Chapter 3

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Fade in. Scene opens with DAN and JAEKYUNG in bed.

DAN: You need me more than I need you.
DAN: You're the one who has to have sex before a match. It's midnight already. You have a small window left before you need to rest. And since we aren't even sex partners, you must be low on contacts to call right now.
DAN: Look, I'll do it. Okay? But, because you need me... I will ask for a couple conditions.
DAN: You will take a shower first. And, you will use condoms.

JAEKYUNG chuckles to himself. He looks away.

JAEKYUNG: You could use a shower too.
DAN: Fine.

DAN gets off the bed.

DAN: Lead the way.

Scene cuts to a shower head running water. DAN stands by the door of the bathroom as JAEKYUNG is adjusting the handles for the water temperature.

DAN [Internal]: This place is huge.

JAEKYUNG faces DAN. He stares him in the eyes as he removes his shirt. DAN blushes seeing him in this light.

DAN [Internal]: He's so...
JAEKYUNG: Hey. Get naked already.
DAN [Internal]: ...Annoying.
DAN: Why am I showering again?
JAEKYUNG: I asked you too. We follow our employer's orders, don't we?
DAN [Glares at him]

JAEKYUNG drops his pants. Shot follows him leaning in to speak to DAN.

JAEKYUNG: Don't we?
DAN: I swear...
JAEKYUNG: Don't make me strip you.

JAEKYUNG's hands reach out to touch him. DAN raises his hand up and stops him. DAN pulls his shirt off, over his head. JAEKYUNG stares at him silently.

DAN [Internal]: Like I thought...

DAN removes his pants. JAEKYUNG's eyes are glued on him.

DAN [Internal]: He likes my body.

Title screen.

DAN: What?
JAEKYUNG: Just checking something.
DAN: Eh?

JAEKYUNG slinks his hand down DAN's boxers. DAN gasps.

DAN: Hey! What do you think you're-?!
JAEKYUNG: Hard. Of course.
DAN [Pushes him]: Hey!

JAEKYUNG stumbles back a few paces from the shove. He lets out a sudden laugh. JAEKYUNG grabs DAN's forearm and slams him into the glass shower pane. He falls onto his ass, with the boxers hanging on his ankles now.

DAN: You... dick!

JAEKYUNG pulls the boxers from his ankles off. As he does it, DAN kicks his legs.

DAN: Hey!

JAEKYUNG drops his underwear on the floor and joins him in the shower. DAN is lifted up by him, through a hold on his neck.

JAEKYUNG: We came to fuck, didn't we?
DAN: Tossing people... isn't how you... fuck! Let go of me!
DAN [Internal]: This guy is either really kinky or thinks the asshole tearing is a part of prep.
JAEKYUNG: Oh, are you going to teach me about sex now?
DAN: Usually... [Grabs his neck] it starts with this.

DAN kisses JAEKYUNG. JAEKYUNG is surprised. Shot shows water falling over them as they kiss. JAEKYUNG then bites his lip. 

DAN: Ahh!
JAEKYUNG: Heh. You really are crazy, Kim Dan.

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