Chapter 10

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Fade in. Scene opens with a shot of JAEKYUNG waking up in bed. His eyes open and dart down, focusing on DAN's sleepy expression. Shot expands, showing DAN nuzzled up against JAEKYUNG's chest. JAEKYUNG's heart races and he blushes. Scene cuts to JAEKYUNG's figure pressed against his bathroom door.

JAEKYUNG [Narrator]: Ah, fuck.

He looks down at his hard dick bulging from his boxers. JAEKYUNG pictures DAN's sleepy exterior again. His teeth clench.

JAEKYUNG [Narrator]: Fuck...

Title screen.

Scene cuts to hours later. DAN's eyes are opening. Lights are overhead.

DAN [Internal]: Hmm...? Was my house always this bright? No, there's no way. Where... am I...?

Shot expands as DAN is in JAEKYUNG's bed. DAN springs forward.

DAN [Internal]: No... is this... Jaekyung's house?!

DAN presses his hand to his forehead, wincing.

DAN [Internal]: Ack... my head... h-how did I end up here? After all that booze... ah, it's a blur. Wait. If he brought me back to his house then...!
DAN: Oh god.

DAN pats his back.

DAN [Internal]: Eh? There's no pain? But then... why else would he...?
JAEKYUNG: What are you doing?

DAN looks up. JAEKYUNG is standing at the foot of the bed.

JAEKYUNG: Putting on a show?
DAN: Well...
JAEKYUNG: What? You worried I had my way with you?
DAN: Like that's a unique occurrence.
JAEKYUNG: Hah. Then don't worry. I'm not into ass that reeks of booze.

DAN flushes red. He frowns.

DAN: Agh, how drunk was I?
JAEKYUNG: You fell over.
DAN: No.

DAN groans to himself, pinching at the bridge of his nose. JAEKYUNG watches, laughing.

DAN: What are you so happy for?!
JAKEYUNG: Ah, no reason. You just...

JAEKYUNG images DAN passed out on his seat. JAEKYUNG takes a sharp turn and DAN's head falls on his shoulder.

DAN: Ergh... mean, mean...

The flashback fades away, returning to the current scene.

JAEKYUNG: ...Acted strange.

DAN glares at him silently.

DAN: What actually happened? ...Why am I here?

DAN gets out of the bed as he speaks.

DAN: You really didn't have any intention of sleeping with me?
JAEKYUNG: None at all.
DAN [Stands in front of JAEKYUNG]: Then why-?
JAEKYUNG: You wouldn't tell me your address. In fact, you passed out as soon as I started driving. What'd you want me to do? Leave you on the side of the road?
DAN: Well...!
DAN [Internal]: That's what I'd expect from you. Joo Jaekyung shows kindness to no one. But...

Shot focuses on DAN's confused expression.

DAN [Sighs]: No. You're right.
DAN: Thank you for helping me. [Bows] I appreciate that.

JAEKYUNG watches him bow. His expression flinches with surprise. DAN lifts his head and shows JAEKYUNG a calm stare.

JAEKYUNG: It was... no problem.
DAN: Good. [Turns away] Then drive me back, I need to get home. Pronto.
JAEKYUNG [Watching him walk off]: What? Am I your Uber driver?
DAN: Basically. Hop to.
JAEKYUNG [Internal]: He just does whatever he wants.

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