Chapter 35

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Fade in. A shot of the Seoul city. HEESUNG and DAN sit in a restaurant booth, about to kiss.

HEESUNG: That's funny. Because I...

DAN and HEESUNG lean in closely, their mouths almost touching. DAN shuts his eyes. Shot shows the corner of HEESUNG's mouth lifting. He grabs DAN's face with both hands and pulls him back. DAN's eyes expand. HEESUNG gives him a grin.

HEESUNG: Don't like you.

DAN looks confused.

DAN: What? What are you talking about?

HEESUNG lets go of him. He gets out of the booth and stands up, adjusting his shirt. DAN's eyes follow him.

DAN: Wait... the crowded restaurant... the meal... is this-?
HEESUNG: A break-up, yes. Though, I wouldn't really call it that since we never dated. Go ahead and terminate our upcoming sessions, I never had back pain to begin with.
DAN: What?!
HEESUNG: You should really focus on JK right now. He's been in a bad state lately.
DAN [Internal]: Jaekyung...?
HEESUNG: It's unfortunate. He really doesn't deserve you. He made it impossible to progress further here, though, with all of his whining. Ah, when that bastard pines, he really pines.
DAN: I- I don't understand.
HEESUNG: You will. Well, this is the end. You were fun, Kim Dan, very fun. [Grins] You're just fucking annoying.
DAN: No... [Shakes head] Why are you doing this?
HEESUNG: I don't like you. Quite frankly, I never did. Now please, be on your way. I'll cover your bill.

DAN stands up silently.

DAN: You really are a terrible person...

He turns around and deserts the restaurant. HEESUNG watches him leave before sitting back in the booth. He looks at JAEKYUNG through the window. HEESUNG calls JAEKYUNG.

HEESUNG: He's all yours, JK. 

Shot expands. JAEKYUNG looks stunned.

JAEKYUNG [Internal]: I can't believe he actually did it.
HEESUNG: You'll never take one of mine again, right?
JAEKYUNG [Phone-call]: Of course.
HEESUNG: Good. And just a heads-up... he likes 'em nice. Treat him well, JK.
JAEKYUNG [Internal]: I see.

HEESUNG stands up and leaves. The shot follows him.

HEESUNG [Narrator]: Now...

A flashback plays of JAEKYUNG and HEESUNG in the steam room.

JAEKYUNG: What'll it be?
HEESUNG: I want a background check on Hwang Yoon-gu. All the details and contacts you have at your disposal. [Goes to the door] Send it tonight.

Cuts back to HEESUNG in the modern day.

HEESUNG [Narrator]: To give my old friend a visit.

Title screen.

A/N: In BJ Alex, Chapter 26 was spent flashing back of the first time MD and Chanwoo met. This is a replication of that.

Scene opens on a shot of HEESUNG sitting at a table with three other JUDGES. He looks at his phone sadly - it has a photo of MAN on it. In front of him, a PERFORMER is running lines.

JUDGE 2: Mr Choi?

HEESUNG turns to JUDGE 2.

HEESUNG: Hm? [Looks at PERFORMER] Oh, right. Next!

PERFORMER leaves. JUDGES are annoyed, they look at HEESUNG.

JUDGE 2: What was that?
HEESUNG: Sorry, I just didn't like it.
JUDGE 3: You're being a little critical, aren't you?
JUDGE 1: What are you doing, talking back to Mr Choi? It's his first time as a producer, let him be picky.
JUDGE 3: But that kid was great!
HEESUNG: Not great enough. 

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