Chapter 28

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A/N: Trigger warning, this chapter contains sexual coercion. While it's nowhere near as graphic as the manhwa, this is the closest I'm getting to writing a r-pe scene.


Fade in. Scene opens on a shot of DAN standing on the edge of a pool that JAEKYUNG is in.

JAEKYUNG: Are you joining me or what?
DAN: I um... I don't really know how to swim. I'll just watch from here.
JAEKYUNG: Oh, is that so? [Grasps DAN's hand] Then you can learn today.

DAN falls into the pool with a splash. His head ducks up. He flails his arms around.

DAN: Ack! I can't reach the bottom! Help!
JAEKYUNG [Internal]: ...?
DAN: Hel-mph! [Head ducks underwater]

JAEKYUNG holds DAN's shoulders.

JAEKYUNG: Dan. This pool's less than five feet deep. You can reach the bottom.

Shot focuses on DAN's feet touching the ground. DAN blushes.

DAN: Oh...
JAEKYUNG [Covers his mouth]
DAN: Are you smiling at me?
TEXT: (He totally is)

Shot cuts to DAN getting up.

DAN [Scowls]: Whatever! I'm getting out.

DAN sits on the edge of the pool with a wet, white shirt on as he dries himself. Shots show JAEKYUNG's perspective of his body before cutting to his own blushing face.

JAEKYUNG: ...Hey, Kim Dan.

JAEKYUNG gets out of the pool, on top of DAN now as he pins him to the ground.

DAN: What are you doing?
JAEKYUNG: It's just such a shame, you know? To not have any sex at all, on my day off.

Shot focuses on JAEKYUNG grasping DAN's jaw and pulling him forward.

JAEKYUNG: Such a shame, right...?
DAN: Nope.

DAN wriggles away from him. 

DAN: You're not supposed to be straining yourself. I'm your doctor first, fuck buddy second.
DAN: Nope.

JAEKYUNG appears offended, his playful expression whittling away.

JAEKYUNG [Internal]: ...Who does he think he is?
JAEKYUNG: May I remind you I'm paying you for sex?
DAN: Oh god... [Rolls eyes; looks away] Your body-
JAEKYUNG: What if I didn't strain myself?

DAN looks back at him. JAEKUNG glares smugly.

DAN: Then I'd...
JAEKYUNG: Have to do it.

Trembling with anger, DAN clenches his knuckles. JAEKYUNG slides his hand over DAN's.

JAEKYUNG: This time, you can take the lead.
JAEKYUNG [Internal]: Impress me, Kim Dan.

Title screen.

Scene opens on JAEKYUNG standing up on his knees as DAN sucks him. Cuts to DAN's fingers stretching himself out. DAN whimpers.

 JAEKYUNG [Internal]: Of course...

Shot follows DAN's eyes staring upwards furiously as JAEKYUNG smirks.

JAEKYUNG [Internal]: He has to give me that look.
JAEKYUNG [Snickers]: Pfft.

DAN slides his tongue around JAEKYUNG's dick as they continue to make eye-contact.

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