Chapter 13

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Fade in. Scene opens on DAN in JAEKYUNG's bed as a DOCTOR checks his pulse. He shines a light on his eyes. DOCTOR moves the blanket off and is shocked to see DAN's bruised figure.

DOCTOR: Goodness...

DOCTOR stares at JAEKYUNG, mouth agape.

JAEKYUNG: That- okay, that wasn't me.
DOCTOR: You slept with him in this state?
JAEKYUNG: It was the heat of the moment, doc-
DOCTOR: Mr Joo! [Stares at him, horrified] I don't care if you were blinded by passion! Look at the state of this young man! this is beyond the pale! Honestly...

JAEKYUNG pinches the bridge of his nose, sighing.

JAEKYUNG [Internal]: Whatever. It was for his own good.

Shot focuses on JAEKYUNG as the DOCTOR speaks.

DOCTOR: Then what about his...? Oh! Oh dear.

The shot expands. DOCTOR puts his hands on his hips.

DOCTOR: My word. With a patient in this condition, why didn't you just come to the hospital? Why call me here?
JAEKYUNG: Are you nuts? Picture the headlines. "Man killed by Joo Jaekyung." They won't know about the robbery.
DOCTOR: Ah, you're not wrong. [Looks at DAN] Well, to start with, he's suffering from severe exhaustion. He'll have to come in for some tests for a more exact workup, but I can see right away that none of his external injuries show signs of treatments... 


DOCTOR: In any case, he needs rest. I don't want you pushing him anymore.
DOCTOR: When he wakes up, tell him to be sure he eats properly, and to come in for those tests as soon as he can. I mean it. It's better safe than sorry.

DOCTOR switches to a chibi style as he clears his throat.

DOCTOR: So... Mr Joo... do you by any chance... know what foreplay is...?

JAEKYUNG is immediately insulted. DOCTOR raises his hands up in defense.

DOCTOR: Ah, so you do! Fantastic! I was just-!
JAEKYUNG: He was fighting me for this. He asked for it. He wanted it! It's not my fault he's like this!
DOCTOR: ...I see! [Looks away awkwardly] I'm aware your tastes are a bit rough, Mr Joo... and I get that these boys know what they're signing up for with you...

DOCTOR points to DAN's bruised, faint self.

DOCTOR: But this one, his constitution's just too weak. If you keep going at him like this, you really might end up in the headlines.

Shot hangs on JAEKYUNG's expression. 

JAEKYUNG [Internal]: Weak...?

DOCTOR elbows him playfully.

DOCTOR: Try a few kisses, you know? Even some caresses, hmm? A little slower pace makes all the difference!
DOCTOR: Put on some music~ set the scene, light a couple candles~ Oooh! Romantic! [Eyes become hearts]

JAEKYUNG turns red with anger.

JAEKYUNG: Tone it down, will you? Unless you want the whole hospital finding out.
DOCTOR: Eep! My precious paycheck~! Welp!

Scene expands. DOCTOR steps away from JAEKYUNG, holding a bag.

DOCTOR: It's time to get to that job of mine, so I'll be off. Be sure he rests today, hmm? Feed him well! And stay close by him! Lots and lots of foreplayyy~
JAEKYUNG: Are you done?

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