Chapter 2

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Fade in. Scene opens with DAN on a phone call, shocked.

DAN [Internal]: F-F-Five million won?! He's not serious! Oh, this guy really is a cash cow! That's more than a monthly wage!

DAN can hear moaning in the background of the phone-call. He pauses, imagining a lude scene going on with JAEKYUNG.

DAN [Internal]: Those sounds... is he...?

DAN grips the phone, heart racing.

DAN [Internal]: Maybe it's just a TV. Maybe... [Sighs] I knew his tone was off.
DAN [Internal]: I can't... but the money...

An unknown flashback plays of DAN talking to his sister HAE. Focuses on HAE's angry expression. It cuts back to DAN on his bed. He frowns.

DAN [Internal]: Well, if I'm going to risk my own body for this, I'd better spike the price.
DAN: Ten million.
JAEKYUNG: Excuse you?
DAN: You heard me. Don't have the cash lying around in your big-ass mansion? Or is this great martial arts legend actually in a rental slum?
JAEKYUNG: Fine. Ten million.
DAN [Internal]: God, he sounds pissed.
DAN: It's a deal.

JAEKYUNG is shown in the middle of sex, the phone pressed to his ear.

JAEKYUNG: I'll text you my address. [Scowls] Hurry over.

Scene cuts to DAN outside a tall apartment. He looks up at it, shocked.

DAN: Woah... so high up...

Cuts to DAN entering an escalator.

DAN [Internal]: He lives here? I guess I shouldn't be surprised...

Cuts to DAN walking to JAEKYUNG's door. It is open.

DAN: Huh? 

DAN begins to walk in.

DAN: Hello?

A pillow is thrown at the door, followed by two bottles of lotion. Camera focuses on JAEKYUNG.

JAEKYUNG: Don't make me say it again. Get out.

Scene expands and a MAN is shown standing by him, shirtless and teary-eyed.

MAN: But- but you can't just be done!
JAEKYUNG: Yeah, well, I'm not into it.
DAN [Internal]: What the hell is this...?
MAN: It? What's it? I can change! Just gimmie pointers and I'll-!
JAEKYUNG [Turns around]: I'm done with you. Get out, you're embarrassing yourself.

DAN is shown outside the door, full of shock. Shot focuses on MAN again.

MAN: You can't just throw me away... please, sir, I love you.
JAEKYUNG [Groans and turns back]: This again?
MAN: I know you don't believe me but it's true! I- I think you feel it too!
MAN: You're just in denial! Please, if we just talk this out, you'll see it too...!

MAN steps closer. JAEKYUNG slaps him. Shot focuses on DAN's shocked expression.

JAEKYUNG: Get your shit together.
MAN: You're so...

MAN tears up. JAEKYUNG looks disgusted.

DAN [Internal]: Okay, this is hard to watch...
JAEKYUNG: Ah, jeez.
MAN: Wha-What did I do wrong? Please, sir, I'm sorry! [Grasps shirt] Please, please, please! Take me back!
JAEKYUNG [Shoves him]: Don't start begging. It sickens me.
DAN [Internal]: How could he treat another person like that?! And those bruises...

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