forward]: Should we leave?
DAN: Sure...
DAN [Narrator]: Truthfully, I'll never really understand Joo Jaekyung. But I've learned not to get too close. 

Flashbacks play of their time together. It shows JAEKYUNG pinning DAN to his door.

JAEKYUNG: I had to work too, prick. Every day of my fucking life.

It shows JAEKYUNG leaving DAN in his house.

JAEKYUNG: I didn't bring you here as some grand display of affection. So don't cross the line.

And it cuts to the previous night in bed.

JAEKYUNG: Am I just your side fuck?!

The clips stop and the scene returns to JAEKYUNG and DAN walking away from the apartment.

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