Chapter 19

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Fade in. Scene opens with a shot of DAN laying on the ground. His face is focused on.

DAN [Internal]: Dammit.
JAEKYUNG: Get up, Kim Dan.

Shot expands. JAEKYUNG is standing in front of him with his arms crossed.

JAEKYUNG: We've only just started.
DAN [Exhales]
JAEKYUNG: Don't tell me you're quitting so soon?
DAN: Ugh...

DAN stands up, wobbly on his feet. He maintains a fighting stance.

DAN: Okay. Go.

JAEKYUNG launches at DAN, grabbing his wrist. DAN lifts both of his arms up, leading JAEKYUNG's arm to lift as well. DAN slides forward. JAEKYUNG's elbow is bent upwards. With a shove from his hand, JAEKYUNG topples onto the ground.


Shot focuses on JAEKYUNG's head lifting off of the ground. His gaze meets DAN, DAN gives a smug smile. JAEKYUNG returns it.

JAEKYUNG: You pinned me. Wow.
DAN: Woah! Am- am I getting there? Hah!
JAEKYUNG [Standing up]: That's the Ikkyo technique.

DAN beams an excited grin.

JAEKYUNG: That means 'first teaching' in Japanese.

DAN's grin comically deflates.

JAEKYUNG: What, you didn't think you were a master because you learnt one move, did you? Pfft. No...

JAEKYUNG steps to side of DAN and places a hand on the side of his face while the other supports his shoulder. As DAN steps forward, JAEKYUNG applies pressure, causing DAN to fall onto his back.

DAN: Agh!

JAEKYUNG looks over him.

JAEKYUNG: That's real aikido.
DAN: Woah.

They look at each other with strong eye-contact. DAN appears amazed. As Jaekyung's internal thoughts go by, he lifts DAN up.

JAEKYUNG [Internal]: It's been a long time since I taught a complete newbie. Heh. I could get used to this.

Title screen.

Shot opens with the characters getting into JAEKYUNG's car. JAEKYUNG puts his car into drive.

JAEKYUNG: You're rusty on aikido but I believe you'll have the six core moves completed by the end of the month.
DAN: The month?!
JAEKYUNG: Why are you complaining? Thank your sensei for his services.
DAN: I think we both know I'm not doing that. [Rolls eyes] But anyway, why are you only teaching me aikido?
JAEKYUNG: If I give you a fighting style that inflicts pain, you could use it against me.
DAN: Are you saying I'd attack you?
JAEKYUNG: I can never be too sure.
DAN: Hey-!
JAEKYUNG: I don't know you, Kim Dan. We met a month ago. For all I know, you're a crook with the face of an idol.
DAN [Smirks]: Face of an idol?
JAEKYUNG [Internal]: This smug punk just loves a compliment.
JAEKYUNG [Rolls eyes]: Whatever... besides, we're not even close to the same weight class. You're a scrawny featherweight-
DAN: And you're a tub of lard and muscle.
JAEKYUNG: That's right. But, didn't you learn martial arts in the military?
DAN: That was ten years ago.
DAN: I wanted to get my service out of the way as soon as I hit eighteen. My dad put his service on the backburner and ended up fulfilling it in his thirties. But anyway, I don't remember many of the moves.

Scene expands as the car drives off. Fade out. New shot opens of a view of the building from afar.

DAN [Narrator]: It's already been ten days since I moved into the penthouse.

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