Chapter 40

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Fade in. A montage of JAEKYUNG's morning routine plays until he goes to the door. He glances at DAN, still asleep in bed, and frowns. 

JAEKYUNG [Narrator]: Whoever did that...

The scene follows JAEKYUNG walking down the hall. His angry eyes are focused on.

JAEKYUNG [Narrator]: ...Will pay.

Title screen.

DAN is waking up in bed.

DAN [Internal]: Huh...? What's this? Oh, that's right. Last night, I...

Shots play of the previous night. DAN covers his mouth, turning green.

DAN [Internal]: Oh!
DAN: Oh, god, I'm gonna be sick!

The scene cuts away to the door opening. Two MEDICS walk in.

MEDIC 1: He's awake!
DAN: Huh?! Who the...? [Gags] Ugh!
MEDIC 2: Take this, young man!

MEDIC 2 passes DAN a bucket. He vomits into it. After doing so, DAN blinks hazily and he looks up at the MEDICS.

DAN [Internal]: They're the MMA medics from the hotel... w-why are they...? 
MEDIC 1: What are your symptoms?
MEDIC 2: Can you walk? We'll take you downstairs.
DAN [Groggily]: I'm... ergh...
MEDIC 1: We know about the nutrition booster. Mr Joo has started an investigation. If you come with us, we'll get this started.

DAN's expression is focused on.

DAN [Internal]: Jaekyung? He started a...? No, there's no way. He's all focused on the match right now, he wouldn't have the time for...

DAN flashes back to when he collapsed over JAEKYUNG.

DAN: I uh- I think someone spiked that nutrition booster...
JAEKYUNG: You were drugged?!

The flashback ends. DAN appears puzzled.

DAN [Internal]: I need to get the truth.
DAN: Where's Jaekyung?
MEDICS [Glance at each other]
MEDIC 1: Sir-
DAN: I need to speak with him, is he warming up somewhere?
MEDIC 1: He's in the middle of the match.

DAN's face drops.

DAN: W-what?! 

DAN gets out of bed and, while staggering, throws on a shirt. The MEDICS are exasperated.

MEDIC 1: Sir, wait! Your condition-
DAN: I'll be... o-okay! Just... ergh, l-let me see the match.
MEDIC 2: But, the investigation-
DAN: Can it!
MEDICS: Ugh...

Scene cuts to the stadium. DAN runs in, now wearing JAEKYUNG's jacket. He meets POTATO.

CROWD: Wooo!
DAN: Sunbae! I'm sorry I'm... haa, I'm late.

DAN stops beside POTATO, catching his breath. He leans on POTATO's shoulder.

POTATO: Ah, Doc Dan! You're here, and- [Gasps] What's with that wobble? Are you okay?
DAN: Y-yeah... I'll survive.
POTATO: Are you sure? The medics-
DAN: I'll watch the game first... haa... how's- how's he going?
POTATO: Oh! Things are just starting to turn around out there!
DAN: What do you mean?
POTATO [Awkwardly]: Hyung almost lost it in round one.
DAN: What?!

DAN turns to look at JAEKYUNG on the stadium. His face drops. JAEKYUNG is covered in blood as he's patched up by a group of medics.

ANNOUNCER 1: That elbow strike from Dominque left Jaekyung with a bleeding eye. No doubt, this is gonna impair his vision in the next round. One wrong move and the ref would've called it a K.O. That was too close for comfort!
NAMWOOK: It's alright, Jaekyung. We'll patch you right up. Just be careful not to let him hit you in the same place again.

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