Chapter 5

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Fade in. JAEKYUNG is standing with his arm up alongside the referee. ANNOUNCER's omniscient voice is heard over clips.

ANNOUNCER 1: Joo Jaekyung! Just like that, another win!
ANNOUNCER 2: Today's match was truly one for the books!

Footage plays of JAEKYUNG in the match.

ANNOUNCER 2: A clean K.O. from Joo, knocking out his opponent with a front kick! Joo Jaekyung looked like he was in peak condition today!
CROWD: Woohoo!
ANNOUNCER 1: And he did not disappoint! We'll be seeing replays of that for years!

Scene cuts to COACH listening on an iPad in a car. JAEKYUNG is in the shot behind him. ANNOUNCER 2's voice pours from the iPad.

ANNOUNCER 2: You got that right! Just another example of this player's seemingly endless potential! A true genius of mixed martial arts!
NAMWOOK: Man, can we get that replay back up? I could watch it all night.


NAMWOOK: Hey, Hyung. Nice job out there. This is your best performance in a long time. Your training was no different from usual though... what's got you in such peak form today? Did you do something special?
JAEKYUNG: Oh, I just tried something new.

Shot focuses on JAEKYUNG as he flashes back to the other men he's been with.

JAEKYUNG [Narrator]: Yes, this is exactly what I was looking for. I've experimented with all variations until now...

This cuts to JAEKYUNG in the match.

JAEKYUNG [Narrator]: But none have ever put me in the zone like this.

JAEKYUNG is shown in his victorious stance after winning. He imagines DAN in the crowd. Scene cuts back to JAEKYUNG in the car, blushing.

JAEKYUNG [Internal]: I hope he saw that...
JAEKYUNG: Hyung, listen. That new physical therapist, I want to hire him as my private physio.
NAMWOOK: Thank God! We've brought you hundreds and you always turned them down.

JAEKYUNG flashes back to DAN biting his lip as they kissed.

JAEKYUNG [Internal]: None of them were as good as Kim Dan.

Scene cuts to the training room. BOXER 1 wipes his sweat and looks at JAEKYUNG. JAEKYUNG stares at his phone, red with anger.

BOXER 1: Dude, what's up with Jaekyung? Is there something going on?
BOXER 2: It's always something with him.
BOXER 1: But his last match was basically perfect. Why is he so pissed? All day he's he's been staring at his phone.
BOXER 2: What a drama queen...
JAEKYUNG: I can hear you!
BOXER 1 AND 2 [Scream, run off]

JAEKYUNG looks at his phone. It reads 'recent calls; Kim Dan (15)'.

JAEKYUNG [Internal]: He's not picking up. But why...?

JAEKYUNG bursts into the dining room. The coaches, YOSEP and NAMWOOK, are in there.

JAEKYUNG: Hyung! Kim Dan, has he returned your calls yet?
NAMWOOK: Nope. Not yet. You've asked like a million times. I sent him the contract and stuff on messenger. He hasn't gotten back.
JAEKYUNG: Check the messages then! It's been a week! You probably didn't see his reply!
NAMWOOK: Hyung...

Scene shows JAEKYUNG's face red with anger.

NAMWOOK: Jeez, okay! [Takes out phone] Okay, look, we gave him a good offer, he'd be at a loss if he didn't think it over. Maybe he just doesn't want the job.
JAEKYUNG: How long am I meant to wait?!
NAMWOOK: There's no reason to get so mad. Maybe he just didn't like something last time.
JAEKYUNG [Internal]: Didn't like something...?

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