Chapter 30

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Fade in. JAEKYUNG stands in front of a bathroom vanity as he brushes his teeth.

JAEKYUNG [Internal]: I'll be sparring that little spud today. How productive...

The door slides open. JAEKYUNG glances towards it, eyes expanding at the sight of DAN.

JAEKYUNG: Oh, hey. Um. Why are you-?

DAN grabs his toothbrush.

DAN: I need to brush my teeth, don't I?

JAEKYUNG watches DAN as he begins brushing his teeth. DAN appears angry.

JAEKYUNG [Internal]: He's still mad about last night.

A flashback clip plays of DAN shouting at JAEKYUNG during their viewing of a film.

JAEKYUNG [Internal]: Why was he so explosive...? Even now, something feels different. Before, he'd be playfully rude, and tease me. But now...

DAN catches his eye in the mirror, realising now that JAEKYUNG had been staring at him. DAN scowls.

DAN: What?
JAEKYUNG [Looking away]: Nothing.
DAN: Pfft.
JAEKYUNG [Internal]: I can't say anything to him. I don't even know where to begin.

JAEKYUNG looks up at himself in the mirror. His reflection is normal at first before switching into a malicious creature. The shot zooms in, with DAN's words surrounding it.

TEXT: You're such an asshole. You're the worst fucking individual to idolize. Stop touching me!

Shot focuses on JAEKYUNG clenching his knuckles. He looks away, scowling.

DAN: I'm going.
JAEKYUNG: See if I care.

DAN raises an eyebrow at him, screwing his face up. He leaves on that note.

DAN [Mutters]: Fucking jerk.

Shot hangs on JAEKYUNG in the room. The shot zooms out, showing how alone he is.

Title screen.

A shot of the team black gym. DAN enters the room. Shot expands, showing the BOXERS eating and holding gifts.

DAN: ...Huh?
BOXER 1: Hey, Doc Dan! Come have one of these!

BOXER 1 hands DAN a lunchbox with a photo of HEESUNG on it.

DAN: Oh, thanks. Where did these come from?
BOXER 1: Do you know the actor Choi Heesung?
DAN: Doesn't ring a bell.
BOXER 1: Huh?! You've never heard of Choi Heesung? He's the hottest thing around these days! He's here for a personal training session with Jaekyung Hyung.
DAN: Jaekyung gives training sessions?
BOXER 1: Not to everyone! Just Heesung!
DAN [Internal]: This guy must be super important!

DAN stares down at his lunchbox. There's a photo of HEESUNG on it, with the text reading 'have a lovely meal!' DAN smiles.

DAN: Wow.
BOXER 1: I know! When he hasn't been here for a while he gives us these crazy awesome lunchboxes! Oh, do you want to go to the training room and see? Jaekyung Hyung's there too.
DAN: Sure, I'll see.

Scene cuts to DAN walking into the personal training room. 

JAEKYUNG: Combination one, go!

HEESUNG is shown boxing JAEKYUNG who holds up mits. HEESUNG does a high kick.


HEESUNG's face is focused on as he sweats and catches his breath. Shot expands, showing NAMWOOK, DAN and two CAMERAMEN as JAEKYUNG and HEESUNG continue.

Jinx ~ RewrittenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora