Chapter 38

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Fade in. DAN closes a door and faces NAMWOOK, POTATO, DAEHYUN, YOSEP and JAEKYUNG. He holds a pink smoothie.

NAMWOOK: Who was it?
DAN: A staff member. He brought Jaekyung this nutrition shake.
NAWMOOK: Really? They sent up the right number earlier. Jaekyung's drank them all already.
DAN: Oh, I'll give this back, then.
POTATO: No way! Those shakes are delicious!
DAN: Eh, really?
NAMWOOK: They probably just had one lying around. You go ahead and drink it, doc.
DAN: Jaekyung?
JAEKYUNG [Shrugs]: I don't mind.

DAN drinks it. JAEKYUNG stands up.

JAEKYUNG: Well, I need to rest.

NAMWOOK becomes alerted. He flails his arms around, ushering everyone out in a chibi form.

NAMWOOK: That's right! Everyone out! Our emperor needs his sleep if he wants to be the champion tonight!
EVERYONE [Gets up]
DAEHYUN: Yeah, yeah.

The shot focuses on DAN turning his head. JAEKYUNG waves goodbye to him. DAN turns away. The door slams and JAEKYUNG hangs his head.


Shot cuts to DAN, POTATO and DAEHYUN walking outside of the room. DAN lags behind silently.

POTATO: Damn, I can't wait to see Jaekyung Hyung destroy that guy! He thinks he's such a big shot!
DAEHYUN: Uh, he is a big shot. Dominic is a hero of the sport; you can't be rooting for his downfall.
POTATO: So, you're rooting against Jaekyung Hyung then?
DAEHYUN: Well- I never said that! 

Their words are faded out. DAN is focused on - he blushes and sweats profusely.

DAN [Internal]: That's strange... why does my body feel like it's... it's burning...?

DAN collapses onto the ground. POTATO and DAEHYUN turn to him, shocked.


POTATO runs to him.

DAEHYUN: W-what's wrong?!

Title screen.

DAN lays in his bed. POTATO presses a hand to his forehead, reading his body temperature. DAEHYUN leans over the bed.

POTATO: Oh no, you're burning up, doc.
DAN: Haa... haa.
POTATO: Doc, are you sure you're alright? Your face is beet red.
DAN: I must be coming down with something. I feel a bit dizzy, but it's better now that I'm laying down.
DAEHYUN: This looks pretty bad! Are you sure you just have a cold?
POTATO: Maybe it's an allergic reaction or something. Did you eat anything new, doc?

POTATO turns to DAEHYUN in a chibi style.

POTATO: Seafood, maybe!
DAEHYUN: Oh, do you really think he ate seafood today?
POTATO: I'm just spit-balling!
DAN: No... no, I don't remember anything like that.

An image of the drink DAN had earlier plays.

DAN: ...Aside from that nutrition booster.

DAN's eyebrows raise.

DAN [Internal]: Hold on. The guy that gave it to me had that malicious glow about him. What if-?
DAEHYUN: You don't think there was something wrong with that drink, do you? Jaekyung Hyung had several of them.
POTATO: Yeah, they never make me sick.
DAN: Maybe something was in it.

DAEHYUN and POTATO glance at each other suspiciously.

POTATO: The drink was made for Jaekyung...
DAN [Internal]: It's the only possible reason...
DAEHYUN: Uhh, let's not draw conclusions just yet, doc. Try sleeping it off for now, a good night's rest is the best medicine. We'll be right by you, anyway - just start screaming if it gets really bad and we'll take you to the clinic!
DAN: Okay.

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