Chapter 23

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Fade in. Scene opens on a theatre stage. POTATO, in highschool uniform, stands up on it, looking out at a series of empty seats.

POTATO [Narrator]: If it were done when 'tis done, then 'twere well. It were done quickly.


FRIEND 1: Oi, Macbeth, watcha thinkin' about?
FRIEND 2: C'mon, sir wants us to do a warm up.
POTATO: Just a minute!

FRIENDS walk away. POTATO looks back out at the stage. His eyes twinkle.

POTATO [Narrator]: I didn't know what that phrase meant at the time.

Scene cuts to POTATO in performing front of the crowd, in dress and make-up. The lights go up. He stares out at the people watching. A spotlight sparks overhead.

TEACHER [Shouting from the audience]: Your Macbeth!

The crowd applauds. POTATO's heart races.

POTATO: Haa... [Grins]

Scene cuts to POTATO on a phone-call as he walks down a street.

POTATO: A talent agency?! No way!
PERSON [Phone-call]: A chance like this comes once in a lifetime!
POTATO: Haa! I'm gonna make it big!
PERSON [Phone-call]: Well- if we have the money...

POTATO grins. Shot focuses on his expression changing as he stops dead in his tracks.

POTATO: Huh...?

Shot expands. JAEKYUNG stands a metre away, surrounded by a group of paparazzi. He drinks a water bottle and wipes his face. POTATO's eyes sparkle.

POTATO: Woah...

JAEKYUNG glances at POTATO. They make eye contact. JAEKYUNG turns and walks away.

PERSON [Phone-call]: Yoon-gu?

POTATO is silent. His eyes sparkle and he cancels the phone-call. Scene cuts to JAEKYUNG fighting an OPPONENT in the arena.

ANNOUNCER 1: And now... the highlight of this week's MFC main match! Joo Jaekyung!

The shot zooms out, now being played on POTATO's phone.

ANNOUNCER 1: Joo is famous for his strikes, but his jujitsu skills are just as impressive! It looks to me like this rising sensation will keep impressing us!
ANNOUNCER 2: And his technique is so clean. He's just too perfect.

Scene cuts to POTATO's expression as he watches the screen.

POTATO: So, that's your name. Joo Jaekyung.
POTATO [Narrator]: That was five years ago.

Scene cuts to POTATO in the modern day. He sits on a bench watching another recording of JAEKYUNG's fights. After doing so, he bends his arms up and tries remaking his moves.

POTATO [Narrator]: Not much has changed since that day.

Title screen.

POTATO flashes back to the day he met JAEKYUNG.

POTATO [Narrator]: It was love at first sight. So, I decided I would do anything and everything in my power to stand beside him. But... unfortunately...

Shot zooms out, showing POTATO on the bench as every other BOXER stands around him.

NAMWOOK: Alright, boys. Are we all ready to go?
NAMWOOK: Potato, you hold down the fort here and keep this place in shape!

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