Chapter 37

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Fade in. A REPORTER holds up a microphone reading 'MFC'. She stands beside JAEKYUNG.

REPORTER: This week's MFC 274... a truly show-stopping match between a middleweight legend and a light heavyweight legend awaits us!

She passes the microphone to JAEKYUNG.

REPORTER: Now, let's meet our light heavyweight legend, The Emperor himself, straight from Korea! The one, the only, Joo Jaekyung! How long has it been since you've visited the states?

The shot zooms out as their words become muffled. DAN watches in the crowd.

DAN [Narrator]: Even abroad, Jaekyung's popularity is plain to see. The two players are so well known that guests have flooded to the arena unlike ever before.

DAN watches him with a cold stare.

DAN [Narrator]: It made me realise all over again just how unfair luck can be. 

Shots play of JAEKYUNG, POTATO and DAEHYUN running together.

JAEKYUNG: Keep up you two!
DAEHYUN: S-slow! Down!
DAN [Narrator]: A man as cruel as him with an audience he barely notices. Ridiculous...

Cuts to JAEKYUNG sitting on the ground. NAMWOOK is beside him.

NAMWOOK: Jaekyung! That's enough for now! Any more will be too much.
JAEKYUNG: I say when enough is enough. [Wipes sweat from his forehead] Where the fuck is my towel?

DAN holds it out for him.

DAN: Here. 

JAEKYUNG flinches, surprised at the sight of him. He slowly takes it.

JAEKYUNG: Oh. Thank you, doc.
DAN: Pfft.

DAN gives him a disapproving glare. JAEKYUNG's shoulders slouch and he stands up.

JAEKYUNG [Internal]: I don't get it... I'm being nice...

Title screen.

POTATO and DAEHYUN lay on their beds in agony as DAN sits on his, observing them.

POTATO: Oh god, I'm dying... I thought I'd be able to do some tourist stuff while we were here but there's no down time at all...
DAEHYUN: Jaekyung Hyung's really all in on training.
DAN: Can I help you in any way? A massage?

DAEHYUN and POTATO stare at DAN in awe.

DAEHYUNG [Chibi]: Please!!
POTATO: Me first!
DAEHYUN: No, me!
POTATO: I'm his Sensei!

DAN watches in awkward silence.

DAN [Internal]: They all need private physios. Why is it just him?

Shot cuts to DAN performing a deep friction massage POTATO as he lays on his stomach. DAEHYUN watches, pouting.

DAEHYUN: This is so not fair, y'know?
POTATO: Who had the bigger straw, hmm? Ack!
DAN: I'm sorry, there's tension there. You really strained your lower back. [Sighs] It's not easy keeping up with Jaekyung, is it?
POTATO: Jaekyung...?
DAN: Huh?

Chibi DAN and POTATO stare at each other.

POTATO: Oh! The training! Yes, yes! That's why I- of course!
DAEHYUN: Dumbass.
DAN: Pfft. [Smiles]
POTATO: I can handle the training. The hardest part is how scary Jaekyung Hyung's gotten.

A shot plays of JAEKYUNG grabbing YOSEP by the shirt.

POTATO: Earlier, when he almost got into a fight with the local coaches... that was nuts.
DAEHYUN: I know, right? 

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