Chapter 36

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Fade in. Scene opens on DAN laying in bed, cuddling a pillow. Shot focuses on his hurt expression as flashbacks roll in.

HEESUNG: You were fun, Kim Dan, very fun. You're just fucking annoying. I don't like you. Quite frankly, I never did.

POTATO's face appears, showing a clip from earlier.

POTATO: No one acts nice like that, just showering someone with gifts, without an ulterior motive. There's a kind of darkness behind those eyes of his.

Shot cuts back to DAN. He clings onto the pillow slip. A shot of his chin plays, with a teardrop rolling down it.

DAN [Internal]: I'm such an idiot.

Camera shifts to the doorway of his bedroom, where JAEKYUNG walks in.

JAEKYUNG: Kim Dan, are you-?

JAEKYUNG stops. He sees DAN curled up in a ball on the bed. Scene focuses on DAN's hand covering his eyes. JAEKYUNG's heart skips a beat. Shot follows him walking into the room and kneeling beside DAN's bed. JAEKYUNG removes DAN's hand, looking towards his tearful eyes.

JAEKYUNG [Finches]

DAN pulls his hand back and wipes his face with it. He sits up in bed.

DAN: Please, just leave me alone.

JAEKYUNG leans forward. DAN expects a punch, shifting his hands up in defense.

DAN: Don't-!

JAEKYUNG grasps his wrists and kisses him. DAN's eyes remain open, shocked.

DAN [Narrator]: Why...

The shot follows their lips together and their tongues moving. JAEKYUNG shifts his hand through DAN's hair. DAN's eyes shut.

Their mouths pull away. Both start heavily breathing as they hold eye-contact. JAEKYUNG is blushing.

JAEKYUNG: Would you like breakfast now?
DAN: ...Yeah. [Nods] Thanks.

DAN watches JAEKYUNG leave. As he does so, his internal thoughts go by.

DAN [Internal]: I don't get it... is he...

Shot hangs on DAN's longing expression.

DAN [Internal]: Becoming nice?

Shot comedically cuts to DAN's disgusted expression. JAEKYUNG is in the ring with BOXER 3, who has crawled into the corner.

JAEKYUNG: Goddamnit, stop fucking around!
BOXER 3: S-sorry, Jaekyung Hyung!
JAEKYUNG: You gonna focus or what?! Straighten up or get your ass out of the ring!

DAN chuckles as he watches. Behind him, POTATO runs into the frame.

DAN: Same old, same old...
POTATO: Oh, Hoobae! Should we work on some jujitsu? We only got to do the kicking maneuverers last time but there's so much more to it! [Chibi] Blocking methods and swipes and-

NAMWOOK steps in.

NAMWOOK: No, Potato.
POTATO: What?!
NAMWOOK: You should be working out and Dan has a lot on his plate. Please, do this in your own time.
POTATO [Pouts]: Fine.
DAN [Chuckles]

POTATO and NAMWOOK walk. The shot holds on DAN as he turns wistfully back to JAEKYUNG. He has DAEHYUN pinned against the cage.

DAEHYUN: Aack! Wait!
JAEKYUNG: Escape, come on! [Angrily] Stop holding back.

Cuts back to DAN.

DAN [Internal]: How can one man...

A flashback goes by of their kiss.

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