Chapter 25

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Fade in. POTATO walks into a room with a tray of drinks.

POTATO: I'm back! Sorry that took so long, I- [Makes eye-contact with DAN] Oh. It's you.

The room has DAN sitting on the coach with a red face.

POTATO: Where's Hyung?
DAN: He's showering.
POTATO: Showering?
DAN [Awkwardly nods]

POTATO narrows his eyes, looking over at DAN's blush, his posture, and a stain on his shirt.

POTATO [Internal]: No...

POTATO blushes. He madly shakes his head.

POTATO [Internal]: No! No! No! Don't think that stuff! There's gotta be another explanation!
DAN: Are you okay?
POTATO: I'm fine! Uh-huh!

Title screen.

Scene follows a dream sequence. POTATO stands in front of the door. He creaks it open.

POTATO: Hyung? Are you in here?

This cuts to DAN on top of JAEKYUNG. They kiss on the couch. DAN glances up at POTATO.

DAN [Grins]: What are you, some kind of pervert? Why are you spying?

POTATO stands in the doorway, frozen and mortified. DAN places his arm over JAEKYUNG's shoulder and pulls him in.

DAN: Joo Jaekyung is mine.

Scene cuts to POTATO waking up in the team dormitory.

POTATO: Aack!!
DAEHYUN: Dude, what the hell?! Keep it down! [Throws a pillow at him]
POTATO [Rolls over]
POTATO [Internal]: Why would I dream about something like that?! The Doctor isn't even... he doesn't even like him... so...
POTATO: Agh! This is so humiliating!

Scene cuts to a shot of the Team Black building. POTATO has bags under his eyes.

POTATO [Internal]: I couldn't get back to sleep after that dream, and now I look like a mess...

POTATO remembers an audition he had weeks ago. He stands in front of four people as he nervously holds a script. The four have their faces blurred out.

POTATO [Internal]: Ugh, then there's that producer...! I have too much on my plate!

Shot follows POTATO stepping into the building.

POTATO [Internal]: I gotta pull myself together. It was just a dream. Life moves on!
POTATO: Good morning...

POTATO's expression is surprised. Shot expands, showing the gym space. JAEKYUNG and DAN are in the ring.

POTATO [Internal]: W-what the hell-?!

JAEKYUNG goes to punch DAN. DAN grabs his wrist, pulls his arm downwards and uses that hold to force JAEKYUNG onto his stomach. JAEKYUNG winces, tapping the ground.


Shot focuses on POTATO's astonished expression.

POTATO [Running in]: Jaekyung Hyung! Are you okay?!

JAEKYUNG glances at him.

JAEKYUNG: Eh? Yes, why?
POTATO: But! But you're-?!
DAN: I guess the session's over.

DAN lets go of JAEKYUNG's arm and stands. JAEKYUNG sits up, turning over. JAEKYUNG raises his hand out, DAN takes it, lifting him.

JAEKYUNG: You're a jack of all trades.
DAN: Master of none?
JAEKYUNG: Master of none.
DAN: Pfft. Thank you for your assholery as always, sensei.
JAEKYUNG: Are you going to bow?
DAN [Raises an eyebrow]

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