Chapter 16

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Fade in. A shot of JAEKYUNG's penthouse from a distance. Cuts to a shot of DAN massaging JAEKYUNG on his bed.

DAN: All good?
DAN: No tension at all, right?
JAEKYUNG: You want me to repeat myself?
DAN [Sighs]: I got it. Jeez.
DAN [Narrator]: It's been a day since the fight against Randy Booker.

Shot cuts to the outside of the MMA arena. JAEKYUNG is stepping out of the building with two SECURITY GUARDS in front, and NAMWOOK, YOSEP and DAN behind him. PAPARAZZI surround them, snapping photos. The shot is busy, with many people.

DAN [Narrator]: I wasn't intending on staying at his place for the night.

SECURITY GUARDS open the passenger-side door of the car. JAEKYUNG grasps DAN's arm. DAN looks up at him, JAEKYUNG nods. DAN narrows his eyes.

DAN [Narrator]: But...

Shot cuts away, showing the car driving off with DAN and JAEKYUNG in the passenger seats together.

DAN [Narrator]: He's very persuasive.

The flashback ends. DAN looks over JAEKYUNG's frustrated expression.

DAN [Internal]: He really doesn't like being told he needs help.
JAEKYUNG: You're living here now. Right?

DAN holds his breath. They make eye-contact. DAN stops the massage.

DAN: Uh...
JAEKYUNG: No more arguments about it.
DAN: Well-
JAEKYUNG: Good. [Gets up] I'll give you the house rules tonight. I have to be at a press meeting in ten minutes, which'll bleed into another training session. You don't have to come along, but I need you to show up this evening, got that?
DAN: Sure, okay.
JAEKYUNG: 10:00pm, sharp.
DAN: Won't be a minute late.
JAEKYUNG [Smiles]: Good. I'll be off then.

JAKEYUNG turns to leave. He returns after a second. JAEKYUNG places his hands on DAN's ass.

DAN: What the-?!
JAEKYUNG: You did well yesterday. Keep using this and... I'll keep winning. Okay?
DAN: Uh... right.

JAEKYUNG smirks and steps back.

JAEKYUNG [As he leaves]: Stay at the house. See you tonight.

JAEKYUNG is gone. DAN is left alone. Shot expands, showing the large, empty space around DAN.

DAN [Internal]: ...I'm living here now?

Title screen.

Several shots show DAN's day. He watches TV, walks around the penthouse and looks out at the window. Scene cuts to DAN drinking a cup of tea as he sits on a large dining table. The sun is setting. He stirs the drink and heaves a breath.

DAN [Internal]: It's so quiet. This place is huge. Haa...

DAN shifts his head back. He leans forward and looks at the watch on his wrist.

DAN [Internal]: I'm in a penthouse. Living in a penthouse, without pay. This should be amazing... why isn't it amazing?

DAN's phone vibrates. He pulls it from his pocket. The contact reads 'Kim Hae-Sung'. He accepts the call.

DAN: Hae?
HAE [Angrily]: I need to talk to you!
DAN: Yep. That's what a phone-call is.
HAE: Oh my god - in person, you jerk-off. You're free today? ...'Course you are.
DAN: Pfft. I'm a bit tangled up right now.
HAE: Don't care. Meet me at the sushi place by granny's house?
DAN [Internal]: She's so forceful. 

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